Two-Click Banning

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Sonicandtails218 said:
Come to think of it, Arrow, have you ever actually banned anyone? We always chalk it up to Mystic and FF, I was wondering if you were ever involved.

I've given out eight bans just in the last two months.
Still waiting for my ban over here...
Its been three years guys, talk about slacking!
I mean, it explains why 1.1 isn't close to done yet.... silly slackers... programming is for Code Monkeys!
Mystic said:
This is just a warning to all, but the banning system has been majorly streamlined by AJ. Now, all we need to do to ban you is click "okay" twice, and it will do everything else for us.

What this means is that we will be MUCH more liberal about giving out bans whenever it is appropriate, so bans should be much more frequent now for those breaking the rules.

You have been forewarned.
*a massive gulp is heard around the world*
srb2 os very popular in cleveland....

ah2190 said:
But yet if someone used more than one account, that could be a problem. If you ban just one of them, they could use the others, and they would had evaded the ban by doing that. If I was a mod, and I found out that someone was using more than one account, I would send a message to all of the accounts that they better deleate all but one account - if they give a GOOD reason why they are using more than one account, I would let them be, but if not, and they didn't deleate all but one account, I would deleate ALL their accounts - no exception! But I'm not a mod, just a normal user. So I couldn't do that, even if I wanted to. But this would help stop people from advoiding bans.

Adam Hillman.

Ok, I don't want to be banned for backseat moderating, but do I even have to say it?

Adam, the administrators can tell who is evading a ban easily by checking their IP, and yes, people DO get banned for evading bans. There would be no reason for someone to use more than one account other than evading, and there is no good enough reason to use more than one. Honestly, you don't have to delete it, you disable the account, and ban the regular one, this way you can tell which account is which (copy vs. real), but usually if it's a useless account, such as one without posts, they do a member purge which gets rid of them, and sort of "cleans up" the member list. "Advoiding bans" is actually a good thing, and why would you want to help stop it? To avoid a ban means to follow the rules in order to stay, and trying hardest not to break one. Evading a ban is a different story, but if they've been permanently banned (either Strike 3, or the newest one, (Permbanned Instant)) they won't be able to even see the forum from their own household (considering the house uses the same router, and not more than one (which doesn't make sense)), which renders them pretty much screwed. I hope that helped explain things.


well i hope i dont get banned for reporting this

i was at the library yesterday... and well this girl was on thr srb2 forums...
she well i dunno what shed did but shed gotten banned
like five minutes later shed gotten on another computer
and she was in the forums again...
i had asked her what did she do and she simply said
"well its not that complicated....
im not at home and im only banned at home
since there are like 9 computers here if i wanna go to the forums
then all i gotta do is go to another computer
they all dont have the same IP address"

this is evasion isint it...

i mean when i got banned...

i just went through it

i took my punishment...

but this girl ....

im sorry i didnt see her username....

well anyways how do you deal with that?
Well the news this brings kicks some serious seaking. And if that's too memeish, then it just kicks ass.

I'd love to figure out a way to just attract more intelligent users, but in the noob's case of easy come - easy go, that's not half-bad either.
SSN could try programming it to give you a spelling/grammar test when you sign up. Of course, that would take a lot of programming.
Wait, this supports permanent banning right?

(oh by the way, I know you installed hacks, not mods SSN ololol)

Well, when you get bored, you click things.

Anyway, yeah, to install a hack, you would probably have to manually code in the changes, unlike most mods, which you can install easymod into the forum's database, and easily (and automatically) install mods with a couple of clicks.

Some mods do involve manual coding (because of course, an automated system isn't always perfect), but not usually. A mod and a hack are two different things, by the way.
Well, it seems that the new banning system is effective - and it seems that some people who wanted to complain while quoting me ended up getting banned, although it may just be a conisedent.

Oh, and Blue Warrior, I'm intelligent. But I wouldn't be here if it wasn't for some website that lets you download games for free - If I never found that site, I wouldn't have downloaded SRB2 - and I wouldn't be here! So it's more than just finding a way to attract users - luck can play a part as well.

Adam Hillman
Ok, then I dare you to find the hack/mod on the internet.
ah2190 said:
Oh, and Blue Warrior, I'm intelligent. But I wouldn't be here if it wasn't for some website that lets you download games for free - If I never found that site, I wouldn't have downloaded SRB2 - and I wouldn't be here! So it's more than just finding a way to attract users - luck can play a part as well.

I was talking about the majority of newcomers, not you, of course; there are obviously smart people joining here still, but the ratio of newbies to noobs is still very one-sided.
SSNTails, I wouldn't accept that dare. Honstly, if I was to accept it, I would want to first find what mod you used.

on Edge, I was saying that it seems that the people who replied to my post, quoting me, ended up getting banned - even if it wasn't for that.

Blue Warrior, I was pointing out that luck can play a part with the users you get - at the moment, more noobs seem to be joining. That could be because of bad luck.

Flame, SSNTails will get to coding SRB2 when he can.

Adam Hillman.
ah2190 said:
Blue Warrior, I was pointing out that luck can play a part with the users you get - at the moment, more noobs seem to be joining. That could be because of bad luck.

Well, it's bad luck that they're still here and growing, that's for sure. The problem is, when someone grows interested in a fad, they share it with a couple of their e-friends, and those guys do the same thing. Many of the same people are told until they're pretty much an internet community camping at the fad. For life. Or something.

Now, let's say that first person is a friggin' noob. Most of his friends are probably noobs as well (with the exception of two or three), and so on. So let that noob tell others, and let them pass it on to other noobs, and repeat the process for two more SRB2 versions; the effects are equivalent to giant e-coli cybering under your master server.

I don't know how big of a role it plays, but it can vary depending on who the noob tells. Let's say he has a mySpace, with about two hundred logged on friends. He puts it in his sig, or whatever the hell mySpace has, and a fourth of those two hundred friends become interested in it. Half of them will repeat the same process. It's unfortunately the smart people that are a little more anonymous about it. Many of them (including me) don't have anything like a mySpace, and even if we did, we wouldn't put in a billion friends. More than half of them would probably be lifeless emos from some other far-off planet where the sky is red anyway. By the looks of things, smarter places, it seems, either don't care, or are just sparse or nearly unpopulated. The effects of advertisement from that angle would have a lesser extent, I would think.

By this point, there would be one thing keeping a person from playing an online game: the community. Let's say times are great, and netgames are almost always of decent or above caliber. There is a wad categorizing system going on that filters all maps that aren't fit for SRB2 on the forums and site, and most hosts use console wisely and effectively. One day, a noob joins a netgame and says "add sms". Everyone else says, "What the hell? Get out." The noob makes a server and puts gravity to 0. Everyone who joins has seen it a hundred times and is not interested, so they leave. The noob is unhappy with the results, so he does not tell his friends what a great game it is. E-coli destroyed.

Let's go to flopside now. Coop servers severely outnumber everything else, sometimes on Skill Easy, with SMS added, or with 999 startrings or gravity 0; sometimes it's just a dumbass who loaded in over nine thousand wads so that nobody could join the "teh awsumest server evar", as the guy named it. At this point, there are already several noob hosts, and many noob joiners, so these acts are only encouraged most of the time by their moronic friends which populate the server. The T-cell of the master server (Alam), is trying to get rid of them, but different ones keep popping up, or the people he bans have a dynamic IP. Meanwhile, the white blood cells of the forums (admins) are shooting freakin' antibodies all over the places, and now they've created a machine gun antibody (easy ban button) to get rid of them ev--

...What the HELL am I doing? I'm having an analogy comparing an online community to the HUMAN BODY. Christ, I've got to end this post before I become more of a nutcase than I already am.

Anyway, even though the smarter part of the community is trying to disencourage the noobs from coming back, they keep on multiplying like friggin' bunnies. The noobs are still coming because there's already several hundred tents of them. It doesn't have much to do with just luck more so than it does with the standard effects of population. Noob immigration, forced noob emigration, but STILL a lot of noob immigration, because they like hanging out with the noobs still living there.

Simply put, there's more noobs coming because we already have noobs. If we could figure out a way to make the noobs shut up, then a large percentage of noob immigration should stop. There. My back hurts for some stupid reason, so I'm going to sleep. Feel free to build on / object to my insane post of an equal length to a life story.
Segmint said:
Mystic said:
No, it's much, MUCH worse than that.

Steps to ban someone previously:

1. Go into the ban control and ban them.
2. Go into the user control and change their title to "Tempbanned (Strike 1)"
3. Go into the Staff Lounge and add the line "Username (Strike 1; Ban Reason; Date)" into the Administrative Action Log
4. Private message the banned user with the ban reason.
5. Three days later, unban him, change his user title back, and go back into the Administrative Action Log to report that the ban has been undone.
Now, then, that SUCKED.

Well, Mystic, just to ban them normally wouldn't take too long, but since all of the bans are pretty much specialized here, I can see how this is a huge improvement.

Oh, by the way, did you code in the ability for the forum to automatically unban a user after a certain amount of time? If not, I say that would be pretty useful, and;

ah2190 said:
But yet if someone used more than one account, that could be a problem. If you ban just one of them, they could use the others, and they would had evaded the ban by doing that. If I was a mod, and I found out that someone was using more than one account, I would send a message to all of the accounts that they better deleate all but one account - if they give a GOOD reason why they are using more than one account, I would let them be, but if not, and they didn't deleate all but one account, I would deleate ALL their accounts - no exception! But I'm not a mod, just a normal user. So I couldn't do that, even if I wanted to. But this would help stop people from advoiding bans.

Adam Hillman.

Ok, I don't want to be banned for backseat moderating, but do I even have to say it?

Adam, the administrators can tell who is evading a ban easily by checking their IP, and yes, people DO get banned for evading bans. There would be no reason for someone to use more than one account other than evading, and there is no good enough reason to use more than one. Honestly, you don't have to delete it, you disable the account, and ban the regular one, this way you can tell which account is which (copy vs. real), but usually if it's a useless account, such as one without posts, they do a member purge which gets rid of them, and sort of "cleans up" the member list. "Advoiding bans" is actually a good thing, and why would you want to help stop it? To avoid a ban means to follow the rules in order to stay, and trying hardest not to break one. Evading a ban is a different story, but if they've been permanently banned (either Strike 3, or the newest one, (Permbanned Instant)) they won't be able to even see the forum from their own household (considering the house uses the same router, and not more than one (which doesn't make sense)), which renders them pretty much screwed. I hope that helped explain things.

That would be troublesome for those of us who have brothers, sisters, and cousins living in the same house and using the same computer.
SSNtails is obviously a genius here! *claps* It's great that now we won't have to worry about noob invasions or advertising bot invasions as much.
I just have to ask: Couldn't a hacker just come here and erase all the data on this forum that relates to users? how hard would it be for that to happen?
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