[Open Assets] SRB2 Asset Pack v2.0

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Sonic Team Junior
Some of you oldbies might remember that something like this existed back in the days of 1.09.4. I tossed the idea of reviving it around in 'fun and surprisingly, there was a lot of interest for it! After that, I asked if anyone had something to contribute. Before I knew it, I ended up with more than 350 textures and over 200 flats. Custom SOCs and things will also be included in a later version, if there are enough of them.

So what exactly is this 'asset pack'? Well, it's a WAD file containing all sorts of custom resources, all of which are free to be used in your own levels! (as long as you mention the usage of this pack whenever you release it, of course)

  • Lava factory-themed
  • Death Egg textures
  • Casino textures
  • Desert Palace (S3&K) textures
  • Hidden Palace (S3&K) textures
  • Labyrinth (S1) textures
  • Mushroom Hill (S3&K) textures
  • Marble (S1) textures
  • Tropical grassland-themed textures
  • Star Light (S1) textures
  • Cyberspace textures
  • City textures
  • Scrap Brain (S1) textures
  • And quite a few more miscellaneous textures

Because copying only a few of these custom resources is such a hassle for most people, and because instead copying all the resources will unnecessarily bloat your map's filesize, I came up with a simple solution that allows you to use all these textures and flats:
  • When editing your map in SRB2DB, go to Map Options under Tools (or press F2).
  • Click the 'Browse...' button next to the line 'Additional Textures and Flats from WAD file:'
  • Navigate to 'srb2assetpack.wad'
  • Double click it.
After that, the textures and flats will show up in the texture browser and can be used in your map. When you're testing your map, you will also need to add the asset pack, if you don't want to be greeted by various errors and missing textures or REDWALL. And of course, make sure to mention the usage of this asset pack when releasing your level, to prevent others from suffering that fate.

One more important thing to note is that submissions are always open, so if you think you have something to contribute: please send it to me (via PM)! If it's good enough, I will be more than happy to include it! Not only will you continue your life knowing that you've helped this community, your name will even be included under Supporters / CoAuthors!

Download link can be found under the attachment, and in case it wasn't obvious, the .rar file needs to be unzipped first.

Have fun, and I hope to see this used a lot in the future!


  • srb2assetpack.rar
    318.3 KB · Views: 2,999
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Hey, this looks really cool! I can see this being used a lot.

Something like this should be made standard, so that it can be used in all the OLDC maps and the like. Cause, you know, the rules now are no custom textures or anything except in the single player division, and that kind of defeats a major use for it in and of itself.
Something like this should be made standard, so that it can be used in all the OLDC maps and the like. Cause, you know, the rules now are no custom textures or anything except in the single player division, and that kind of defeats a major use for it in and of itself.
That's actually being considered.

So, what are the custom SOCs in it, if at all? o.o
None right now, as the first post tells you.
Oh man, I was beginning to think that these textures would never see the light of day, then you come along and release them for public use! Good job, sirs; good job.

As I'm sure you guys know, I already use the Labyrinth textures in Tortured Planet. I don't know yet if I will use anything else now that it's all out, but it's certainly worth a look.
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Oh man, they are really good! I was looking for something like this for a long time!
Also, I know Nev3r was working on some Hidden Palace textures, and some of these look convincingly like his, so I was wondering if you got his permission for any of these.
Ooooooh ! I love it ! This is a great idea, Spherallic ! 5 stars !
About Desert Palace Zone textures ... there are only two textures, a bit unfortunate. The level on the megadrive is not very well supplied with textures, also ...

Ah yes. I badly need to use your wad for Temporal Line and my other levels.

I will take care of putting your name :
==> In file MAINCFG (with thanks)
==> On the download page Srb2 MB (with thanks)
==> In the "Supporters / coauthors"

Tortured Planet has used some of these textures, huh ?

If there are updates or other wads of this type with a lot of textures, I'll take it. It's a good job, keep going ! (Gni gni.)
Also, I know Nev3r was working on some Hidden Palace textures, and some of these look convincingly like his, so I was wondering if you got his permission for any of these.
Wait. Nev3r made Hidden Palace textures? I wasn't even aware of that, so I can assure you that I made them myself, without any help from others.

Internet Explorer said:
Tortured Planet has used some of these textures, huh ?
Yep! I gave him my Labyrinth textures because I thought they would fit well in GCZ, and then I decided to put them in this pack :)
Heh, about time this was released. =P

...now that I've got internet on here again, I can finally send Spherallic a zip with Spring Yard textures. =D
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Can I add this to SRB2CB? :P

TX_START means no more texture conflicts or flat duplicates YAY!!!

I can also progam-ize any SOCS or enemies this thing has too, if needed.
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