2.2 Preview - With Slopes!

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I'd personally estimate any Lua script or SOC file which doesn't involve the player will have a 95% chance of working in 2.2, and any script which does would have a 40% chance unmodified, 80% chance with state name constant replacement and pflag and panim updates.

Maps will be somewhere in the range of 80-85% compatible - a bit less than the 95% from 2.0 to 2.1, which broke zoom tubes and a very small handful of other things.

Graphics such as flats, textures, and objects will require a rudimentary palette conversion which can be batch-completed by SLADE. These graphics may need renaming if they are designed to replace existing graphics, or supplementary SOC scripts (for objects) and TEXTURES lumps (for textures) may need to be supplied in order to revert behaviour and completely replace them.

Character .WADs will be unsalvagable without significant effort expenditure. Sprite renaming and Lua scripts (as mentioned above). New skinflags - SF_NOJUMPSPIN, anyone? - to replace the functionality of CA2_NONE causing air uncurling... There's a high likelihood S_SKIN lumps may also change beyond the realm of being easy to port, but that wouldn't be the case if 2.2 were released today. (Which it definitely wouldn't.)

The format of TEXTURES lumps is almost certainly identical, except for the part where the " character may be treated as whitespace (ZDooM and SLADE are pickier now than when SRB2 added support for it, and we'd rather not make the parser any stricter...)

If anyone else can think of another type of lump people often modify, I'd be happy to run down the current state of it.
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Well it makes sense for the levels that will be Major changes lile GFZ and ACZ. But the idea of transfering emblems from older versions seem very handy.

How about add more emblems?
That doesn't change the fact that gamedata.dat is a binary file, so any change in the syntax would be wholly incompatible between versions.

That said, a conversion program would be dead simple to write. I was already planning to throw one together for 2.2.
Does that new palette have more colours? I've been wondering if Srb2 will ever support more colours eventually, it would make a lot of things easier map design wise.

It's always a pain to convert textures to a lower bit format and maintain the original look. I know a lot of this is just a limitation of the original engine.
A lot of the relevant info can be found on this page, assuming you have the forum set up to show 20 posts a page.
I dont know why i didnt think of this.

But will 2.2 have new music? The music we have in 2.1 already isnt bad but it would be refreshing to have new music to listen to.
Wait, I know this has probably been asked a lot. But is there going to be a RVZ act 2? The wiki says it will be in 2.2
And how will the minecart gimmick in ACZ2 Work? Will it be similar to Sunset Park from Sonic Triple Trouble, as Spindashing makes you go faster?
Correct me if I'm wrong, but wasn't the deciding factor of release of 2.2 finishing both ACZ and RVZ? If so, RVZ2 and 3 should be in there too.
Correct. However, the goalposts have changed due to slopes and we need to finish fitting those in the stages. We are not sure what the final milestones for 2.2 are at this point. If it was just ACZ2 and 3 our stage designers could have just focused on that and potentially had 2.2 out already. The scope of 2.2 has changed completely because of this.
Correct me if I'm wrong, but wasn't the deciding factor of release of 2.2 finishing both ACZ and RVZ? If so, RVZ2 and 3 should be in there too.

No, it was just finishing ACZ, last I remember. RVZ probably will get more attention in future releases.
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