• Do not use Works in Progress as a way of avoiding the releases system! Works in Progress can be used for sharing early betas and for getting suggestions for improvement. Releases of finished content are not allowed in this forum! If you would like to submit a finished addon, click here for instructions on how to do so.

KIMOKAWAIII Is My Origin, KIMOKAWAIII Always Waits And Is Intensely Interested


I submitted the wrong map. And I've looked through every iteration I had. I saved over all the work I did the entire final day.

Sorry for having you get stuck with a half-finished map because I was too stupid to realize.

Edit: Negate this and read below.
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Oh thank fuck ZB does backups on its own.

While the above still is true to some extent, I looked at Zone Builder's '.WAD.BACKUP1' of the map and the true final version of the map is saved there, thank God.
I've uploaded it exactly as such. To play it, just the remove the .BACKUP1 file extension and keep it as a simple .WAD.

And just know
Whoever came up with the idea of automatic backups for Zone Builder
I love you
I love you so much


  • TrueFinalHeights.zip
    952.3 KB · Views: 247
I don't want to make any promises yet but I am working on a boss. It's made up of placeholder sprites so it's not like I can show it right now though.

Here's a... um... thing I made yesterday because I was bored and thought it might be useful. Not a map, rather a character. But its sprites matter more.

Why am I posting a character WAD on the KIMOIII thread? Because it's related to the SUGOI series and could come to good use for, say, cutscenes or objects.

It's a full sprite set of Sonic with anime eyes

WAD is named SUGOI.wad because spoilers (if there even are any)

It's not a rickroll, I swear


  • SUGOI.zip
    107.7 KB · Views: 258
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(WIP, obviously)


Download: The map is attached
Title: Egg Lasershow
Submitters: Chaobrother
Credits: The music is "kalomie" by toady from Mod Archive. Voices from Sonic Adventure.
Maintainer Notes: The map has not been tested in multiplayer. The map will crash zone builder if you attempt to enter Visual Mode.


  • sc_egglasershowFinal.zip
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Really cool stuff already! Nice to see our first submitted entry, and special shout out to Bobo for putting and immediate smile on my face for it's cute goofiness. Cuoofiness. :D
Download: The map is attached
Title: Egg Flambe
Submitters: Glaber
Credits: Music taken From Sonic 3d blast Genesis
Yes, all 3 tracks.
Maintainer Notes: Boss is now in Delta. Egg flambe now has a Panic attack in lieu of not retreating. Map also now has a proper icon. Delta version uploaded on July 3rd

Download removed for being out of date.
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VS True Protagonist

Test version for feedback, download attached

My boss is at a good spot right now so I thought I'd release it standalone, see what people think and apply enhancements while working on the actual arena for the fight. So placeholder map, no pinch phase (though maybe it's not needed, y'all tell me) and possibly unspotted oddities (do tell if you run into these, but the only one left should be the thing with the missile dolls self-destructing for no reason). Also if you find any cheese strategies I'd love to know that too. I'm not going to change the boss to invalidate them, you can trust me!
And yes, the music does fly in the face of the rules, it's just something I had added for my amusement back when I started and it's going to be removed for the proper KIMOIII release.


    4 MB · Views: 244
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Download: Attached to the post
Title: Mechanical Garden
Submitter: BronsoKip
Credits: The gate floor and display textures are by me, and the music is Left Alone by MasterMind https://modarchive.org/index.php?request=view_by_moduleid&query=33341
Maintainer Notes: It needs horizontal springs to be added. Sorry it's so late, and there are some errors error messages on start that I couldn't find out how to fix, but here is my map:


  • Mechanical Garden.zip
    870.4 KB · Views: 243
  • srb20025.jpg
    156.3 KB · Views: 424
Download: Attached to this post
Title: Cyber Deton
Submitter: TSDude
Credits: SNES Music Archive website, boss music from Super Bomberman.
Maintainer Notes: Old Brak Eggman's goop projectile has been overwritten.


  • srb20005.png
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  • srb20006.png
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  • CDmap.zip
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Download: (attached)
Title: True Protagonist
Submitters: Goldenhog
Credits: Star Light Zone textures from Spherallic's SRB2 Asset Pack. Sprites from Megaman 8, the Prinny games and Makai Kingdom. That one sound is from Megaman 8 also. Music is "Last Boss" from Magical Taluluto-kun.
Maintainer Notes: -

24/6 Update: Now with more fairness


  • srb20014.png
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  • PROTAG4.rar
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I know this boss probably isn't meant to be easy but I feel like it's just cheap, or that I'm playing it the wrong way; It's moving around pretty fast on a small arena whereas the player has that tank like acceleration to try and dodge things with. The fake exploding dolls make this much worse as they pretty much take away your ability to spin towards the boss (you just get knocked up into a vulnerable state). Moreover the deathpit just makes it far too easy to lose your only ring that flies farther and farther away everytime you inevitably take a hit, or just get knocked off in the pit in general.
(But the point is I still can't beat it to this day. help me dad)

As a side note, instead of gamemap checks in the Lua, use a lua mapheader option, for instance add this to your map header:

LUA.trueprotagonist = true
and check for this in the Lua script
if mapheaderinfo[gamemap].trueprotagonist
Minor Update:
- The boss now shows a few more characteristics when it calls/activates something.
- Turrets now randomly fire between 4 - 12 seconds.
- Goop no longer lasts for more than 3 seconds.
- Fixed an issue that would cause the level to not end when the main boss is killed and the other enemies (or mini-bosses) are still alive.
- Ring draining fog block now disappears after a few seconds.
- Added a text file to the compressed zip, the file gives little info on the things created. More info can be found in the wadfile itself.

*Unfortunately no lua scripts have been created for this boss yet :P
Check near the bottom of the previous page for my post.

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