• Do not use Works in Progress as a way of avoiding the releases system! Works in Progress can be used for sharing early betas and for getting suggestions for improvement. Releases of finished content are not allowed in this forum! If you would like to submit a finished addon, click here for instructions on how to do so.

KIMOKAWAIII Is My Origin, KIMOKAWAIII Always Waits And Is Intensely Interested

It's Been Quite a Journey.

This is the biggest post-polish update of Morning Heights posted here. There is still much to be done, but I figured I would post this version here for updating purposes.
The update includes:
Finalized Map Layout: The map layout of Morning Heights is finalized - it will not change from this. It's a bit different than the previous version.
Finalized Spawn: All 32 playerspawns have been placed. There is a ring in front of each so everyone starts with one ring.
Lighting: The entire map is now dynamically lighted, instead of just being set at max brightness - it will constantly get brighter until the final area.
Water: There is water now. Yay.
Emblems: There is one global emblem and two character specific emblems hidden in the map - Sonic and Knuckles specifically.
Token: There is also one token hidden inside the map.
And more little things not mentioned here.
Can I submit a finished map and not a half-finished one before the submission date? Will it be judged as a not-trash map and maybe looked on positively (though I highly doubt it)? Will Morning Heights finally have some sort of flower decorations and stop looking so bland?
Find out next time on KAWAIII Z.


  • MorningHeights.zip
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I ended up making one last update (available in the original post once again) to fix things I really should have done earlier:
-Added a small step so that Knuckles can properly make that one blue spring jump in the first river area.
-Added the 31 other player spawns.
-Added a level select picture.
Just a reminder: there's only approximately 12 hours until the KAWAIII polish deadline is up! See you soon!
friendly tip for OGL compatability, which, while isn't needed, is highly recommended by me: use v.drawScaled instead of v.draw with V_SMALLSCALEPATCH and V_MEDSCALEPATCH. While it works the same in software, (after adjusting the screen coordinates to fit an actual scale), this actually allows for things to be viewed the same in opengl as in software.
Cosmic Valley
Update 1.10 I don't believe I done it with my thin schedule.

Change Log:
Added new enemy: UFO,
Almost complete texture overhaul (Temples and Flat textures are same),
Complete overhaul of Skybox (Small edit of sky texture, added detail into mountains),
Added Emblems,
Removed/Tweaked Routes.
Added missing stuff from first release. (~~Level select Stuff, etc.)

Download link of updated wad is in Original post: http://mb.srb2.org/showpost.php?p=800652&postcount=188

Edit 1:
Quick Hot fix:
I forgot to delete few tags on few sectors.

Edit 2:
Quick Hot fix:
Few oversights.
also I did this like in 5 am, even trought nobody cares.
Last edited:
Updated Acidic Alpines one more time.

I decided to remove v2's hallucination mechanic, and instead just stick with the rainbow effects that were in the first version. There wasn't enough time for people to give feedback on the new mechanic and I honestly don't really like it that much myself. The camera swing has also been reverted to its v1 speed—I know some people found it hard to platform with it, but that was kind of the point. I've kept v2's reduction in flashiness though so hopefully that should mitigate the annoyance a bit as well as protect people from seizures.

Lumps changed from v2 were the map itself and LUA_LV35. Click here to see the lumps I changed from v1 to v2.
Seems like there was yet another very minor problem with the map's visuals (more specifically the small cave in the last part) so I pushed out yet another hotfix to deal with this issue. This should be the very last update to my map before the polishing period comes to an end.

Verdant Valley: Last Update

This is the final version for VVZ, we made it!

-Now uses V1.3.2 of Emerald Hunt Advanced, which means the radar has sound cues now!
-Expanded the map a bit, and now there are more rooms!
-Bumped up the time emblem requirement just a bit.
-Added a single new emblem in the expanded caves, bringing the in map emblem tally up to four.

And with that, I should be finished with updates for this.
One more update for Arle Satan Bayoen Zone Act Tsuu.
Now every player needs to either beat Satan or get a game over and not continue once any player has completed the level in order for the it to end (assuming players for exit is all). The maximum number of players has also been increased to 18.


  • ArlePuyoPopTsuuKawaiii.zip
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So, this is it. The final product, the finished map.

What an adventure, huh? From knowing nothing about mapmaking to coming out more experienced than ever. Hopefully the next map created will be much better than this.
The only thing I have to say about the update itself is that there's full emblem support for extended play. There is much more to it not mentioned, though.
I hope that people will still find this fun to play.
I'm so tired. This map has drained me.
Good night.


  • FinalMorningHeights.zip
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Ah, looks as if the polish phase is done! It's now time to see who won awards. Our nominees for the Sneaker award are--


We arrive in another dimension, to another time and place...

SRB2 is thriving, and mass amounts of creators are making metric tons of unique maps. However, Lua gets underused in spite of this. A new community project is formed about creating bosses, to revive interest in this dying language...

I'm late but I'm late because I had to rework the ending of my level, I also needed to finish drawing an object for the map, and had a loooot of difficulty figuring out how to insert an emblem!
Yeah... making maps is fun...!


Download: (Attatched)
Title: Oceanside Cave Zone
[URL="https://www.smwcentral.net/?p=section&a=details&id=12926"]-Music: Money Money Money - Talesweaver, ported to SMW by worldpeace[/URL]
[URL="https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fUdKZtCoNLM"]SFX: Radio Funk - Sonic OVA Reconstruction by MrKingalocious[/URL]

[URL="https://www.smwcentral.net/?p=section&a=details&id=10705"]-Background: Kirby's Dream Land 3 - Island/Beach, ripped by GvS[/URL]

-Horizontal springs + fixes by DirkTH and Lach respectively, thank you both so much

-TehRealSalt and the rest of SUGOI Team for making all of this possible and for giving me an excuse to make my first map, I would've never Shut Up and Got On It otherwise.

Notes: I couldn't figure out how to get the one emblem in the entire map to work, could you please fix this. (yes I tried making a seperate gamedata)


  • scr_oceansidecave.zip
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I didn't get the chance before because of school picking up for finals, but this is perfect timing now. I'll be sure to create a mediocre monster befitting of everyone's tastes

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