• Do not use Works in Progress as a way of avoiding the releases system! Works in Progress can be used for sharing early betas and for getting suggestions for improvement. Releases of finished content are not allowed in this forum! If you would like to submit a finished addon, click here for instructions on how to do so.

KIMOKAWAIII Is My Origin, KIMOKAWAIII Always Waits And Is Intensely Interested

Just to point out, I updated my map with an update to a SECRET room, also a better hint as to it's location.

Map : Sleeping Egg
Submitter : Nintensis
Credits : Lat' for the pogo spring and Fearsomefang for some additional textures
Download v3! : https://www.dropbox.com/s/v72zo1043wfu1vj/scr_SleepingEggZoneV3.wad?dl=0
Notes : New textures and graphics (Level select picture) were added as of v3
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Yay for reusing!

Yes I know what I said before in my other post.

Download: (attached)
Title: Midnight Shores Zone
Submitters: Steel Titanium
Credits: Music is Starry Beach by Robby Coker, AxelMoon for custom textures used, the respective games for the decorations used.
Maintainer Notes:


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Hey, Salt.

I like what I'm seeing so far! You've got that neat open-ended style that I like :)

Unfortunately I can't add this to the KAWAIII preview set just yet, as it does not seem to have an exit, and the player start seems to be in a testing location. Absolutely feel free to update during the polishing phase though, and I'll add you as soon as you can fix these things!

I'm glad you like what I have, I was hoping I was doing things right. I've made an update to the final area to make it feel a little more complete, plus an exit sector where I think most people will probably be finished adventuring - but if not, they can skip it. Also, I've moved the spawn to its correct position.
On top of all of this, I've gotten music and incorporated the Horizontal Springs WAD into the map WAD itself, so now everything is in one neat, tidy package. And all before the end of the 15th (though this just about killed me xwx).

There are, of course, places where you can obviously tell work is needed (starting three paths). I'll try and get to this in the polishing.

Thanks again! ^-^

New Download: Attached


  • MorningHeights.zip
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Download: Attached (Google Drive Mirror)
Title: Shogun Stronghold Zone
Submitters: TehRealSalt
Credits: Music is "Outside Shredder's Hideout" from Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: The Hyperstone Heist
Maintainer Notes: Requires horizontalsprings.wad to be loaded!

If you're posting your entry after this, then you're officially LATE! But that's okay, I'll still take it.

Now begins the polishing phase! This next week will be full of reviews, and modifications from those who are not satisfied. (I know there's a lot I still wanna do!) Over the next couple of days, you should be expecting the first version of a preview pack that you can play to reduce the amount of WAD hunting you need to do! It will periodically get updated until the polish phase is over. If you end up playing it, then please don't dine & dash; say anything about at least one of the levels.

You have until May 22nd @ 11:59pm EST to submit a perfect, finalized version of your map. After that, the ribbon holders will be decided. Get psyched!


  • scr_shogunstronghold.zip
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While I had a basic idea of how I wanted the AI to work, I didn't actually start it untill 5~ hours ago. But it functions, so that works probably.

Download: Attatched
Title: Arle Satan Bayoen Zone Act Tsuu
Submitters: Tripel The Fox
Credits: Uses music and graphics from various Puyo games
Maintainer Notes: There's a lot of unused voices in this wad, so if its needed some voices can be removed.


  • ArlePuyoPopTsuuKawaiii.zip
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Download: Attached (Mirror)
Title: Acidic Alpines Zone
Submitters: Lach
Credits: fickle, for contributing code to make the Boulder Shield rotate like an actual sphere (it looks great I love it). All music and extra graphics is custom made by me.
Maintainer Notes: Current version: v3


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I just want to sleep, dammit!


Download: (Attatched)
Title: Oceanside Cave Zone
-Music: Money Money Money - Talesweaver, ported to SMW by worldpeace

-Background: Kirby's Dream Land 3 - Island/Beach, ripped by GvS

-Horizontal springs + fixes by DirkTH and Lach respectively, thank you both so much

-TehRealSalt and the rest of SUGOI Team for making all of this possible and for giving me an excuse to make my first map, I would've never Shut Up and Got On It otherwise.

Notes: Uses a modified version of the spring fix script from Lach, modified lines are noted in the script itself.

Please note this is not the final version. While the map itself is entirely playable, I didn't have enough time to finish the latter third due to difficulty figuring out how to do certain things and my new full-time job, as such I will be using the polishing phase to both take suggestions for polishing and ironing out the kinks of unfinished parts.

Planned additions:
-More scenery; flowers, palm trees (as soon as I figure out how to make sense of SOCs), floor patterns.
-Much more drawn out ending.
-Possible relocation of loop.


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We have 27 maps total, If i'm not mistaken lol. yes been downloading and testing every entry coming out.

EDIT: 34 now, missed the last page heh.
@Rumia1: I'll need a few things before I can accept this:
- Player start is in wrong position
- Music lump is missing
- A lot of your rings are missing the "Float" flag (well, this isn't required, but still would be nice :p)

Other than that, pretty nice looking for your first attempt! I'd like to see more.
Verdant Valley 2: Electric Boogaloo

Aaand I'm late.
But I've still got a maaaaap


Title: Verdant Valley
Submitter: Fres
Music: Ristar: Round 5-2 - Ice Scream
Credits: Lat' for the AMT Crawla, and Latius/ah2190 for the Emerald Hunt Advanced Lua used in the map.
Maintainer Notes: Should be fine in general.

This map might seem familiar for those who played that one stage in SUBARASHII. It was originally intended to be an emerald hunting map, but was never truly submitted. I took this chance to spruce it up in it's original form for KAWAIII. There are three hidden emblems to collect, too!

EDIT: Updated to V3! Changelog here.


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@Rumia1: I'll need a few things before I can accept this:
- Player start is in wrong position
- Music lump is missing

I thought I fixed those before I posted... I'll have an update out right away! (hopefully with more level to go with it. ^^;)
The version I downloaded of the map didn't have any of those problems.
Pure Rock Zone updated.

I also got to ask, why are those platforms at the start so fast? I couldn't get on them as my slippery Sonic, let alone normal sonic.

The buzz saws near by the treadmill were Evil., I have no idea how I'm going to get past that

Level's meant to be hard, maybe I should have mentioned that like Lat' did. That said, I did go back and made those two sections slightly easier. And sorry for the late response.
Right uh, pushed another update to my map concerning an early slope ramp, I also dropped in a new pathway to the end sign.

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