
This suggestion is not so important, but well, the suggestion is about replacing the 7Zip installation and putting instead a Setup Wizard because looks more professional, is not important, but meh
There are endless ways to throw together an installer package. The problem is installers are pointless for a game like SRB2, and extracting an archive file is way simpler.
There are endless ways to throw together an installer package. The problem is installers are pointless for a game like SRB2, and extracting an archive file is way simpler.

Yes, is way simpler, but a Installer brings a more professional look, and more options, so, why not?
Because we're not concerned with being professional with our installer in the first place? Not like it needs a computer restart or anything complicated. We could even just make the SRB2 download a zip if we wanted to. =P
On the topic of installers for SRB2, I'll say that I personally prefer an archive file that I can extract myself using WinRAR or 7-Zip or such over an installer (unless Steam is the "installer" or it's something that would otherwise require lots of manual editing all over the place (such as graphic driver updates)).

An installer just feels "useless" to me if it's not going to do special things to lots of files all over the place to make it run correctly, even more so if it also gives me stuff I don't care about or want. If I want to have a desktop shortcut, I'll just make one myself, and if I want to have it pinned in the start menu or such, I'll drag it there myself or such, and I pretty much can't stand when you can't even disable the start menu shortcut thing when installing something. Also, no, I don't want to install some tool-bar in my internet browser, or have a different internet browser installed, or my internet browser's home page changed. (I don't remember if any of this applies/has applied to SRB2, but for other programs, it sometimes does, and I don't like it when it does.)

TL;DR: I personally prefer an archive over an installer in almost any case, especially for games.
Please add a DOWN variable for the custom buttons, we already have ones for jump and spin, so why not custom 1-3?
Please add a DOWN variable for the custom buttons, we already have ones for jump and spin, so why not custom 1-3?

We already have those?
These buttons, along with attack ones, weapon slots and some movement buttons, are found in player.cmd.buttons as bits.
Custom button bits are BT_CUSTOM1 to 3.
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I think Rumia's actually referring to the PF_USEDOWN etc pflags, which determine if the buttons were pressed down last tic or not.
Oh, right.
You can make a script that stores somewhere the amount of time it has been held, and do something when this variable is 1, doing what PF_SOMETHINGDOWN does but with extra lines.
local var = (player.cmd.buttons & BT_CUSTOM1) and $ + 1 or 0
if var == 1 then
  -- something
if player.cus1held ~= nil and (player.cmd.buttons & BT_CUSTOM1) then
  player.cus1held = $ + 1
  player.cus1held = 0
if player.cus1held == 1 then
  -- something
I know, and I have been, but I figured it would be a bit more convenient and it would make sense considering we already have them for use and jump.
I think a PlayerExit hook should be added to SRB2 in the future, which will execute when a player exits the game; as a result, it is the opposite of the PlayerJoin hook.
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Any chance some of Sonic Mania's improvements can be implemented? One i have in mind is AI Tails not consuming an air bubble when he uses one.
SRB2 OS Lua Support

I think SRB2 should have support for OS functions, because it would be useful to allow players to make a LUA script that shows what time it is on the game hud, and if players could make a whitelisting system based on IP addresses for their server.
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I think SRB2 should have support for OS functions, because it would be useful to allow players to make a LUA script that shows what time it is on the game hud, and if players could make a whitelisting system based on IP addresses for their server.

Not happening. JTE already explained why this would be a terrible idea.
For which half: OS Information, like Time, or the whitelisting?

Anyway, I have a suggestion that kinda pushes in the direction of the former: the ability for lua scripts to connect to webpages for information, which could be useful for syncing player data between a group of servers, like how Zandronum has their setup, as well as being able to pull other "live data" from the server, such as time.
OS information.


  • Make a terminal-like Lua script that does interesting/useful things.
  • Make that script use hooks to load an adf dot ly link as frequently as possible without arousing suspicion.
  • Host on the master server along with a bunch of other cool .WADs.
  • ???
  • Literally profit.

So no.
Really? Huh. I would think that whoever hosted with that script would be banned quickly, with the script in question also banned from the Master Server using the MD5 of the file which is already accessable in order to keep it from spreading further.

But I guess that might just be me trying to make an attempt to change your mind for a feature that might not have a huge amount of uses for the average host to begin with.
By then the damage would be done. The reason those functions are disabled is because you can do damaging things with them. We don't want SRB2's Lua functionality to be an exploit vector.

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