SA1 or SADX?


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Which one is better? The Dreamcast version of Sonic Adventure or the posterior console version of the same game called Sonic Adventure DX Director's Cut?
Mine is hard to decide because Dreamcast has the better atmosphere and sounds while DX has the better mechanical overalls. I'd better stick with BetterSADX alongside with PkR's brilliant Dreamcast Conversion mod.
No worries, done. Also moved this thread to Video Games since it's probably better there than in General Discussion.
No contest, SA1. The extra content is nice I guess but I never end up using them. Mission Mode is neat but it wasn't very substantial, Chao Garden don't matter to me, and I can just boot an emulator for Game Gear games. None of it's worth severely butchering the visual quality for, IMO.
No contest, SA1. The extra content is nice I guess but I never end up using them. Mission Mode is neat but it wasn't very substantial, Chao Garden don't matter to me, and I can just boot an emulator for Game Gear games. None of it's worth severely butchering the visual quality for, IMO.
I admit. I've been stuck with SADX before finding out the Dreamcast Version is superior in every way.
I've only ever had access to the SADX version, but I'd probably say Dreamcast if I had it.
I choose SA1 because it have more lighting effects, nice natural textures and sounds.

In my honest opinion about SADX, is that it have too saturated textures (specially in Mystic Ruins), doesn't have lighting effects as SA1, just the only thing that's nice in SADX, it's the model detail in the characters.
Dreamcast. I felt DX was very underwhelming for a port made 4 years after the original release. Nostalgia aside, I can't think of anything DX adds that was a vast improvement, aside from maybe displaying Chao stats on screen instead of having to view them on the VMU.
Funny thing is, the graphics on the Gamecube could have kept the lighting and the look that the Dreamcast had. I mentioned that I had the prototype, and one of the controls the player has is the ability to (not even joking) switch between dreamcast and SADX lighting. The water looked like the dreamcast, and the overall look was a nice mix. Honestly don't know why they didn't keep this way, and make it resemble the dreamcast graphics but with more technological advances:



In my opinion, they are both the same content to me. The only difference is kinda the graphics.

Well, each one of them has it's own features.
Perhaps you should play both?
Like i said at the top of this topic, BetterSADX with Dreamcast Conversion mods is my way to play SA1 and SADX. Now i have ItsEasyActually's gorgeous Dreamcast Characters Pack, which just released today, just in time for Sonic Mania. Who else plays SADX with the mods i mentioned here in this forum?
I rather sonic generations. Because it have SA1 level. *Zoidberg on run* ok I will stop jesus you are so against me. -- SA1 just because of lightning. Also Adventure style is overused.
Which one is better? The Dreamcast version of Sonic Adventure or the posterior console version of the same game called Sonic Adventure DX Director's Cut?
Mine is hard to decide because Dreamcast has the better atmosphere and sounds while DX has the better mechanical overalls. I'd better stick with BetterSADX alongside with PkR's brilliant Dreamcast Conversion mod.

I prefer the features added in sadx but the models in sadc were better.

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