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So right now I'm temporally working Zone Builder off of a Surface Pro 3 which it's condition is like new seeing as my friend gave it to me for the time being because my computer is getting worked on and he hardly uses this thing anyway.

Everything works well but the only thing I would feel to mention to you guys is that when I'm trying to do anything in Zone Builder, my cursor randomly snaps to the Exit Button. Once it snaps to the Exit Button, it's hard to get it unstuck. Note that it only happens when I'm on the Surface Pro 3 and only using this program. Other applications such as SLADE, Chrome, etc. don't seem to have this problem. I've also tried using the snap-on keyboard, my fingers, the Surface Pen, or even using a USB Mouse and it still snaps to the Exit Button.
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I don't have a solution, but I will note that we officially have enough mappers on tablets (2) to start a club. Welcome to the club
I'm having a problem getting the zone builder to make a new stage. I did what it said, setting the game configurations, using srb2.srb as the resource for it, and setting the testing application to srb2win.exe, but I get this same message every time I try to make a new stage: "Unable to initialize the Direct3D video device. Another application may have taken exclusive mode on this video device or the device does not support Direct3D at all." I've tried to see if it was disabled, but there was nothing wrong with that, it all looked fine! I tried to look this problem up, but I could only find solutions to if it is disabled/not available.

EDIT: I figured out what was wrong, I just had to reset it...

This part doesn't have to do with the problem, but I wanted to start making a mod that puts in Chao Garden, including Chao races, Chao fighting, different kinds of Chaos with different attitudes, the whole nine yards (and a little more to it! ;)). However, I can't do that if I can't even start with making the stages to build this mod on... can I get any help?
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Hi, I'm here to make a feature request:

I'd love for a calculator for custom FOF properties to be added. I envision a window wherein you can check boxes for the various FOF properties and it adds up the hex values for you. That way you don't have to get Windows calculator out and you don't have to open the wiki. I've kinda been using a lot of custom FOFs lately and it's getting tedious.
Not to mention people would be less opposed to bothering with custom FOFs if such a calculator were added.
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Question regarding node builders, what would be the best one to use with this program to compile a map the Size of Neo Aerial Garden?
I tried both, but unfortunatly ZDBSP wound up not building the seg and SSectors lumps
ZenNode's attampt got me this:


(2.0.7's version of Neo Aerial Garden)
Unfortunately we have encountered a problem like this that affected stages that only used more than 1/4 the buildable area before. This time it's a stage using 3/4

(as for why I'm recompling, it was nessary for fixing some linedef actions.)

Oddly enough, a test compile that skips the reject lump (Zennode fast) get's me a working level, but only after moving any thing.
(EDIT: aparently for levels this size, you have to compile with no reject)
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I dunno if it can make a MAINCFG or not, but I do know Zone Builder has a Script Editor for editing it at least. You can get to it from View -> Script Editor, or by pressing F10.
Zone Buildes automatically generate a MAINCFG and OBJCFG after you save your map, if your map don't have either of those two lump type in the wad. Not when you first make a new map though.
Only recently had I come across an issue involving a file called 'zenmode.exe' that prevents me from making changes to any maps I open with Zone builder and it has something to do with my antivirus software. I use Norton and whenever I try to view the map in 3d, it detects the file as a virus and removes it, thus preventing me from easily editing my levels. I'm unsure if it's because of an update to Norton's software or something about zenmode.exe itself, but I have no idea on how to fix this.

***********SYSTEM INFO***********
OS: Microsoft Windows 10 Home
GPU: Intel(R) HD Graphics
Zone Builder: v2.6

********EXCEPTION DETAILS********
Object reference not set to an instance of an object.
at CodeImp.DoomBuilder.BuilderModes.BaseVisualMode.GetSectorData(Sector s)
at CodeImp.DoomBuilder.BuilderModes.BaseVisualSector.GetSectorData()
at CodeImp.DoomBuilder.BuilderModes.BaseVisualSector.Rebuild()
at CodeImp.DoomBuilder.BuilderModes.BaseVisualSector..ctor(BaseVisualMode mode, Sector s)
at CodeImp.DoomBuilder.BuilderModes.BaseVisualMode.CreateVisualSector(Sector s)
at CodeImp.DoomBuilder.VisualModes.VisualMode.ProcessSidedefCulling(Sidedef sd)
at CodeImp.DoomBuilder.VisualModes.VisualMode.DoCulling()
at CodeImp.DoomBuilder.VisualModes.VisualMode.OnProcess(Single deltatime)
at CodeImp.DoomBuilder.BuilderModes.BaseVisualMode.OnProcess(Single deltatime)
at CodeImp.DoomBuilder.Windows.MainForm.processor_Tick(Object sender, EventArgs e)
at System.Windows.Forms.Timer.OnTick(EventArgs e)
at System.Windows.Forms.Timer.TimerNativeWindow.WndProc(Message& m)
at System.Windows.Forms.NativeWindow.Callback(IntPtr hWnd, Int32 msg, IntPtr wparam, IntPtr lparam)
You probably mean ZenNode.exe. This is the nodebuilder for SRB2, which isn't just required for 3D mode but also to save your maps. It's definitely a problem with Norton, but since I don't use Norton myself, I can't help you with that. If you can't fix it, you can go to Tools -> Configurations, select the SRB2 configuration and then under the Nodebuilder tab set your nodebuilder to "ZDBSP - Normal (no reject)". That way you should at least be able to work on your maps again.
Nothing too major but there are 2 linedef actions labelled with a 12


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You probably mean ZenNode.exe. This is the nodebuilder for SRB2, which isn't just required for 3D mode but also to save your maps. It's definitely a problem with Norton, but since I don't use Norton myself, I can't help you with that. If you can't fix it, you can go to Tools -> Configurations, select the SRB2 configuration and then under the Nodebuilder tab set your nodebuilder to "ZDBSP - Normal (no reject)". That way you should at least be able to work on your maps again.
I tried the nodebuilder config, however it did not work. I decided to reinstall Zone Builder and it seems to be working for now.
if at all possible and if not done already, would it be possible to make it so that when in 3d mode the mouse can't affect anything outside of the mode's window frame?
"Pointless" post but this shouldn't be a bump:
I want to say, big kudos for fixing one "issue" I had with SRB2 that kept me from fully into it, the lack of a level editor(with SRB2DB2 being heavily outdated and not able to do certain things while other level editors couldn't do other things, wonder what mix of editors was used for the official levels) that could do everything.

For the very rare chance that I might return and actually do a level, I will keep this in mind and will, if I don't forget about it, include you in the thanks.

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