[SUGOI 2] Oh My God! It's Joseph Joestar In SUBARASHII: X-Mas Mode In July

WARNING: ...wads/downloaded/packs/scr_subarashii_v1.wad|LUA_L40C:139: accessed mobj_t doesn't exist anymore, please check 'valid' before using mobj_t.
Context might be slightly spoilery:

I was facing the true final boss as Knuckles through the secrets menu and died in the second phase. I think this error showed up around then, but I didn't notice until I scrolled through the console later. I had full control and visibility of my character during the credits roll, and I wasn't sent back to the title screen after it finished. I'm not sure what of that might be intentional, though, considering the nature of the pack.

As a bit of trivia, (if anyone cares since I don't remember whether I mentioned,) the song in my map is a bad mashup/remix/something of Far east nightbird and Emera. I would've just used a cut of the former if the mod music restriction wasn't in place or if I knew how poorly-enforced it would've been heh heh.

The minesweeper is the death of me, as well as that Super Sonic shoot 'em up. I find myself having less than 25% hp when the boss comes up. Any tips?
For Minesweeper, http://www.minesweeper.info/wiki/Strategy . For Soniguri, I found just dodging from the left side of the screen and spamming dash laser shots was an okay way to keep my health up.
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Just completed a normal playthrough and I have to say, the ending was sure...interesting... But other than that, what I've played so far was a blast and a really cool experience! I still need to work on my emblem count but I'm actually willing to collect as many emblems I can before I grow tired and sad lol.

Salt, congratulations on releasing SUGOI 2 and to the many authors that contributed to this, thank you for making some cool ass levels! You guys rock!
Ok, so far i'm having fun but I've gotten stuck in Fort Nitrate and I honestly can not figure how I'm supposed to get through as Sonic, i'm stuck in the bomb room that it seems every path leads to.

I've tried seemingly every path but I still can't figure out how to complete the level, please help.
Ok, so far i'm having fun but I've gotten stuck in Fort Nitrate and I honestly can not figure how I'm supposed to get through as Sonic, i'm stuck in the bomb room that it seems every path leads to.

I've tried seemingly every path but I still can't figure out how to complete the level, please help.

Just go to the highest point in that room and there is a single bomb where you have to push it under the red wood to proceed.
Thanks for the cool!

I suck at SONIGURI really badly, so I've gotta say - if you die in it, you go back to the normal hub instead of Emerald Practice. Also, it might be appropriate if Emerald Practice's hub gave you 99 lives, so you could use the menu retry instead of going back each time you failed.
The minesweeper is the death of me, as well as that Super Sonic shoot 'em up. I find myself having less than 25% hp when the boss comes up. Any tips?

For Soniguri, it's worth noting that there's a function not listed in the opening "tutorial screen" because we forgot to mention it. Whoops. You can dash after firing to cancel the end lag of the shot. If you weren't aware of this mechanic, I can see it being unbearably difficult. If you were aware of this, though, I'd like to suggest that sometimes just not attacking could be a good strategy if you're feeling overwhelmed. Just focus on dodging shots, almost every enemy will eventually go away on its own if you do (except the facestabbers, those are the only enemies you MUST kill)
Thanks for the tips guys. Now I got another issue with RedEnchilada's level. Maybe I'm not smart enough to figure out how to get past this part of one of his levels:


what in the name of joseph joestar do I do here to keep on going with the level? I already found the hidden emblem in the room, got inside that little warehouse with the emerald token, killed every single robot, blown up at least 67 bombs and spent at least 8 minutes trying to figure out how to get past this part of the level. Please help, I feel so dumb for not figuring it out alone, bet it's pretty simple.
I keep crashing after defeating the final tower Eggman when it's about to load something else and I don't know what to do.
1). Something with textures.
2). Those springs aren't working properly. Only the most right one works.

I'll appreciate the mod after the 'Emerald data not saving' problem is fixed. -_-


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Wow, by the looks of it, it looks absolutely great, tho i haven't tried it yet, many have enjoyed SUBARASHII.This clearly took 6 months to get released and coincidently landed on july lol. I apreciate every single mapper that helped our lovely community project especially Salt since he was the mastermind and was extremely putting the pack together all alone. Good work! Now i will go try this out!
Just go to the highest point in that room and there is a single bomb where you have to push it under the red wood to proceed.

I figured out the reason why I was stuck, I was using a wad that disabled the thok for Sonic so I couldn't make it through the pipe.
Did you set chasecam to off on accident through a bind or something?

Toggle Chasecam is an actual control now did you know?

But yes, I've found that occurs when you accidentally turn chasecam off. It's annoying when I press my Toggle Chasecam button accidentally. =|
Well I just beat the true ending. And I've got a few choice words.
EDIT: This was unnecessarily inflammatory. Revised thoughts are in my next post.

If I had to name the most unfairly hard segment of the game, it'd have to be
EDIT: This was unnecessarily inflammatory. Revised thoughts are in my next post.

All my criticisms aside, and this is only a fraction of them, believe me, I can still say I am incredibly impressed with what you've managed to make this mod do. Also, I'm really happy I didn't have to debug srb2 to be able to fight the final boss this time, so there's that.

I still have yet to get all the emblems, and I haven't beaten all the bedroom stages yet, but I'll get to those in due time.
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That is an awful, overly harsh approach to criticism. I get the idea of not liking some aspects of the mod, but outside of your "I was impressed" that's downright vitriolic without any hints of how to improve. It's just "This is bad and you should feel bad" with more words. Maybe you could mention some specific things you liked, and articulate why you don't like some stuff as opposed to abstractly raging about it?

Anyways, since my last post in here I've managed to dedicate a full 24 hours to beating as much of the mod as possible, and I quite enjoyed it.

The true ending was particularly spectacular, wearing its influences and heart on its sleeve with pride and controlling incredibly tightly. Its sense of presentation is stellar, and is doing some of the things I've always wanted to do with this engine. Basically, thank you mirumiru for my life.

Honourable mention to Egg World for kickin' several kinds of ass, and Highly Responsive To Hedgehogs for being... highly responsive to controls, and good even in the face of being an entirely unrelated game put in SRB2. I never felt like any of the times I failed in that was the game's fault, which is a great thing to say about a challenging experience. Finely tuned to heckie and back, honestly.

Actually, props to all the Emerald stages. The only one I wouldn't replay for fun would probably have to be SONIGURI; I had some serious difficulty with that even after the forced instruction manual. My main issue was that there wasn't any reliable way to avoid the boss' attacks; at that point it basically became a war of attrition to pump as many missiles into it before I died. This was kind of compounded by an unfortunate fact about the control scheme - shooting any weapon stops you dead in your tracks (yes, I know about the dash to de-lock, but it still disrupts flow and forces me to press a button I don't feel like I should except to cheat the system). I'm not sure how much of my issues are with the mechanics of the original game or whether it's a consequence of the SRBification process, but either way it's a shame, because I really loved the enemies and the way they forced you to move. If there wasn't any movement lock after attacking (at least with the normal laser; the homing missile and giant laser make sense to limit), I could see myself having a lot more fun with this. It's still a great technical accomplishment, but it's let down by one fundamental design decision.

I don't really have anything specific to write about most of the normal levels, so I'll talk about a general, repeating issue I had. They were quite enjoyable, but most (VAda's Pipes of Green, Lat`'s and SAMMY_SWAG's Roasted Ravine, knuxnumbers' Twilight Grove, Sunlit Caverns by someone whose name escapes me, and Glaber's Sapphire Frost being the most prominent exceptions, all of which I thought were exemplary, and Propulsion Peaks by Inferno Drag, which uses slopes well but is let down by having zero sense of flow outside of that and basically being a life and token farm) clearly had some difficulties deciding where and when slopes should be used. And I don't blame y'alls! They're literally a gamechanger, and there are few published maps to provide style guidelines through experience. What should probably be considered is the direct impact of putting a slope somewhere. Sure, the environment is a little more tilted and it looks better, but that has MAJOR implications for physics. The player's going to end up jumping at an angle, physics are going to be resistant... it's a gimmick, and it's one that requires a little more thought than "put it everywhere". The original SUGOI wasn't much better at this, though, so don't sweat it; at risk of making a terrible pun, it's a learning curve.

Deleted Domain's levels actually had a higher standard when it came to slope usage in general, so if you can get 80 emblems that might be an interesting thing to pay attention to. It's good that those levels were salvaged for future generations.

Also, speaking of Deleted Domain; I hate you, Salt, that you still left in what was originally in the gallery in its place. :P

EDIT: Polluted Polis REALLY should've been called Pollutopolis, not gonna lie. That took me WAY out of it, heh. It was an alright level, but not capitalising on the naming choice physically hurt me, aaaaa
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I finally downloaded it!!

This is awesome, somehow despite there being more maps this time, they all feel higher quality than last time. Maybe it's just me, IDK! It's awesome! Someone mentioned Doom's Community Chest. I wish Community chest was this cool. The hub is really what brings it all together. The jokey plot and the shopkeeper, as well as the music and the different rooms being unlocked - that's the real genius that ties all the maps together. It shows just how much the WAY a game is structured can contribute to the feeling it gives you. There's just so much personality, and the pick-up-and-play nature makes it easy to come back to.

As I'll play I'll come in here and talk about some maps that stood out to me:

Bubble Tides Zone by TehRealSalt:
Holy poop! I've never seen this before! Granted, I never make it past the DSZ-themed special stage in the regular game, but I've never seen any nights level change track midway through like that! Super interesting and dynamic level, I think it would be fun to run through as regular Sonic just to see how it's all put together. That, the decoration, the music, everything is incredible. It's a blast to play and the twists and turns aren't insane like the worst of the nights stages. For real, I hate HARD nights stages. This one keeps it fun. The visuals were incredible, especially the "surface" section. The fountains and the sky and texturing was so trippy and cool, I loved the feeling. Incredible job.

Holiday Hill Zone, by SeventhSentinel: This one was an all-around solid map. It checks all the boxes: big spacious areas with good flow, multiple paths, cool gimmick with the yellow-springed turtles, and awesome visuals. Something about the map makes me feel like it was designed by Blade or Coat, though. Can't put my finger on it. Their style is just so much like this. There was probably a level by Blade that was snowy with the spring turtles that's sparking my memory. Anyway, this is one of the few levels I'll be coming back to just to explore and find everything I can.

Snow Summit Zone by SAMMY SWAG:
Similar snowy canyon zone like Holiday Hill, but the feel is completely different. I can't say I've ever played a level designed this way and I like it! In a lot of ways, it feels like the true conversion of Sega Genesis level design into 3D. There are upper paths that are safer than the lower paths, but require quite a bit of skill to stay on, and lower paths that are easier to find yourself at, but are a lot more treacherous. What makes this one stand out in particular though is how freaking VERTICAL it is! Kind of like Emerald Isles level design, but slimmer corridors (which somehow isn't bad - actually it's pretty dope) and not as bloated/oversized. I really liked how the player constantly travels up and down throughout the level, sliding up and down slopes and bouncing on springs and such. It gives the stage a lot of kinetic energy through up-and-down movement that I don't see enough levels take advantage of, especially now that we have slopes! Slopes used incorrectly makes the landscape look like a rumpled piece of paper. This is a stage that actually uses them correctly, adding to the look and gameplay equally. I'll definitely come back to this level a few times.

A Minesweeper Field by Rapidgame7:
I didn't even fathom that this was possible in SRB2!! Are the stages randomized each time?? I've played it twice and I got different layouts. The first time through was nerve-racking, too, way more than the regular minesweeper. Because if I lost this round, I'd lose my precious token! It reminded me how much I like the game too. Just seeing this game and how well it all works in SRB2 warms my heart. Awesome job, I couldn't have asked for a better emerald stage. It actually looks like all the emerald stages are gearing up to be really fun.

I'll talk about more maps in the future, but for now that's all I can think of. Again, great job everyone!!
I think my comment got buried last time but after defeating the "final" eggman boss, when it goes to load Knuckles or something, I didn't look up what it actually was, the game closes by itself, there is no crash message and I didn't see it registered anywhere, not sure what I'm doing wrong?

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