
Playersforexit and Inttime should be saved in config.cfg or at least have their default values changed, let's face it, no one wants to wait 20 seconds as soon as anyone completes the level.
I agree, 20 seconds is a bit too long for intermission screen. Maybe 5 or 10 seconds would be a good default value for it? It's also a bit tiring having to type playersforexit all each time, sure you could put that in a autoexec.cfg, but it would be convince if both of the values for the cvars got saved to config.cfg.
playersforexit and inttime can't be saved to config.cfg because they're overwritten every time you join a server. Such is the consequences of CV_NETVARs being used to communicate game settings.

inttime HAS been reduced to 10 as standard, but I don't think the team has any interest in switching the default value of playersforexit. Any particular reason why you guys think it should be changed?
Another part of the problem is that the inttime was set that way because it was intended for match and CTF, where you legitimately do want a longer intermission to talk about the game you just played. Coop doesn't need that, and therefore wants a short one.
I don't think the team has any interest in switching the default value of playersforexit. Any particular reason why you guys think it should be changed?

Over the 7 years I've spent playing this game online, I can't name a single server that has kept playersforexit at 1 intentionally

Also another quick suggestion, could there maybe be an option to just simply have a command to disable a skin in a netgame rather than having to force everyone to play as one character, for instance if I wanted to disable Sonic in a match game.
I wanted to give a suggestion to bring back an old feature for emblems, and that is to restrict the character colored emblems to their respective character like it was done in 2.0.6 and prior.

I'm asking for this to come back cause it's way too easy to get those character-colored emblems and it removes that unique difficulty I so much digged in prior versions when looking for emblems.

It is kinda bland, like, "meh" and a bit frustrating to pick a blue emblem with Tails or pick a yellow emblem with Knuckles, cause it outright feels like I could've put effort in picking that blue emblem with Sonic in a challenging part of the stage, but in 2.1 it's like you could go the easy way and just pick it up with another character and then it makes it a bit pointless to put the emblem in a part where Sonic would struggle to reach it if you can pick it up like nothing with another character.

Hope this gets noticed and gets a re-evaluation for the gameplay cause it really adds to the experience of the player, it would impulse the player to think of ways on how to get to the emblem.
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I personally like that everyone can grab everyone else's emblems, however I do think that some of the emblem placements would work better if they were character specific. Perhaps we could give a few character specific ones mixed in with the ones that everyone can get?
Um, the colors of the emblems have nothing to do with the characters. Just because an emblem's blue, that doesn't mean it's "for Sonic".

As far as I know, the character-specific emblems were scrapped because of precisely the opposite problem: It was really frustrating to come across an emblem and not be able to collect it because you were playing as the wrong character. So the idea was to allow all characters to collect all emblems, but still put some of them in places where you need a specific character to reach them (or at least have a much easier time with certain characters than with others). Now because Tails and Knuckles can go pretty much anywhere in a level and Sonic can't, it's very hard to come up with emblem placements that are tailored towards Sonic. Ultimately the plan is to have a lot more character-specific paths in the game, so hopefully that will open up some opportunities for emblems that challenge Sonic, but for now I agree it's a bit of a problem.
Any chance we'll be able to change player color by tweaking RGB values directly from player setup instead of choosing from one of the pre-defined colors ?

Don't forget to make the menu select sounds gunshots and make him swear.

I don't remember hearing Doomguy swearing, oh wait...
We changed the emblems because the previous character-only system was simply not getting people interested. Very, very few people bothered with the emblems in 2.0, and the change was designed to find an audience that would actually enjoy it.

Hence, instead of little mini-challenges for Sonic, we've basically created a gigantic scavenger hunt. Not only that, we created hints and implemented the radar so that players don't feel like it's necessary to look up the locations on the wiki. The feedback has been overwhelmingly positive, with the only complaints generally being around score attack being too tedious. Check out this thread to see how people reacted in general:

Also, just because there's no requirement for Sonic doesn't mean you can't self-impose it and see how far you can get. There's a wonderful thread for that here:
Oh. Well I understand then, char-restricted emblems is very likely to not come back.

I'll see if I can make a mod or something to bring it back, just for the old times and to bring difficulty into the new Srb2 again... Oh wait, emblems get disabled with mods, nevermind lol.
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You act like we don't have massive challenges in vanilla anymore. I think Azure Temple and Black Hole are way harder than any of the Sonic emblems ever were. We're just not using emblems as a challenge reward for the most part anymore.
You act like we don't have massive challenges in vanilla anymore. I think Azure Temple and Black Hole are way harder than any of the Sonic emblems ever were. We're just not using emblems as a challenge reward for the most part anymore.

Please don't take me the wrong way, maybe it's that I myself really like challenging games, I guess that back when emblems were restricted and you couldn't horizontally move when going at fasts speeds (speedrunning) was a challenge to me (Just to clarify, I'm not asking for the devs to bring back the horizontal lock at fast speeds, I'm saying it was a challenge AT IT'S TIME, I'm glad they fixed it for 2.1 since half of the time it was annoying to speedrun the game). I just liked exploring with characters and get "their" emblems before, stages like GHZ2, THZ2, or even ACZ have amazing potential for secret details/hunting and exploration.
I guess Azure Temple is still kinda challenging, the puzzles are fun, but the space is quite restricted (including the constant danger of drowning), which kinda kills exploration, but it's not as hard as it was before if you know the pattern after playing it a few times. Black Hole I haven't played yet, I'll have to play it to determine if it's challenging or not (but by the name of the stage, I assume it's pretty hardcore).
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You'll notice that that list is just the 2.1 list minus SRB1 remake because it's so bad we removed it early. Things will probably end up looking a little different.

That said, is Spring Hill that bad?
Hello there ! :)
I really enjoy this game, incredibly fun (the best 3D sonic in my mind), there is only one thing I don't understand, why there's no centercam-behing-sonic option ?
Have I missed something ? Is this planned ? That could be really enjoyable with gamepad (and to map camera rotation on right stick H-axis and on triggers)
Is that possible in the engine ?
Sorry if I'm asking noob stuff, I'm noob you know... ^^
Custom commands added with Lua should show up in the help list in a different color, or it's own list, it's very hard finding custom commands through that menu when there's so many commands.
Hello there ! :)
I really enjoy this game, incredibly fun (the best 3D sonic in my mind), there is only one thing I don't understand, why there's no centercam-behing-sonic option ?
Have I missed something ? Is this planned ? That could be really enjoyable with gamepad (and to map camera rotation on right stick H-axis and on triggers)
Is that possible in the engine ?
Sorry if I'm asking noob stuff, I'm noob you know... ^^

Assuming you're talking about this feature while using analog control, it's actually possible with a keybind! It'd still be nice to have as a vanilla option, but for now this does its job well. Just stick this line in autoexec.cfg, replacing "6" with whatever key you want to bind your centercam key to.

bind 6 "analog off; cam_speed max; wait 1; cam_speed 0.25; analog on"

Basically it turns your analog camera off and gives the game enough time to center the camera behind Sonic before turning analog back on. :)

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