
Alright, I know that this is a branch off of someone elses suggestion to add Top Down to the game, but it is a far bit separated from it.

Essentially, give the option to allow for map packs to toggle a line in the MAINCFG or something in order to enable Multiplayer Emblems. This is similar to how Chaos Coins functioned in Top Down, so you might instinctively want to avoid this, but at the same time, you have mods like Sugoi and Subarashii that use the collection of Emblems to measure in-game progress, and losing your progress just because the server needs to be rebooted is a gigantic pain.

Or maybe just make it a server option and skip the maincfg definition. Then you could do it with older packs, too.
To add to what's been said: lightdash was implemented a long time ago as part of Adventure mode. It was buggy, annoying, and the ring paths it used couldn't respawn in multiplayer, making the path one-use. Add that there's no way to block off the entrance to non-Sonic characters, and it's a pretty poor addition to the game to the point that unlike the Homing Attack - which was also made at the same time and still exists for modders to use - we completely wiped all traces of lightdash from the code.
I always found light dash useful for collecting rings in any 3D Sonic game, but if it must be removed that is fine.

Also I want to add the suggestion for the option for whether or not you want the Super Sonic music to play.
Well it's just that skilled players can maintain Super Sonic for extended periods of time, especially in older Sonic games. Hearing the short therefore repetitive Super Sonic theme over and over again will get annoying. In Sonic 3 Complete there is an option to play the fast version of the Zone themes instead of the default super/invincibility theme, but I'd settle for just the normal Zone theme. Still, the option would be appreciated.
Any chance we could get some sort of custom FOF flag to render the sides of a sides-only FOF that's abutting a sector wall? Right now, the game either just renders the wall texture, or it displays the sky if FF_RENDERSIDES and FF_CUTSOLIDS are set. Doesn't seem achievable right now, but it'd be super useful for decorative texturing.
is Software renderer going to get updated anytime in the future ? would be nice to see it support .png textures, sure it won't have 32bit colors but it would at least be less pixelated, depending on how this thing is implemented, ZDoom allows png textures on both renderers and the difference is very little, what's ZDoom doing right that SRB2 isn't.

* OpenGL Screenshot
* Software Screenshot
PNG graphics is a very slight maybe at this point, from some recent developments. Don't start waiting for it, and don't expect to get any additional features that the current texture system doesn't have outside of convenience.

Also be aware that ZDoom is going for a very different goal than SRB2 is. ZDoom and other source ports are modding-focused because the game they're working on was finished 25 years ago. We're making a game first and foremost, and time spent working on modding features is time spent not working on the game itself. We're usually prioritized on the game, unless a modding feature would also benefit us.

(And in case anyone wasn't aware yet, we can't just lift features from ZDoom due to a number of codebase differences, such as language. For instance, the only ZDoom code I was able to use for slopes was the C backups for span rendering, with a lot of backporting to C; everything else was rewritten or borrowed from Eternity.)
Oh you got me wrong, I wasn't asking for a feature to be borrowed from ZDoom and put into the code, I was asking for if it's possible to have something similar to it, But it's okay I guess if you don't have plans to support modding yet.
Could it be possible to have server descriptions viewable ingame to give more info before anyone joins the game?


ServerName: Steves Silly Server

ServerDescription: Welcome to my server! We typically play coop,
Tag and ctf!
Secondary colors is an idea that's been tossed around before in development, but I forget offhand why we haven't implemented it. Though that said, it'd probably require you to set two ranges of colors to remap to other colors. That might be a tricky thing for character makers to sort out, potentially.
I still don't quite get the purpose. The only place you'd even get a benefit is CTF, and considering the size of the secondary features you'd be changing, it'd be really hard to tell based on the sprite who is who anyways. We show names when you point the crosshair at people nowadays, too, which is way more effective than changing Sonic's shoe color or whatever would be.
I really can't believe I am about to say this, but one use that immediately comes to mind is Shadow.

Being able to set a secondary color means that you can have his spintrail be gold/yellow and his main skin change colors. Or alternatively have his red highlights be swappable along with his main color.

This is a purely aesthetic use, mind, but still a use.
The thing is, that aesthetic use can already be modded in as far as I know. The question here is what the purpose for the feature is in vanilla. Shadow isn't in vanilla, so making him look better isn't a good justification.
I am curious, though. Would it be possible to have multiple prefcolor ranges?

In terms of 'how much work would it be', that is
Though that said, it'd probably require you to set two ranges of colors to remap to other colors. That might be a tricky thing for character makers to sort out, potentially.

If there were to be two color ranges and a character only needs one, the creator can just set the second startcolor to a color that is nonexistent on his/her sprites.

The thing is, that aesthetic use can already be modded in as far as I know. The question here is what the purpose for the feature is in vanilla.

Does it need a purpose? Having additional features isn't totally unnecessary if the users get some enjoyment out of them. That said, there are many users who would get more enjoyment out of not having secondary colors. It might be distracting in team gamemodes, and it'll likely accentuate the already popular SRB2 trend of creating recolor fan characters, which some people will like and others definitely not. Though, I guess for team gamemodes you could always choose to set it to the team color in the same fashion as the primary color, which in fact would make team gamemodes even more consistent.

Also, the current method for modding secondary colors in is really inefficient, as you first of all have to make a whole separate set of sprites, and then in game they're rendered as separate overlay objects.

That said, I'm personally not really for nor against secondary colors. But if setting up secondary colormaps isn't difficult, I don't think there are a whole lot of negatives to it.
Just like objects with MF_FRET gets their black color parts on their sprites switched to white, could there be a mobj variable to allow sprite palette indexes to be changed, just like colormaps for the HUD but for sprites?
Just like mobj.color but for all/any colors in a sprite.

Also, could colormap userdata structs be editable? Sometimes I do need to change more colors than just the green colors on a HUD patch.

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