SRB2 Top Down

Try lowering the precip draw distance in the video options. This fixed the issue for me. Also, I would try to use the OpenGL render as the software render tends to crash the game sometimes.

The problem was happening in both graphics modes strangely, and regardless of precip. The invisible objects thing fixed itself today, but it still crashes.
SRB2 Development EXE -ERROR LOG-

srb2TD caused an Access Violation in module srb2TD.exe at 0023:0054436a.
Exception handler called in main thread.
Error occurred at 2/22/2017 16:59:48.
C:\Users\Ethan\Desktop\Games\SRB2\srb2TD.exe, run by Ethan.
4 processor(s), type 586 6.14857.
Program Memory from 0x00010000 to 0x7FFEFFFF
2048 MBytes physical memory.
Read from location 185af4bf caused an access violation.

EAX=06df3e91 CS=0023 EIP=0054436a EFLGS=00210202
EBX=0a43ec00 SS=002b ESP=01adfc0c EBP=ffffffff
ECX=00000049 DS=002b ESI=185aede0 FS=0053
EDX=000006df ES=002b EDI=1117e602 GS=002b
Command Line parameters: -nomidimusic Bytes at CS : EIP:
0f ?? b6 ?? 14 ?? 16 ?? 0f ?? b6 ?? 14 ?? 13 ?? 88 ?? 17 ?? 03 ?? 3d ?? ec ?? b8 ?? 80 ?? 01 ??
Stack dump:

Is this the right thing?
Looks like it should be.

...only now I remember I can't debug it myself welp. I'll get Sryder to have a look at it when he's active.
Looks like it should be.

...only now I remember I can't debug it myself welp. I'll get Sryder to have a look at it when he's active.

.debug is here. I really should've gotten around to uploading this earlier :V
I found some weird levels yesterday...
What's the deal with Spring Hill? Or really, any of the inaccessible (I believe) Special Stages? Some look great, but others look unfinished.
A while ago, my antivirus software picked up a Heuristic Virus on the Srb2TD exe and I am unsure if this is true. Has anyone else come across this.
Nope, the EXE is clean. It's either a false positive from your antivirus or you have something on your system that's attempting to infect your other programs.
Found two crashes, but this is amazing

Hell that was one charming first level.

I've been waiting for this since I've seen a screenshot I-don't-know-how-many-years-ago featuring this Isometric-styled perspective reminding me of the fun I had playing SEGASonic on the Mame Emulator.

This got to be one of the best mods ever happened to Srb2. The graphics are beautiful, the music catchy and, good Lord, bosses that are not the basic Eggmobile and are actually fun to play.

However, I found two major crashes. I don't know if anybody posted these already, but, navigating through the comments, I don't remember seeing them. Not forgetting this is a beta, but you might want to fix these.

1) Game crashes trying to spawn a player in Match Mode
This one is pretty obvious. The game forces TDHub to load as a map and it simply has no spawn points nor ways it could be used as Match Mode. Don't know if, due to the exe being edited from the vanilla Srb2, it can't be temporarily disabled, but I would suggest that.

2) Game crashes quitting a stage during Record Mode by "Abort"ing it
I just entered Checkered Mountain again by accident, tried to quit, and the exe killed itself. I tried again on another stage, and the exe killed itself. Whelp. Unluckily, I don't have the error log right now, but, if needed, I will try to replicate the crash.

Still, 10/10 would play again. :)

Ps: IMO the main menu theme song becomes annoying after 3/4 times. I don't think you'd have it changed, but compared to the acts' catchy tunes, meh.

...Do the boss stages need to be act 3?
Can you make custom levels with these in doom builder? I'm not at my main computer now, so I can't open these files.
Yeah that's what I meant. tried it, didn't work, something about an error in the config file. I think it said Line 29 and some grammar problem with the skybox.
Topdown's config doesn't work with the old SRB2 Doom builder or Doom Builder 2 (afaik), if you plan to make a level for Topdown, you'll have to use Zone Builder.
Heyyyy, it's finally released! (Late to the party, I know) - Been enjoying playing this c: Super fun! .. Save for the penguins anyway.

Also, noticed on one of the levels, there's the Three Rings logo.... shouldn't that be Grey Havens now? :D

EDIT: Welp I 100%'d it. That was super fun! Only real annoyance was those fire-dropping clouds in Weather Factory... not sure how you're meant to deal with them without taking damage.
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I would like to mention for future modders to INSTEAD make a check for TopDown's level type ((maptol & TD) or (mapheaderinfo[gamemap].typeoflevel & TD)) instead of checking for the mod's ID (MODID == 14)

I'm only suggesting this so that non-topdown maps can still be considered "playable" in SRB2 TopDown, as it shows that Sonic, Tails, and Knuckles' normal stats have been permanently modified, making it impossible to play normal stages with TopDown's new Damage System outside of TopDown level design. Granted this is an oversight due to getting this mod out asap in a playable manner, but this could be noted as a suggestion for the next update to the mod.
holy shit, this is dope.
fuck the bosses tho they make me throw my keyboard across the room
Is there's something different at coding LUAs to SRB2 Top Down ?
Because I'm going to make Mario & Luigi Bowser's inside Story mode at this game, and I wonder if coding at SRB2 Top Down is not the same as normal SRB2.
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