
When you press and hold the spindash button while airborne, you should immediately go into a roll when you land- the equivalent of holding down on the d-pad when you land on a slope in the classic games.

Case study: While underwater, running is subject to frictional drag. Thoking allows you to exceed that drag slightly. Spinning underwater uncaps your speed entirely. I'd like to thok onto a slope and immediately roll upon landing to preserve that aerial momentum without the floor friction kicking in. Slopes are otherwise useless for building momentum underwater.
When you press and hold the spindash button while airborne, you should immediately go into a roll when you land- the equivalent of holding down on the d-pad when you land on a slope in the classic games.

Sounds a cool idea, though I'm not sure how that would mesh with us using spin in mid-air for triggering shield abilities, Super Sonic's float, some secondary effects for some of those character abilities ported from SRB2Morphed, etc...

...on the other hand, holding spin while rolling/spindashing off a platform edge and landing onto another apparently DOES retain the player in rolling form in SRB2 already. I didn't know this myself until a few years ago, funny that.
Ritz, I've already SORT of done what you want in internal. You can't do it if you've thokked, which is an attempt to prevent the ability from absolutely cheesing speedrunning and the likes. (I might change this to just have a speed cap of less than the player's actionspd to allow for the scenario you've described, though. Maybe actionspd/2.)

Also, MI, it's basically just how the classic games do it and it's not like those Morphed abilities got any meaningful use outside of Metal Anyone, being released in the same major update as Lua scripting. I'm half considering scrapping Telekinesis and Air Drill because they make the code more complicated, die when you pick up a whirlwind shield, and Releases is basically clear of them. Even Telekinesis - which was a generic bone to the Silver character WADs people made - is irrelevant because Lat`put in some cool effort.

I dunno. Thoughts?
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I would appreciate some form of optional username registration. Sort of how you are able to register a username in IRC chat rooms. I've been notified of people who have used my username in malicious ways in more times than I can count on one hand. One of these instances, the faker started asking other members on the server for nudes. It's starting to become an issue. I hadn't played the game in a month, yet I had someone approach me with a chat log of some person impersonating me.
There were ancient pre-2.0 plans called SRB2Live which attempted to connect Message Board accounts and the Master Server. Evidently, there was some obstruction which prevented this from happening, but you'd have to ask other people (Inu would be very likely to have details) why this didn't pan out.
Make super characters glow in dark sections (Probably with Dynamic lights ?), Not sure if there's an equivalent to this for Software renderer, If you do maybe add an S_SKIN Parameter to let players choose Glow color RGB value ?
Do you mean lighting up the area? If so, that isn't possible with the present software renderer. However, if you mean making the sprite FF_FULLBRIGHT when super, that would probably work, and might look better in dark places than Super Sonic currently does. Thing is, do you make the trails fullbright too?

But really: you could probably do that with a simple lua script, if you wanted to see what it looked like yourself.
I meant Corona effects, ya know like those from GZDoom surrounding the player but yeah Fullbright might look better.
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I meant Corona effects, ya know like those from GZDoom surrounding the player but yeah Fullbright might look better.

Do you mean... Something like this?

That's 1.09.4, coronas used to be available, but only in OpenGL, it was most likely removed due to incompatibility with Software, the highly recommended renderer.
Looks like the features of a bunch of versions mashed together. We used to support coronas in OGL, but we dropped the support in 2.0 because of trying to make the renderers closer together and because really, they're just badly implemented to begin with. You can't really tell how bad they are in still screenshots, but the coronas are really crappy and look quite bad in motion, because they don't apply light reasonably to the air around the object and only apply to the walls and floor, making the glow disappear when you jump, for example. This screenshot appears to be using the workaround for that, but that workaround also causes problems because of how static it is. It basically looks like an overlay sprite like our shields, which isn't how that type of lighting works at all.
I'd be susprised if it wasn't done already, since there's been a few tweaks to super stuff here and there. I'm too lazy to actually check the state of internal, though, so I'll leave someone else to verify.
^ Aka more Sprites to deal with, Creating characters is already hard enough + Classic Sonic Crouch Mechanic was unnecessary/useless.

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