Silver The Hedgehog [dot pk3]

So, does Silver have no way of breaking bustable walls? If he can't, he's can't get past Checker Mountain 1 in Top Down.


I think using psycho-boost is the only solution for breaking breakable walls.


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So, messing around with this just now, I'm wondering... Is it actually possible for Silver to kill an Egg Guard? I tried to run around behind the shield and slide into him, but it doesn't seem to be working.
Well, this update is a pleasant surprise. The controls now make much more sense, with the psychokenisis being moved to the mouse, and I love the changes you've done to the Psycho Boost, it feels so much better now and is quite fun to attack with as well.

I don't really understand why Silver can't hurt enemies with his jump, though. He can still break monitors with it, and you can avoid most enemies or just use any other attack anyway. It seems like an odd choice.

Also, in the short amount of time playing him, I've noticed a few bugs. I kind of feel sorry, really, knowing how many bugs you've had to fix with Silver so far.
1. Using any ability while dying makes Silver float continuously upward.

We have liftoff!

2. Sliding on moving platforms propels Silver forward or backward

Backwards when it's going up, forward when going down.

3. Holding a charge, getting pushed away by an Egg Guard and moving puts you into a permanent spin

Seems to be only a visual bug
At first I was skeptical about this update, but it's better than before! Silver's sliding, and object grab work ALOT better than before. Especially the psy grabbing, which is not only more convenient, but also works a MILLION times better than before. Allowing you to lock on to targets to throw is a GREAT idea compared to the way you did it before, where it wouldn't always even work. The new ability is cool, but I still need to find some practical uses for it. The major gameplay revamp aside, other minor improvements, like the teetering sprites, and the nights sprites, are nice, but the teetering looks very weird on some sides. But once again, this Silver is amazing. Keep up the good work, and let's hope soon Blaze can get the same treatment as the white hedgehog.
Boxes can be hoarded and popped all at once. Not a bug, but silly to look at. Oh, getting hit with the Psycho Cut makes the hit message say you hit yourself. Guess Silver really is that Naive.

Want to hit whoever is holding you? Good luck.

Killing your friend's ears is as simple as holding them against a spring and making them butt-hurt.

You can also hold the other team hostage, and capture flags yourself, or keep them in a confined corner where they can only shoot one another.

And this bug finally makes its reappearance, in threesome form.

Have fun with these while they last!
Hey Lat', i like your wads a LOT. But this one isn't good. It is...
Also, you should make the psynarchy command return. ;)
Silver 4.0 has been released!


This one comes out of the blue for some people, but here comes Silver version 4.0!

For this update, the goal was to actually make Silver fair and balanced and more fun to play as and against in """"competitive"""" gametypes such as CTF and Match. The changes are listed below as well as why they were made to begin with:
- Psy Energy no longer recharges alone, you have to collect Rings or use Psy Charge (Spin while idle) to recharge it! This change was made to prevent Silver from camping too easily certain spots (death pits)

- The HUD has been updated to now display properly under any software resolution and even splitscreen (outside of ringslinger)

- The commands 'locksound' (default on) and 'aimcross' (default on) are now Consvars and are now saved in config.cfg

- Added the command 'silvervoice' (default off) which allows you to hear his annoying voice at will (this is clientsided and can be used even in netgames)

- Added the command 'telekinesistext' (default on) which, when on, displays a warning on your screen whenever you are being held via enemy telekinesis

- Added stuff I probably shouldn't have brought back.

- Top Down support has been dropped for now. It will be added back if Top Down is to come alive again, for now, that means less script maintenance.

- Telekinesis range has been cut in half. This nerf speaks for itself, Silver's grab range was Marth from melee, literally.

- Failing Telekinesis no longer results in a loss of Psy Energy but still initiates a cooldown. With the Psy Energy regeneration nerf and the smaller hitbox, it's mandatory not to punish Silver as much for failing his Telekinesis.

- IT, super or invulnerable players can no longer be grabbed / aimed at.

- Grabbing Players now result into a 1 second cooldown before being able to throw (from 2 seconds)

- Grabbed Players are way less affected by the momentum inflicted to them from Silver looking around after picking them up, easing their aim onto Silver in order to break free from him.

- Thrown items that locked onto targets now chase them for 1 second before giving up chase, making thrown items an ideal choice to deal against players without risking a revenge hit from them while still having to get into close range to be effective

- Thrown items now leave a nice teal trail after being thrown. It makes it easier to identify thrown items and also looks better.

- Throwing players into damaging sectors / death pits now awards points.

- Improved wall collision detection again.

- Fixed throwing items on players in match actually not working at all.

- Fixed hurtmessages

- Psycho Cut now actually works (for real this time)

- Psycho Cut now only costs 1/2 bar rather than 1

- Psycho Cut is now much faster by default, the goal here being to make Psycho Cut a viable weapon for when Silver cannot find any monitor or opening to grab a player.

- Fixed hurtmessages


- It may still occur that validity errors pop out every now and then, these do in no way break the script and should be ignored gameplay-wise. Feel free however to report those you see.

- Hurt messages may sometimes not display and instead be replaced by generic hurt messages ("x hit y", "x's tagging hand hit y"...). This does in no way change gameplay as points will still be awarded normally.

- Chasing thrown items may sometimes end up spazzing inside their target and deal no damage until they fly off to another dimension when the chase wears off, I have no idea why this happens or if it still happens as this issue is pretty rare in general.

Don't forget to actually make use of the commands to your liking;
'locksound' may quickly get annoying in SinglePlayer with the amount of targets and you may want to disable it.
'aimcross' isn't always precise and if you think it might as well not be here, then be it, disable it.
'telekinesistext' displays once telekinesis has picked you up in ringslinger, while helpful it can also be kind of intrusive to certain people, in that case, disable it.
silvervoice I don't know why would you play with this your madman.

All of those commands are saved into config.cfg so you don't have to reinput them each time.

As always, the original post containing abilities and tips has been updated, and this time even includes a few tips for RingSlinger. Please read it before asking me how to break walls with Silver ;(
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The beeping noise that the telekinesis target makes every time it auto-locks onto a new enemy gets annoying pretty quickly, and it doesn't even tell you which enemy has been targeted the way the visual crosshair does. Do you think you could remove the noise, or at least add a console command to turn it off?
The beeping noise that the telekinesis target makes every time it auto-locks onto a new enemy gets annoying pretty quickly, and it doesn't even tell you which enemy has been targeted the way the visual crosshair does. Do you think you could remove the noise, or at least add a console command to turn it off?

locksound off. Pretty sure I already explained it was in.
Because it made him overpowered and now he can only regain it through either rings or recharging it by holding spin. Seems pretty balanced for me.

Plus, don't even bring up his 06 gameplay. If anything, that's the last example you should bring up for anything regarding good game design.
Hmm. There's only one transgression with this nerf. I don't know if there's anything I can do when I have an enemy in my grasp but I can't throw them because I had an odd amount of energy. So I either have to get hit, or run around with the enemy in my grasp until I get enough rings to throw them, which depending on what I'm playing can take a while.

So instead of just remove Silver's regen entirely, what I think should've been done, was limit his regen to only 1 bar, and you have to charge for the rest. OR allow Silver to charge with an enemy in his grasp.

It seems a bit nitpicky, but it's happened to me way more often than I'd like it to.
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I mean. Its nice and balanced so silver doesnt spam the tek.... i also find it annoying but its for the best

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