SRB2 Top Down

Nice to see this finally get its release (as unpolished as it appears to be atm). The mod is enjoyable, though it can be a bit hard at times but that's probably cuz this is mainly a co-op mod.

Also, can someone tell me what the music is in Stormy Streets? I've heard it before but I just can't lay my finger on it...
I have a problem with the music, can't hear nothing, downloaded the music file already, and nothing. Tried to add the music file in-game and still.
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Finally is hereeee!!!! Just 3 years waiting without account. GLAP GLAP GLAP GLAP GLAP! :v (just kidding xD)...
I'm so happy to download it, thank you guys <3!
SRB2 Development EXE -ERROR LOG-

srb2TD caused an Access Violation in module srb2TD.exe at 001b:004a0a23.
Exception handler called in main thread.
Error occurred at 1/29/2017 16:59:54.
D:\SRB2\srb2TD.exe, run by Steel Titanium.
2 processor(s), type 586 6.3853.
Program Memory from 0x00010000 to 0x7FFEFFFF
2039 MBytes physical memory.
Read from location f0f0f189 caused an access violation.

EAX=f0f0f0f1 CS=001b EIP=004a0a23 EFLGS=00010206
EBX=0178b3e0 SS=0023 ESP=0022fa10 EBP=00000000
ECX=00010000 DS=0023 ESI=01784060 FS=003b
EDX=00000040 ES=0023 EDI=00080000 GS=0000
Command Line parameters: Bytes at CS : EIP:
8b ?? b8 ?? 98 ?? 00 ?? 00 ?? 00 ?? 85 ?? ff ?? 75 ?? 10 ?? e9 ?? be ?? 02 ?? 00 ?? 00 ?? 8b ?? 
Stack dump:
Crash when trying to join Cobalt's server, current map was the hub.
Hi, if anyone who experienced a crash has a srb2td.rpt in their folder could they paste the relevant section into crash report post please? Either that or forward the file to me if it's there (I think that is what it would be called, I am not completely sure). Thanks.
You're late to the party :p
I did this just around thirty minutes after it released and Blade and Iceman404 joined my server
Got all 38 Chaos Coins, but Pandora's Box isn't unlocked. When I got the 200 emblem coins for the 2 secret levels, it said I didn't get them, then the game crashed when I checked in Record Attack. Reloaded, now it's saying I have them, but I don't have Pandora's Box.

EDIT: It seemed to have solved itself. That final secret is absurdly fun.
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Really glad to see this finally get a release! You guys worked very hard on this and the work shows. Thanks again for an awesome mod.
First off, congratulations on releasing. It's nice to see admission of how hard it really is directly instead of excuses, so good on you for admitting it =P

As to the mod itself, I had quite a bit of fun, although there are definitely some issues that really bother me. Instead of going level by level, I'm just going to provide a list of things I feel could use some improvement.

  • The health system is certainly unique, but in single player it's just as generous if not more so than standard SRB2. It's also really nonsensical to start out and part of that is due to changing what established mechanics mean. Instead of changing what rings and emblems mean, why not create new mechanics that don't have preexisting meaning so players won't get confused. For example, use hearts for the health and use coins for the collectable. Neither of these has a specific meaning in Sonic already, so players won't have any preconceptions you have to overwrite about how things work.
  • While there are clearly issues with canned content, the hub is really, really problematic in its current state. I was super confused for quite a while and this could be strongly fixed by just removing the 2 gate entirely.
  • Because of the perspective, it's majorly problematic whenever you need to guess where an object is in midair without the shadows to aid you. By far the worst offenders here are the clouds in the water room in Weather Factory and the polyobject riding in Mainframe Metropolis. In both instances it's super hard to judge where in space the midair objects are until it's too late. It's also clear that you guys didn't really test what happened if you fell into the water in WFZ, because it's handled super badly and it's basically a guaranteed death the first time.
  • MMZ and WFZ's bosses are just complete waiting games. MMZ's in particular takes absolutely forever because it's a bad idea to make sudden movements to try to reach the shots because of the spikes, and it basically always fires far away from you. The pinch makes MMZ's boss way more tolerable, and honestly I'd prefer the fight if it stayed that way permanently.
  • There are invisible walls everywhere in the stages. While I understand the basic reasoning behind using them, they're still incredibly obnoxious and off-putting in a lot of places. The whole package would be dramatically improved by removing most of them, and replacing the ones that are truly necessary with solid midtextures instead of walls that reach the heavens.
Don't let the complaints fool you, though. I had quite a bit of fun. The two unlockable stages are by far the best part, and [REDACTED] was an absolute blast. A simple polish pass would do a world of good, though.

Oh, and figure out how to do a split archive already, as you're still technically against the forum rules on Releases without the music uploaded as an attachment. I'm sure a bunch of people would be willing to help you in that regard.
Oh, and figure out how to do a split archive already, as you're still technically against the forum rules on Releases without the music uploaded as an attachment. I'm sure a bunch of people would be willing to help you in that regard.

What are you talking about? I can see zip splits with the music just fine.
This is absolutely amazing. I can't believe you guys managed what you did in this mod. I'll post more about it when I have the time to play it all, but seriously, give yourselves a pat on the back for getting this thing out. It's wonderful.

On another note, nowhere in the original post did I actually have a fucking clue what the mod actually was before I downloaded it. I read like 5 textwalls in a row without reading a simple general description about what this thing actually is! I've been gone for a while, I didn't follow the hype and neither did the entire forum. Describe the thing you're talking about before you talk about it!!
Um...found a small bug. If you fly too high in the Topdown Terminal as Tails, the game crashes. Only problem is I'm not entirely sure how to post the crash report since I'm kind of a newbie at that sort of thing...

Edit: I've replicated it three times in a row. It's a pretty easy bug to accomplish.

Edit 2: Knock Knock!! Turns out Knuckles can do it too!! It's a lot more specific with him but it definitely can be done!
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There wouldn't be a crash report anyway because it's a freeze. You only get crash reports if the game closes.

I did reproduce the bug myself tho. It seems to only happen in software.


  • tails.gif
    3.9 MB · Views: 1,743
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Maybe the freeze in topdown terminal is due to the problem MI reported and fixed?
Just looked into it and it sounds like the same kind of freeze that has already been fixed, I'll make sure to check it when the fix is merged in.

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