SRB2 The Past 1.08.c

Just saying I crashed on Beta Quest THZ2 as well. In software mode. Using srb2win.exe.
Might wanna fix that. I crashed in front of the first fence you see. Not really any other visual clues I could give, that level is AWFUL.
not much I can really do about the level design, but in regards to the crash, I'll see what I can do to fix it.

what did you do to trigger the crash around there anyway?
Was it the split version of the mod (Multiple files) or the single file version?
Also were you useing any character wads with it?.

The more info you can provide, the better chance I can fix it.

Edit: I can't recreate the Crash.
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So, I just played around with this, and I noticed there is a Whirlwind Shield in THZ2 1.01-1.08. That shield did not exist until 1.09, when it replaced the Basic Shield. You might want to change any Whirlwind Shields that appear in pre-1.09 levels to Pity Shields, to be more accurate to how the levels actually were.
If I may, I have a few things to point out as well as some suggestions:
  • There are HOMs in a few maps, but I wouldn't be able to name them off right off the bat.
  • Why is there a white square next to the boss cages that you can walk into?
  • Some entities produce errors, for example one outside the large ending cave near the end of some versions of GFZ2
  • There may not be too much you can do about it, but it's kind of annoying that I missed an emblem in one of the Greenflower versions and I have no idea which one it is by looking at the statistics screen.
  • You should probably make it so that the Special Stages and maps outside of Beta Quest or the other "campaigns" that either don't have emblems or don't have a proper title don't show up in statistics.
  • The museum was a nice idea, but it would really do some good if you made custom textures or used a wider variety of textures in the first place.
  • I don't always want to play through all three acts of a stage before I get sent back to the hub. Seperating Acts 1, 2, and 3 into more doors would probably help.
  • Egg Satellite seems out-of-place, especially since all 6 other special stages were on-foot. Perhaps replace it with Special Stage 7 from 2.0
  • Special Stage 2 is way too hard for a Special Stage 2, but it may just be my lack of skill.
  • Now that 2.1.15 is out, you can finally replace your pseudo-slopes in SRB2TGF with real slopes.
  • Why not replace the bosses in the museum with duplicates that either have no functionality or don't play sounds?
  • EDIT: I noticed there was actually more special stage maps listed in the MAINCFG, and some of them actually do exist. If it's possible, I'd recommend making something like a Special Stage hub to play through the various different versions instead of being locked into the 7 you picked.
EDIT 2: I believe I also crashed once in BQ THZ2 but I couldn't replicate it either.
EDIT 3: I found one of the secret stages in SRB2Christmas, but this oddity occured.

I don't even know how something like this could occur, but something tells me FSonic isn't responsible.
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I can't address any HOM if I don't have a map name at bear minimum

The white squares were intended for providing info on the bosses. the info scripts were never written and at this point, never will be. The bosses are going to get removed from the hub map.

Errors? I'll have to take a look at all GFZ2 variants. (EDIT: Could not find error, can you please provide a screen shot or devmode coordinates?)

The problems with the emblems is unfortunate as I can't add the subtitles to the stats screen. However I'll Consider hiding certain levels from the stats screen. a few don't exactly have proper names anyway.

The museum itself will be getting renovated to a smaller art based one in a future major update.

I hate to say this, but going through 3 acts is best option I can provide right now.

Each special stage comes from each versions respective special stage slot. Egg Satellite , while out of place, is part of the 7th set of special stages (can you believe SRB2 had that many?)

The pseudo slopes are actually already in the process of being replaced.

I could, but what's going to happen is the Museum is going to be renovated in a future update that removes all the boss exhibits

The special Stage challenge was actually intended to be a part of this version originally. this is why you see level headers for other special stages that aren't accessible.

The visual glitch in Emerald Coast is a result of the original layout. it was also in the old Christmas demo too.
the only thing I think I can do to try to fix it is add more sectors, but unless it's the remixed version from the dead Christmas mod, I can't add any new walls.
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Are you using the complete version or the split version? as a reminder, with the split version you have to load up 3 files (Split between 2 zip files), with the full version you only load 1.

From the looks of the screen shot, you only loaded the levels file and didn't bother to also load the graphics wad.

If you load wad files without a lanucher, without the console commands, or don't bother using the bat file (found in the music zip) I recommend you grab the full version so you only have 1 file to worry about.
The new 2.1 shield and box graphics really ruin it for me. :( But I guess you can't do anything about that, since shields are hardcoded wackyness...
Is this mod going to be updated for 2.1.16?
if 2.1.17 doesn't get released first. The current version does work on 2.1.16 though. But the tgf stages may cause lag.

Ok, I've been seeing a few videos on youtube of people playing the split release of this mod and having issues of missing graphics and music. I wish the split wasn't necessary, but with how the attachment system works here, it is.

so here's what I'm thinking for the next major update. The split release will be a modular one instead of a resource based one. What this means is that each "Exhibit" would wind up in their own wad files with a couple being grouped together based on file size. for example Green Flower would contain all the resources it uses such as extra textures and music, but emblem data would still be handeled by the main wad file that contains the main hub map, Beta Quest, and the TGF stages.

Bear in mind this would only be for the split release as the full release would still be too big in file size.
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if 2.1.17 doesn't get released first. The current version does work on 2.1.16 though. But the tgf stages may cause lag.

Ok, I've been seeing a few videos on youtube of people playing the split release of this mod and having issues of missing graphics and music. I wish the split wasn't necessary, but with how the attachment system works here, it is.

so here's what I'm thinking for the next major update. The split release will be a modular one instead of a resource based one. What this means is that each "Exhibit" would wind up in their own wad files with a couple being grouped together based on file size. for example Green Flower would contain all the resources it uses such as extra textures and music, but emblem data would still be handeled by the main wad file that contains the main hub map, Beta Quest, and the TGF stages.

Bear in mind this would only be for the split release as the full release would still be too big in file size.

Will you be splitting the special stages into separate wads or do you not have the special stages from 2.0 and earlier? The demo stages are difficult, especially special stage 2, that one can go die in a fire.
Couldn't you just include a batch file that boots it properly?
I do that already. The file is in the music zip.

Will you be splitting the special stages into separate wads or do you not have the special stages from 2.0 and earlier? The demo stages are difficult, especially special stage 2, that one can go die in a fire.

The special stages selected for use with the emerald tokens will be in the same part as Beta Quest. But those selected for an upcoming feature that should have been in this version will be in a separate file.

That being said, I will still be doing the full package wad file too.
Well, Guess it's time to reveal the Secret :3, Below you can see an "In Progress" overhaul for the Hub, the new Hub also fixes the annoying enemies and bosses sounds and is also easier to Navigate and the Mini Hubs are merged with the Main Hub now, plus visually looking better (Yep, I'm helping glaber lol).


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