[Open Assets] Admin Tools + Mod Skin

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The other one
Two separate mods in one post. You can use them together, but many of the Mod Skin functions can be done easier with Admin Tools.


Don't feel like using Terminal? admintools.lua is a more lightweight alternative.

  • whois: dummy command to check parts of player names. If two players' names are similar, like "Foxy the Fox" and "Foxfire", use this to ensure you target the right one.
  • die: make yourself dead. Unlike suicide, it always works, even after completing the level.

ALL PLAYERS (co-op only, unless you're an admin)
  • goto <name>: teleport to another player's location.
  • super: become Super. Gives you 20 rings if necessary. Otherwise, your ring count is preserved between uses.
  • rings/lives <amount>: give yourself rings or lives.
  • shield <type>: give yourself a shield, replacing your current one. You can also give the Force Shield extra health.
  • flower: give yourself a Fire Flower. Does not change your skin color.
  • shoes/invuln <time>: give yourself Super Sneakers or Invulnerability.

  • print <type> <message>: print something to the console, without using the chat. For a plain message, <type> should be "S" or "Standard." You can use "Notice," "Warning," or "Error" to prepend one of these words in color to your message: that way you can fake a Lua script error or server warning.
  • dofor <name> <command>: force someone else's console to do something, such as "name Dumbass123" or "say I love this server!"
  • rally: teleport everyone to you.
  • nuke: destroy everything in the map -- enemies, rings, monitors, random flowers, even checkpoints! (Springs and other movement-essential objects will stay.)
  • freeze <name>: lock a player's controls.
  • gag <name>: prevent a player from speaking.
  • kill <name>: kill a player.

  • If the cvar mute is enabled, a gagged player who tries to speak will be kicked for synchfailing.
  • If a map is nuked too early or too often, nuke might become unusable.


modskin.wad is technically a character WAD, but it's not meant for normal gameplay. Rather, it's a tool for server hosts and admins to punish trolls, organize survival games, or simply watch over their subjects fellow players.
Non-admins who switch to this skin are invisible, but cannot move or take any actions.

  • Custom 1: change movement speed
  • Custom 2: toggle noclip
  • Custom 3: toggle invisibility
  • Fire: shoot a Mod Ball
  • Fire Normal: change the Mod Ball's type:
  • Freeze Ball: freeze players in place. Acts independently of the Admin Tools freeze. Also freezes enemies; they will unfreeze when you interact with them.
  • Tele Ball: teleport players to you, and damage enemies.
  • Death Ball: insta-kill players, enemies, and bosses. Works even if the player is Super or has completed the level.
  • Kick Ball: kick players and remove objects from the world.
  • unfreezeall: clear everyone's Freeze Ball status. Acts independently of the Admin Tools freeze none.

UPDATE 2016-06-16
  • Admin Tools added: shield, flower, shoes, invuln, rally, kill
  • Admin Tools removed: give, take, get (turns out they're not that intuitive)
  • Mod Skin: completely revamped


  • admintools.zip
    3.8 KB · Views: 6,554
  • modskin.zip
    4.5 KB · Views: 3,676
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A clever way to manage players on the server. I definitely like the idea.

I'm moving this to Lua instead of Characters because the focus is on the script's use in server management, rather than a character. (If this is too confusing, it can be moved later.) Welcome to Releases!
I will have the MOST of fun trolling all the people in my server. Everyone will tremble before my MIGHTY fist of terror. No one will live as I pop their... Whoa wait.... Getting a LITTLE out of hand here... *Ahem.*

It looks fun.
Perfect for servers, this boy is the saviour of the pros.
Also, noobs may don't apreciate this so much.
It is about time something like this appeared, love it!
This will come handy for me, there was players that i had to teach them lessons, if you know what im saying

Also 1 question: Regular players won't be able to select this character?
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I was kind of hoping that this kind of Lua would grand some sort of added management power (like spam kick) but I won't complain. I'd probably only use this for extreme cases.

I suggest to update this character, lets see...

Sometimes when i try to kill enemies with the admin orb, i sometimes accidentaly kill someone near the radius

So here is my suggestion: Make an ability to toggle between killing players and not killing players with the admin orb, if you know what im saying

I suggest to update this character, lets see...

Sometimes when i try to kill enemies with the admin orb, i sometimes accidentaly kill someone near the radius

So here is my suggestion: Make an ability to toggle between killing players and not killing players with the admin orb, if you know what im saying
That kind of kills the use of the admin ball though :/

I suggest to update this character, lets see...

Sometimes when i try to kill enemies with the admin orb, i sometimes accidentaly kill someone near the radius

So here is my suggestion: Make an ability to toggle between killing players and not killing players with the admin orb, if you know what im saying

Didn't it say it isn't meant for normal play? O.o I don't think this would be necessary if people will only use the skin for the purpose of moderating. Either way, that's just how I see it... Maybe others might see it differently.
Didn't it say it isn't meant for normal play? O.o I don't think this would be necessary if people will only use the skin for the purpose of moderating. Either way, that's just how I see it... Maybe others might see it differently.

Sometimes you just want to clear out the enemies in a level, so the players aren't bothered, mostly in casual servers and stuff. Even if you don't add that, at least add an option to have the admin ball JUST kill players.
Haven't touched this thing in a while, have I?

I've completely revamped this mod; it's now the Server skin instead of the Admin skin. I've cleaned up the Lua, added more abilities, and included a new set of console commands to accompany the skin.

The "goto" command doesn't even work when I'm exactly at co-op.

EDIT: Command is stable now.
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Other Chen said:
die: make yourself dead. Unlike "suicide," it always works, even after completing the level.
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i question the urge to attempt to kill yourself while spectating in the first place but okay
After about a year, I've gone ahead and completely redone the Mod Skin. Also it's called the Mod Skin now, to clear up any confusion.

The best part? You can now switch skins without killing yourself.

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