[Open Assets] Changable Secondary Colors

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Not an update, but related to a future one.

This wad will not be compatable with 2.2 when it comes out, so once it does, I take no responsibility for the incompatibility with Sonic's new sprites until the next update of this wad. Sorry in advance, but I will focus on updating the code and sprites once it is released.

In short, with 2.2 will come a new update, but until then, 2.2 is not supported.
I find this really beneficial to use in team games and CTF, since it gives players a way to differentiate themselves from others on the same team that otherwise force their skin colors to either red or blue.

The only issue with this is that I have to first start a server in a non-team-based game, then switch to a team-based one, otherwise the second color will always be the same default color.
Thanks for making this wad I really like it. The only problem is it is not supported for tailsflyv2.wad because when he flys his shoes glitches between is standing animation and flying animation everytime.
Thanks for making this wad I really like it. The only problem is it is not supported for tailsflyv2.wad because when he flys his shoes glitches between is standing animation and flying animation everytime.
You can just edit the wad using Slade ,XMS( or whatever it's called) or SLumpEd also what the hell is tailsflyv2.wad?
I can't seem to change custom character's second colors like Shadow or Rosy. Even with the custom, it won't work! Can anyone help?
Sharp is the only custom character that has support, if only because of the wad author requesting me to do so.

Who knows, maybe if I get off my lazy butt and contact Speedwagon and Katmint, I might update it again before 2.2 comes out.


(seriously though characters like shadow who have two arguably "primary" colors are a primary reason for this wads existence)

Its coming.

you know, provided I can get it to stop glitching on me when chaos control is used
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Presenting to you, support for Shadow the hedgehog! I wouldn't have been able to complete this if it wasn't for the assistance that was provided by Speedwagon, so this is a huge shoutout to him.
Presenting to you, support for Shadow the hedgehog! I wouldn't have been able to complete this if it wasn't for the assistance that was provided by Speedwagon, so this is a huge shoutout to him.

Ah finally, support for Shadow! Now that you've finished support for him, do you plan on doing more characters? Just curious.
The shoes also takes effect when you become Invincible in Mario Mode.


  • srb20021.gif
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Unfortunately, I don't really know how that one guy pulled off his fix that he showed in irc that one time, So I'm... not entirely sure how to fix it.


Anyways I had an update sitting around containing some shoes for FSonic, so I figure I'll release it and wait for Motor to decide if he wants to break my legs.
Alright, so I figured I would post some clarification about me adding support for custom characters.
If you are the creator of a custom character wad, you can send me a PM or post here with a request for me to add support. Otherwise, I will not be adding support for any more characters.
I would like to ask for people /not/ to beg the authors of wads to post a request here, as that is incredibly rude.

I still reserve the right to turn down support for characters, but chances are, if its released on the message board, I'd add support for it anyway, but really, I'm just covering my bases so people with poorly made wads that managed to get released on the skybase or something don't get on my case for not adding support for it.

EDIT: Also, a quick question: Would you guys mind if I wadzipped future versions of secondcolor_custom.wad?
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