
I would like to suggest that Dark City Zone should be kind of like the lost level from Sonic 2: Genocide City, but more kid friendly. E.G: Ghosts, Thunder and Lightning in the BG, Badniks that are Ghosts or Skeletons.etc. Just something I wanted to share.
I always thought the idea of Dark City Zone was a really quiet desolate city with Brak Eggman lurking around the corner. Not a spook fest. Lol
You're talking about Grand Eggship Zone. Dark City is supposed to be the last "regular" three-acts zone of the game before the Eggship/Eggrock gauntlet.
I would like to suggest a Lua variable or function that lets you add a custom gamemode on the host server menu.
So if the player happens to select that gamemode, the script would check itself for some code related to the gamemode and execute it.
If there is no code for the gamemode, then the game would default to a blank gamemode, or to Co-op.

It would be good for WADs that have different objectives, or for scripts that lets you play modified gamemodes. For example, a modified hide and seek, one-flag CTF, domination...

And because it would be neat if it also appeared at the master server page.
I think if that were to happen there would have to be a universal game mode option known as: Custom, but that would only be seen if the custom gametype was made and if hosted on the MS it would display the game type as "Custom".
Nothing. It was put in during design of the map intending it to do something later, but we ended up releasing before we came up with a good idea of what. We put the emblem down there as a band-aid in the meantime.
There's a good chance a lot of the things I'm going to say have already been brought up and addressed before, but I figured I'd say them anyway:

1. The intro cutscene is too lengthy and long winded, it could easily tell the same story in a much shorter amount of time. The backstory bit is unnecessary exposition for most people who play the game, as they're not going to have probably played SRB1 and doubtfully are going to. The cutscene is slow and feels like it drags with how the text slowly writes itself across the screen, and for first time players it'll give the wrong first impression of the game. Compare to most other classic Sonic games; the first and second games don't even have an inro, while Sonic 3 & Knuckles tells the basics about what you need to know plot-wise in the about ten or fifteen seconds, though it has the downside that it's unskippable. Sonic 3D Blast uses a similar intro as SRB2, but manages to keep it minimal, and it's still much more effective. Plus, with such a long introduction cutscene, it gives the impression that there will be more story throughout the game, but there aren't any other cutscenes at all. It should be much shorter.

2. A small suggestion, as an addition to the previous, to make the story have a bit more impact and feel relevant, Greenflower Zone could have the Grand Eggship flying away in the skybox above you. Would be a nice touch, though I'm not sure how you'd go about it.

3. Most people I show the game to have told me how much they dislike the controls, finding them slippery. I've always thought they could stand to be a bit better, but this isn't really something I've thought much on, so I don't have much to suggest. I just figured I'd throw it on here since I feel I'm not the only one who thinks this.

4. Red Volcano Zone Act 1 in its current state is bland. I figure that this'll be addressed once Arid Canyon Zone is completed, but right now the stage feels so barren to trek across, with only one enemy and a few obstacles to stop you. It's a pretty straightforward shot to the end, with not much variety for subsequent playthroughs. The scenery isn't much to look at either, everything being brown or red. Lava Reef made things interesting by having other colors to contrast with the stage, the blue pipes, the dark green background against the light foreground, but Red Volcano has nothing but rock and lava.

5. Red Volcano Zone Act 2 should also bring back the idea of having snow and ice like Blue Mountain Zone Act 2 was supposed to, but in addition to the lava theme instead of replacing it. It would be a sort of fire and ice stage, the upper paths having ice and snow and an open cloudy sky, but having ways you can easily fall back down to the lava sections underground below. Gimmicks could include ice and rocks crumbling to close paths below and open ones above it, but if you're quick enough you can get through to get to more difficult but more rewarding paths.

6. I figured I'd add my two cents on the whole Dark City/Grand Eggship debacle, as those were the stages I always looked forward to even back in the 1.09.x days. Perhaps the two stages could be merged, in the same way Mine Maze and Rocky Mountain became Arid Canyon. The first act could be just the city with the ship in distance, the second act could be the ship itself or boarding the ship, and the third act could be the Brak Eggman boss, with the final boss being something new entirely. As to how the level would play, since it's the penultimate level, it should be similar to Starlight and Stardust Speedway in that it's the games fast paced yet dangerous zone, in the same way Egg Rock puts your platforming skills to the test like Scrap Brain and Metallic Madness do. Perhaps look to those levels for gimmicks.

7. This is probably just me, but Egg Rock as it stands is way too hard. No matter what path I take I always end up dying, and I've never gotten past Act 1. It's not even just that I think it's too hard for the game, it's that the difficult curve is so sudden and unfair in comparison to the easy to breeze through Red Volcano Zone. I guess I don't play the game nearly as often, so for a lot of people here it's probably easy, but it really could be toned down a notch here and there. Particularly the crusher section where I have no idea what I'm supposed to do to get through, if that's still in. I haven't gotten that far since 2.0.
We can make suggestions how cool! I would suggest making Deep Sea and Castle Eggman boss less hard. On Deep Sea it seems impossible to hit him without falling into water after they split up. On Castle Eggman it is hard to hit Eggman when the gate is only up for 1 second after trying to avoid spinning balls of doom there. If there could be less pits in Castle Eggman would be suggestion. For some reason Castle Eggman is the hardest level for me even beating Egg Rock mainly because there are pits everywhere!
DSZ3 definitely has an obnoxious difficulty spike. It'd be really easy to tone down by just raising the floor or lowering the water level.
It is a difficulty spike, but it sounds to me like his problem is that he isn't noticing the differences between the boss and the fakes, because when you hit a fake you don't bounce off like you do when you hit the boss. Hence why he's falling into the water after they split up. You have to hit the real boss, not his clones.
I think the difference between the boss and the clones needed to be pointed out to me when I played the DSZ3 remake. I was just trying to make an educated guess by which direction I thought I saw him go through the pipe, if I remember correctly.

Once it was pointed out to me though it was easy to see the difference.
I know there are fake ones but they look very similar to the real one and it is really hard to tell on there.

Another thing is it even possible to hit Dr. Eggman in Castle Eggman without getting hurt? It seems if you hit him you will bounce back into the spike balls of doom behind you.
I have never found any visual difference from the clones and the real yet, and it's bugging me, because I have to rely on luck if I want to time trial this. (Or force the same RNG by re-opening SRB2)

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