
Okay, I don't understand what the hell you're even talking about here. We don't have any NPCs except Tails following Sonic, and you CAN control him without controlling your character using the player 2 controls.
I think he means playing as different characters like LOZ Four Swords and others, which would include making more bots (something no one can code)
I love how I got temp banned for just a comment.

I HIGHLY suggest that Mystic and Rob quit their jobs and be normal users like everyone else... For real...

Edit: And yes, I dared post this crap on Suggestions.
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I suggest you calm down before making your posts brah

Anyway, I asked in the other topic but I don't know if it was answered, if we're moving strictly to openGL at some point, won't that require some overhaul of the .gif making system? If I remember correctly, I thought it was only functional in software mode?
Could you add D3D support w/ MD2 as well? Don't know much to say, I'm not that "ideal" guy.
Really, D3D runs very good on these games and having OpenGL as the only one to use MD2, I would like you to add D3D with the properties of OpenGL.
OpenGL's performance problems are the result of a poorly coded backend making it very CPU-bottlenecked, not of OGL itself's performance. Adding D3D support would be extra work for something that only benefits one OS. Just wait for the OGL revamp to be finished and it'll run much better.
Is there a way for opengl to support older Graphics cards? I have an Intel family chip set G33, and the fastest I can play in opengl 640x800 is around 25 fps and lower.
Is there a way for opengl to support older Graphics cards? I have an Intel family chip set G33, and the fastest I can play in opengl 640x800 is around 25 fps and lower.

Are you using MD2s? MD2s are a massive, enormous CPU performance bottleneck because of the way the renderer is implemented right now, and has nothing to do with the speed of the GPU.
Well, that is pretty much the case, I mean I can run software like golden. But I love to use md2s sometimes when playing srb2, but sometimes levels like CEZ2 lag the game to hell, even with the models off, probably due to the level's size.
Well, that is pretty much the case, I mean I can run software like golden. But I love to use md2s sometimes when playing srb2, but sometimes levels like CEZ2 lag the game to hell, even with the models off, probably due to the level's size.

I don't know if it's your graphic card entirely. (Even though it is a integrated Intel Family graphic card) Have you tried closing down all your background processors then try running SRB2 in openGL? Sometimes that will do the trick for old computers.

You might wanna upgrade your computer or get a new laptop if your using one. (Most likely you are) Because from what I checked, that card is from 2007.
Suggesting such things while he's using MD2s is like worrying about the aerodynamics of a cardboard boat. Sure, it might make tiny, undetectable difference somewhere, but considering how much MORE of a difference MD2s are going to make on his performance, it's rather pointless.
If possible in the SDL build, Music fade control or music volume control via console commands or other method.

This way you could have points in the game where the music fades out or fakes fading out. An example of such a point where this could be used is Metal Sonic's Zoom tube to the boss arena.
Legit suggestion for the next version:

Could the Emerald Hints be unlocked a tiny bit sooner? Like, maybe 5 or 10 emblems sooner?

Because I remember it being really tricky for me to get juuust enough emblems to unlock it. Once I did, though, hunting for hidden Emblems became a ton more fun as I had hints to decode.
<MotorRoach> Is nobody gonna render a proper ring? <TehRealSalt> Yeah, why hasn't a new ring been made <MotorRoach> I would, if I even know how to render things properly into sprites <MonsterIestyn> because nobody has done anything but ask why one hasn't been made? <MotorRoach> The model itself is easy as shit <TehRealSalt> considering the tools to do it right have been around since forever

Petition to render the regular rings in a cleaner style on par with the Match rings
<MotorRoach> Is nobody gonna render a proper ring? <TehRealSalt> Yeah, why hasn't a new ring been made <MotorRoach> I would, if I even know how to render things properly into sprites <MonsterIestyn> because nobody has done anything but ask why one hasn't been made? <MotorRoach> The model itself is easy as shit <TehRealSalt> considering the tools to do it right have been around since forever

Petition to render the regular rings in a cleaner style on par with the Match rings


I suggest lowering the contrast of the lower half of the yellow color set.
The ability to add frames to short frame sprites when using MD2s might be useful in some regards. Or even just allowing for modifying how the smooth movement works out.
Edit: In short, a way to get smooth movement for those flowers.
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Idea: Why not add different missions like SMBX and custom transformations like the Werehog, Dark Spine, or even the Colors Transformations?
Well, it's SRB2, not a Mario fangame or a game with HYPERMYSTERIOUSSHADONIC123311 powers, assuming your interests in character powers and the like led you to say that. SRB2 doesn't need missions or transformations to be a good time, without those add-ons.
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A modification to how the MD2.DAT is formatted, so that it is similar to .soc files and the S_SKIN lump, allowing for future addition of model manipulation, allowing for feasible usage of my previous suggestion, for example.
P_ExecutiveOverride(variable, value)

This is a Lua function for someone who is pushing up against the limitations of the SRB2 engine and is unwilling to compromise in persuit of their goal. It forces a given variable to be set to a desired value at the end of the tic, after the game's finished doing everything else it wants to do but just before rendering. This could be feasibly handled as a FIFO queue which is run through once all other thinker logic has been completed.

In the (relatively) safe, sanitised and orderly behaviour of Lua scripts as they currently are, various checks run on certain variables at the end of the tic. This can lead to instances where some variables are effectively unable to be modified, such as the height of MT_PLAYER (continuously adjusted for scale and whether they're spinning or not) or the object flag MF_UNDERWATER, which is forcibly set at the end of each tic depending on whether an object is submerged in liquid or not. Whenever a problem occurs, a nice little error message pops up in the console and the hook is removed. I think it's fair to say that this idea is one way of getting past the fundamental issue of trying to take full control without the full cooperation of the engine.

With P_ExecutiveOverride, there are some real cracking things possible. Want to create flowing water from a bunch of connected transparent mobjs, but can't seem to make objects behave like they're underwater? P_ExecutiveOverride(toucher.flags, $1|MF_UNDERWATER) in a MobjCollide hook (once z is taken into consideration). Want to give a player every shield at once? Want to force an object below the floor height of a sector? Want to make a player turning super behave like the NiGHTS Super Sonic? If you're using this function, we're going to assume you know what you're doing and are wholly responsible for whatever godless/godly abomination you create.

If it's a variable stored in srb2 and the userdata required to access it is avaiable to you, it's yours and yours alone to set for the rest of the tic- no need to fight the game for what's rightfully yours.
I love this idea, because it would allow me to do cool things to the netcode with Lua.

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