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Kart Krew™'s exe mods

Look, D00D64. i like your works, really i do. but just stop this. nobody said it was a final decision. it's most likely placeholder. just let them work on this. atleast they're putting all the effort they can into this. so just calm down.

Listen here, don't just tell someone to stop just because he's being honest about that picture. It's even worse if you try to sympathize about it at the same time. I would understand if he was plainly whining and just purely insulting the picture, but that isn't the case. He IS saying how it can be improved. That's called giving criticism.

Anyway, I'm looking forward to see how the skybox will be used in this mod. It looks fine on that screenshot, other than the whole bunch of empty. Certainly looks placeholder-ish to me.
Listen here, don't just tell someone to stop just because he's being honest about that picture. It's even worse if you try to sympathize about it at the same time. I would understand if he was plainly whining and just purely insulting the picture, but that isn't the case. He IS saying how it can be improved. That's called giving criticism.

Anyway, I'm looking forward to see how the skybox will be used in this mod. It looks fine on that screenshot, other than the whole bunch of empty. Certainly looks placeholder-ish to me.

In his defense, most of it was shitposting, but you do have a point here.
"It's shitposting because I disagree" isn't a very good way to take criticism.

Christ, that looks like a giant bowl of "what the fuck is going on"

This is just nothing but disorientating to watch.

Not once here were any pointers as to how to fix our "issues" given.

...Ont he subject of the image, it just makes it look even MORE like a vast expanse of nothing. Just look at how HUGE that pool of water looks! What, was the entire city build on the BORDER of a lake? With cardboard? Is this level called Soggy City or something? The camera needs to be moved more north, we don't need to see the entire diameter of the round skybox.

Never stated how the map looked like a vast expanse of nothing in the first place, or any reasoning behind calling it Soggy City. These are examples of shitposts(the first being more than the second).
Never stated how the map looked like a vast expanse of nothing in the first place, or any reasoning behind calling it Soggy City. These are examples of shitposts(the first being more than the second).

There is NOTHING on the background but water so far. How is that not obvious enough to you for why he called it Soggy City?
Look, D00D64. i like your works, really i do. but just stop this. nobody said it was a final decision. it's most likely placeholder. just let them work on this. atleast they're putting all the effort they can into this. so just calm down.


Being late ain't very fashionable.
The issue is moreso his way of phrasing things in the most unnecessary and stupid way possible rather than getting to the point like a non-distinguished gentleman.

The camera needs to be moved more north, we don't need to see the entire diameter of the round skybox.

This could've been his post alone but it wasn't, as are most of his posts like this.
This could've been his post alone but it wasn't, as are most of his posts like this.

But what good would that have done? The problem is in plain view. You can see it with your eyeballs. They put them into your brain and your brain says "Man, I don't remember Drowned Downtown being made of cardboard." And yet, nobody on the Kart Krew looked at this screenshot and said "You know guys, maybe we should fix the skybox up since we have the incredible advantage of the skybox camera always facing one direction at all times. Y'know?" So I gotta drive that shit in the best way I know how.

...Thinking about this skybox further, I don't think tubular skyboxes are suitable for Top Down if its always going to be in the same direction no matter what. You can really experiment with it being locked in place. Instead of thinking of it as a cylinder, think of it as a diorama, perhaps. It'll probably still end up cardboard-y, but it'd be some potentially pretty cardboard at least.
I've already been fixing up the skybox a bit.

The finished version will definitely not be a tube and will have actual scenery instead of a void of fog.
I actually like the fog, it gives a sensation of very high height and ambience, buildings would give it more ambience though. There should be a moment where you get to a elevator and you go down then you get 5 or 6 floors down, and you remove the fog block.
Lives are now shared, so to represent that, your entire team will be represented in the life icon. (up to the the very most, 4)
You know, looking at the amount of rings it takes to restore one heart REALLY reminds me of Starfy, because you need 5 pearls (like coins in mario) to restore one heart, there would even be a meter to let you know how many out of 5 you have.
Hype mode engaged. Please let us know how much longer will we have to wait to see this fucking awesome mod appear in the Releases forum :3
This is gonna end up being one of my favorite mods for 2.1, right next to the upcoming new version of SRB2 Kart. This looks fantastic, and I can imagine that very fun times will be had in netgames using this mod. Do you guys plan on releasing a tutorial on how to create levels for TopDown once it's released?

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