Blaze the Cat v1.2

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It's about time I posted my Blaze the Cat update formally, and for the newest SRB2 release too!

This character skin is, sadly, still the same skin that was during 1.09 days, but at least she's properly colored this time around, and the animations aren't too shabby, at least. Hopefully this Blaze will hold you guys over until Hinote finishes her better version of this. =P


Updated again! Now Blaze's dress and her fur change color in the Blaze Alt file, so if you need to be easier to spot in multiplayer, this is the version you want!

***Special Thanks Goes To***

-SonicTheDalek, for the original life monitor icons.
-Senku Niola, for redrawing the head on Blaze's back-diagonal sprites.
-darkness claw, for the character select picture.
-Chrispy, for improving/making the spin sprites.
-SpaceKGreen, for the '06 Blaze model references and Alt Blaze's character select image.
-Katmint, for working some Lua magic to get her super form working again.


To use this character properly, she needs to be loaded from startup so the custom palette kicks in. (Don't worry, it doesn't mess with anything, and won't even conflict with Hinote.) This allows Blaze to be the proper colors I wanted her in originally.

Alternatively if you don't want her conflicting with another palette mod, (Assuming you're using one.) use the alternate Blaze WAD instead that excludes the custom palette. She's still a darker purple, instead of blue, thankfully. That version also has a hidden easter egg if you look for it!



***Screenies From Other Users***



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The custom palette did cause an issue with the armageddon shield explosion colours being scrambled and the turning super animation has a frame replaced with Blaze's 1up icon. But they're both quite minor issues.

Also the character select tip is out of date, the player can no longer hover multiple times before falling to the ground. It's not something I would hold the wad in submissions for as it's still quite playable, but it would be nice if you fixed it.

Other than that, it was nice to see someone actually get some use out of the ability to use custom palettes. Good work~ Welcome to releases.
The reason it shows her life icon while turning super is because of a change to the sprite order in 2.1. Frames e and f (lowercase) are now used for the transformation frames rather than the monitors so you really should consider fixing that.
So the Devs added more frames for the Super Transformation? Whoa, that would have taken me forever to figure out, I have yet to get past Castle Eggman.

I'll go ahead and patch that up, it sounds pretty derpy as it is.

The custom palette did cause an issue with the armageddon shield explosion colours being scrambled and the turning super animation has a frame replaced with Blaze's 1up icon. But they're both quite minor issues.

Also the character select tip is out of date, the player can no longer hover multiple times before falling to the ground. It's not something I would hold the wad in submissions for as it's still quite playable, but it would be nice if you fixed it.

Other than that, it was nice to see someone actually get some use out of the ability to use custom palettes. Good work~ Welcome to releases.

Holy snow cows. O: Not much I can do about the palette freaking out during the Armageddon shield, but I'll definitely fix up the tip and super frames before I do anything else this evening.

Yeah, it feels good having a use for custom palettes. The sprites really benefit from it.
Thanks for letting me know! The attachment in the first post is updated with the same ZIP package as the MediaFire upload, so whoever downloaded that is still good. =P

Hopefully, I'll update the Sol Emerald WAD eventually too, it's probably the only finished Nights replacement character in existence.
You mentioned in another thread about making a new version with the Air Drill skill. I'm really looking forward to that. :D I really find that I like that ability.
Yes, on the next update, I will change her ability to the Air Drill, and update the Sol Emerald WAD so she can transform in Nights Mode again! (While also fixing the fact that the Sol Emeralds themselves half worked in 2.0. I got impatient with finding lump names.)

What sucks is that I don't feel like playing through the new Nights stages specifically to get the emeralds again, despite that those stages were the whole reason I wanted 2.1 in the first place. Can modified games trigger the super form through the terminal? That'd save me a lot of trouble.

I also wouldn't mind implementing Eggman Nega again, but I'd have to replace normal Eggman in two other extra bosses. If anybody wants to volunteer with modding him into the cockpit of Eggman's other machines past Techno Hill Zone, you'll get full credits for that on the original post.
Yes, on the next update, I will change her ability to the Air Drill, and update the Sol Emerald WAD so she can transform in Nights Mode again! (While also fixing the fact that the Sol Emeralds themselves half worked in 2.0. I got impatient with finding lump names.)

What sucks is that I don't feel like playing through the new Nights stages specifically to get the emeralds again, despite that those stages were the whole reason I wanted 2.1 in the first place. Can modified games trigger the super form through the terminal? That'd save me a lot of trouble.

I also wouldn't mind implementing Eggman Nega again, but I'd have to replace normal Eggman in two other extra bosses. If anybody wants to volunteer with modding him into the cockpit of Eggman's other machines past Techno Hill Zone, you'll get full credits for that on the original post.
Character wads can't go super by default. If you set the flag SF_SUPER, like D00D's greeneyes sonic does, then you can go super but if you press spin in the air, you float like super sonic, this can't be turned off and the only way to stop it is with lua.
Every character wad currently uses the super sonic/yellow flashing palette, it's probably not possible to give blaze her own supercolors(MI found a way to set a skincolor that overwrites the super flashing, but that doesn't work for all the effects and afterimages.)

There is a way to test superforms, one of them is match(meadow match zone, emeralds spawn after 1 minute). The other is to use devmode(devmode 1) and then getallemeralds for SP, but your character needs the super flags(which need to be set with lua)
Thanks for the commands on that! Two simple things to enter in and I've got super activation for Sonic. I'm going to have Blaze herself fixed up tonight if I can. Sol Emeralds will be in a separate download as usual.

However, I'm finding the whole super trigger setup in 2.1 full of convoluted butt cheeks. Why can't it be as simple as a variable anymore? I'm going to be lost if this needs LUA code to turn on.
You want Blaze to be able to turn into a single-player super form, yes? Try this.
addHook("MobjThinker", do
    for character in players.iterate
        if not (character.charflags & SF_SUPER)
        and ( and = "blaze")
            character.charflags = $1|SF_SUPER
            character.charflags = $1 & ~SF_SUPER
Thanks for the commands on that! Two simple things to enter in and I've got super activation for Sonic. I'm going to have Blaze herself fixed up tonight if I can. Sol Emeralds will be in a separate download as usual.

However, I'm finding the whole super trigger setup in 2.1 full of convoluted butt cheeks. Why can't it be as simple as a variable anymore? I'm going to be lost if this needs LUA code to turn on.

I cannot wait for Airdrillin' Blaze, with a BurningBlaze of REAL!

Anyway, maybe putting AirDrill to one of LUA's buttons? That way, Blaze can Float and Airdrill freely.
If I were to bring back her float, I'd want to update the frames I made for SRB2 Riders for Blaze to go with them, that way it looks like her Rocket Accel ability in Sonic Rush. Otherwise, it'd be the same old ugly looking ability we've had in her for half a decade.

You want Blaze to be able to turn into a single-player super form, yes? Try this.
addHook("MobjThinker", do
    for character in players.iterate
        if not (character.charflags & SF_SUPER)
        and ( and = "blaze")
            character.charflags = $1|SF_SUPER
            character.charflags = $1 & ~SF_SUPER

That is a huge relief, but I'm a little stuck on getting it to work. I've got it stored as a text lump named LUA_GAME above the OBJECTCFG, and set the flags in the S_SKIN to SF_SUPER, but nothing's happening in-game. Is it all the old stuff conflicting with my S_SKIN?

name = Blaze
facename = BLZENAME
realname = Blaze
hudname = Blaze
ability = CA_AIRDRILL
normalspeed = 33
runspeed = 29
thrustfactor = 5
accelstart = 64
acceleration = 45
startcolor = 164
superanims = 1
superspin = 1
flags = SF_SUPER
prefcolor = 13
Get rid of the flags = SF_SUPER in the S_SKIN. SF_SUPERANIMS and SF_SUPERSPIN should be in flags, and you can eliminate the respective lines for those.The script specifically makes it so if the character doesn't have SF_SUPER, it gives SF_SUPER to them. Also you'll want to give her some sort of actionspd, as the actionspd determines exactly how the air drill sends you flying.
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Ah, I totally forgot about actionspd! Blaze is way more controllable with the air drill now.

Also, I could brutally tear apart some Quake III bots right about now. Blaze still isn't going Super with this :

name = Blaze
facename = BLZENAME
realname = Blaze
hudname = Blaze
ability = CA_AIRDRILL
normalspeed = 33
runspeed = 29
thrustfactor = 5
accelstart = 64
acceleration = 45
startcolor = 164
actionspd = 32
prefcolor = 13
addHook("MobjThinker", function(char)
    if ( == "blaze")
    and not (char.player.charflags & SF_SUPER)
        char.player.charflags = $1|SF_SUPER
This should make the super work.
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That code worked perfectly, Catmint! You and puppy are credited in the WAD files now. Blaze is going super again, and her new Air Drill ability should match MetalAnyone's in terms of stats. I'll update the Sol Emerald mod when I can.

In the meantime, the main release is updated, so go ahead and grab it!
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Do note, Luke, that the SF_SUPER flag also gives Blaze Super Sonic's float ability. Nothing can be done about that.

Also, Lua is a word, not an acronym.
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