HMS123311: Remastered

He said Spike breaking, Wolfy, not Sprite breaking. You know how Metal Sonic is capable of overdriving through spikes in ERZ3? He meant giving that ability to HMS.

Updated my post to reflect this, my bad ^_^
there's any simple lua script to make the character start the level as super? because I'm remaking an old supersonic wad to play with my friends, but I wanted to improve it with some lua scripts

Even though he's apparently in super form, HMS123311 gains invincibility sparkles from monitors. Personally, he would look less boring if he always had them.
Thanks to a huge batch of bugfixes contributed by Katmint, HMS123311 v1.1 will be coming soon to an SRB2MB near you. Along with this, we'll also have NEW HMS surprises for you(as if the first batch wasn't enough ^_~) so be prepared, everyone.
Even though he's apparently in super form, HMS123311 gains invincibility sparkles from monitors. Personally, he would look less boring if he always had them.

This goes for all characters. Invincibility actually *does* mean something for super characters, as it means true invincibility in match and a constant chain in single player; so it's important that the sparkles still show up for them.
Thanks to a huge batch of bugfixes contributed by Katmint, HMS123311 v1.1 will be coming soon to an SRB2MB near you. Along with this, we'll also have NEW HMS surprises for you(as if the first batch wasn't enough ^_~) so be prepared, everyone.

Sweet! Do you have a specific date for the release?

...So I sped ran ERZ3 with HMS...

and no I do not know why the gif is sped up or how to fix it....

Overall, glad to see his return, as his a fun character to mess around with. Although he does die too much due to chaos controlling out of the map to an instant death...
HMS123311 v1.1 has now been released!

Updated the first post with the changelog. Thanks to Katmint, most of the bugs that would crazily break the game have been fixed.

Keep in mind, this is a pure bugfix release. Content release has been delayed to 1.2, which has no specific release date. I guess you'll get it...when it's done.

Enjoy the non-bugginess, anyways!
I downloaded Greeneyes and played for a while. I added HMS to test some super forms and suddendly HMS didn't transform. There's a little bug there, but I don't really know why.

sorry if this is some kind of irrelevant thingy :3
I downloaded Greeneyes and played for a while. I added HMS to test some super forms and suddendly HMS didn't transform. There's a little bug there, but I don't really know why.

sorry if this is some kind of irrelevant thingy :3

It's probably a Lua script conflict...
I really love this WAD. Hilarious in ALL situations, a level breaker, heck! You should add HMS to the NIGHTS MODE!

Now THAT would be hilarious.

by the way you should port sms

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