Oh. Thanks for explaining. Sad that the thok gone, but overdrive is amazing. But maybe too OP. Maybe if your hold it for about 10 sec, it might not be as bad.
Just gonna say that unless the Metal Sonic wad from 1.09.4 was made by blade, then non of Blade's Metal Sonic versions have had the thok ability (in fact, the first version I know of back in 2.0 had the double jump ability, which I find better than the thok...)
Anyway, love the new improvements from the 2.0 version, with the exeption of the high jump, I personally prefer the double jump to it, but eh, it would make him just that much more OP. Anyway...
Sprites: Much better than in 2.0, and the running looks a lot better.
Overdrive Attack: I absolutely love this, way better than the spindash, even if it was improved for 2.1. I also like how you can control it, also unlike the spindash.
Spike Break: This one I find just ok. There's really not many good places to use it right now, other than maybe ERZ3, and you really cannot use it unless in the Overdrive attack, which is not always a good idea to use in ERZ3, you have a speed powerup, or you have gone super, which means it's not that useful. Although, I would like to see a map that maybe used this ability to help you find hidden paths and powerups (and maybe a Metal Sonic only mandatory path...).
Overall, great addon, shame though nothing can be unlocked when he's active.