Roly Poly Putt

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Glad to hear you got the app though! The free weekend was quite successful :)
How did I miss this? Ugh. Oh well.

I have an iPhone 4. I hope it doesn't run like crap like some apps like to do.
The game runs with some modified graphics settings on iPhone 4, 3GS, and other last-gen iDevices. Roly should run at a silky smooth 60fps no matter which device(s) you own.
Okay which one of you made hole 16 in sowbug swamp because I kind of want to murder you right now is that okay?
Okay which one of you made hole 16 in sowbug swamp because I kind of want to murder you right now is that okay?

Hahahahaha, that's AJ's crazy uphill level, isn't it? Just wait until you try Hole 18. ;)

Here's a listing of who made each hole:

Sowbug Swamp
Hole 1: SSNTails
Hole 2: XSRB2
Hole 3: SSNTails
Hole 4: XSRB2
Hole 5: XSRB2
Hole 6: Spazzo
Hole 7: SSNTails + Spazzo
Hole 8: Spazzo
Hole 9: SSNTails
Hole 10: XSRB2
Hole 11: XSRB2
Hole 12: XSRB2
Hole 13: Spazzo (Look closely at the colours chosen ;))
Hole 15: SSNTails
Hole 16: SSNTails
Hole 17: SSNTails
Hole 18: Spazzo
Bonus: SSNTails

Woodlice West
Hole 1: Spazzo + SSNTails
Hole 2: Spazzo
Hole 3: SSNTails
Hole 4: SSNTails + Spazzo
Hole 5: SSNTails + Spazzo
Hole 6: Spazzo
Hole 7: Spazzo
Hole 8: Spazzo
Hole 9: SSNTails + Spazzo
Hole 10: Spazzo
Hole 11: SSNTails
Hole 12: Spazzo
Hole 13: Spazzo
Hole 14: Spazzo + SSNTails
Hole 15: SSNTails
Hole 16: SSNTails
Hole 17: SSNTails
Hole 18: SSNTails
Bonus: SSNTails + Spazzo

It's worth noting that by the end of development, both of us had left our creative mark on pretty much every level in the game...I'm just accounting the more major level design changes.
Hey everyone,

v1.2 is available for anyone interested, changelog can be found here. App Store link is in my signature. Looking forward to LevelUp tomorrow, will post pictures!
Many of those textures are made by JEV3, who is also on the Roly Poly Putt team. The canyon music (aka 2.0.x ACZ music) was composed by Spazzo. Any of the stuff that wasn't made by Spazzo, SSNtails or JEV3, had permission from the creators of the original materials to use them.
Yeah, there's a lot of stuff I had to intentionally avoid because a) It wasn't made by me, JEV3, or Nev3r; or b) Origin of materials could not be traced to obtain permission. All of the courses feature motifs that were originally concieved by me -- none of them match the original SRB2 rotation. I wanted to distance it as much as possible, without also throwing out a lot of quality work.

There's also the fact that nobody should be jealous -- we still have not turned a profit.
I think Roly Poly Putt needs more advertisement! Is there any way to get it to be the "Free App of the Week?" (I'd assume that's really difficult though...) Are there any other ways to advertising it directly on the iPhone or App Store itself? That would probably work the best, but is probably costly or unlikely. Do you guys have any other plans for advertising Roly Poly Putt?
I think Roly Poly Putt needs more advertisement!
One way to start is to tell everyone you know about it! :)
Tell everyone you know who has an iOS device to check it out. Sometimes word of mouth works out for the best (look what it did for Minecraft).

Edit: Well, that's assuming you consider horrible YouTube LPs word-of-mouth marketing. ;)
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It's really kind of nebulous on how to become 'Editor's Choice', 'Free App of the Week', etc.. it seems to be on who you know and who you can bribe... case in point, Major Magnet.

They sold their souls to a publisher, and paid big bucks to a marketing consultant. Plus they plastered all of their press releases saying HEY WE WERE PART OF SONIC 2 HD! WATCH OUT SONIC HERE WE COME! rather than trying to let their game stand on its own. Despite the initial release of their app not running on anything but iOS 6.x devices and crashing often (however it let you INSTALL it on iOS 5 devices), it magically appeared as 'Editor's Choice' despite having serious quality issues.

YouTube LPs did wonders for SRB2. I think we just need to get more creative with marketing in that respect.
The game is FREE through Sunday May 19th in celebration of my wedding anniversary (noticing a trend? Haha).

If you like the game and want to support us, please do an In-App-Purchase, write an iTunes review, Like us on Facebook, and/or tell your friends. So far we are not even earning enough money to cover our annual government business filing fees. :(
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I would totally get this if I had an iPhone, but I don't. I don't even have an android I'm so cheap.
We use a PC port for development and I'd love to release it on Steam, but with some way more popular stuff not even getting passed Greenlight, I don't know how a release would be done. Mac App Store is a possibility, but I imagine most of you also don't have Macs...
We use a PC port for development and I'd love to release it on Steam, but with some way more popular stuff not even getting passed Greenlight, I don't know how a release would be done. Mac App Store is a possibility, but I imagine most of you also don't have Macs...

Even so, the Android is a choice platform. Most devices made in the past couple years can run 3D and accelerometer function quite well.

Really, releasing it on steam is a stretch. Can you maybe attest to how the game would play with, say, a keyboard and mouse, or even a gamepad?
You can try something like Desura for distribution, or even sell it directly from your site using something like paypal.
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