Suggesting something, even if I know that I'll regret it.
Cyber Tower Zone
A virtually generated tower. Could do well with a mix of mechanical and virtual textures. Making it look like the thing isn't "loaded" completely and is using some default texturing of sorts (For example, making a spot on the ground have virtual textures and maybe strange collision) would be nice.
Introduction: Act 1 would start in a completely virtual textured room, then the actual texturing would replace it. Not sure if it should be gradual or instant.
Teleporting: if there is a teleport in the level, the place should turn into a black void and then look like it's loading the teleport destination, like in the Act 1 introduction.
Grids: Occasionally, the player will see these, which have various effects, and said effects can be changed in some way such as buttons or something else. They would use the LITE(letter) textures, with each color corresponding to a particular effect. Would be great for puzzles or path splitting. The area the grid affects would be tinted in a colormap of the same color as the grid. Black grids do nothing, Blue ones would push the player in a particular direction for transporting purposes(Or hazards if you put something harmful at the destination!), yellow ones would make the player super fast and lose rings gradually. (I kind of ran out of ideas here, feel free to suggest stuff.)
Magnet boots: a special kind of monitor that appears only in this zone. When popped, it would allow the player to cling to metallic ceilings for a bit of time. Jumping or going on a non-metallic section would mean falling off. The monitors themselves respawn after being popped even if respawnitem is turned off.
Eggman signpost: First thing first, Act 2 should seem too short to be true. When you reach the signpost, it is proved that it was, as the signpost stops while showing Eggman's face, explodes, and the player is teleported in another section, which is the actual act 2. Preferably, it should look different from the rest of the zone.
Right at the end of act 2 (the actual end, not the eggman signpost one), the player should suddenly be moved to an entirely virtual textured room. A special theme starts playing and a green sonic appears, only to copy the player's skin/color! (Yes, it's possible to SOC.) It then starts to run around, jumping or spindashing sometimes and also shooting multiplayer rings occasionally. (Might not use the rails.) Beating it will make the signpost fall from nowhere and show the player's face when it lands, ending the act.
--Boss Arena--
The fight takes place in a hexagon shaped area with windows looking outside and triangular floating platforms aligned with the sides of the main area, which is a hexagonal platform. Outside there is some ground outlining the area and there are also some decorative things, but falling off is instant kill (See the boss' first Panic Attack if you're wondering how you could fall off with windows blocking you.) Some hurtful hazard is at the bottom. (The idea is quite hard to describe, and I'd like to make this act myself.)
This time, you fight your favorite egg shaped evil genius at the top of the tower. His latest eggmobile edits (this means that it acts like the eggmobile except with different attacks) are themed around missiles:
Attack 1: Eggman shoots 5 missiles with a delay of about half a second between shots. The missiles make a small explosion (half the size of an explosion ring blast maybe?) and leave temporary elemental-shield-spintrail fire where they land. Eggman dashes away horizontally after this attack.
Attack 2: Eggman launches a homing missile that does exactly what it should: follow the player everywhere. It'll only chase the player for about 5 seconds before overheating and exploding though.
(Do note that it can use the normal attacks in the panic phase.)
Panic attack 1: Eggman launches a super missile that is very fast, causes massive knockback if it hits player directly and can break the windows of the arena if it hits them instead. There's still a charge-up time/sound before he uses it.
Panic attack 2: Eggman launches a missile that, when it hits something, creates an explosion of turret projectiles that fly all over the place (basically A_OldRingExplode without the objects going to DeathState).
I'd suggest using this:
Oh and by the way, I got an idea on how to SOC/already SOC'd all of the things I suggested, and I would like to help with other SOC related stuff as well.