[Open Assets] [SRB2 Riders] D00D Kart 64 - Mario Kart Level Pack!

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You know, you should probably update the version number in Addon Settings whenever you update. That way, people who have subscribed to your thread (such as yours truly) will be automatically notified of any update.

I do, but for some reason, it keeps saying it never updates. I have no idea why...

Anyway, one huge problem with this pack is that I never have any idea what numbers the maps are. Since I load it up with a batch file, the problem is even worse. Is there anything you can do about this? At the very least, could you make a custom F1 screen that lists all the stages and their map numbers?

Ah, that's an idea. the F1 screen in Riders is useless anyway (even though it should answer the age old question of HOW DO I JUMP[AND DRIFT]), so I'll get right on that.

EDIT: Also, after changing some of the skies in some levels (after seeing four levels in a row with the same sky), I also decided to make Riverside Park look more like its GBA counterpart...


I think I did quite well here. Much nicer. I may give Donut Plains 3 similar treatment.
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Made some fixes to the maps, and added a new one; Sky Garden!


There, now people on IRC can stop asking me to make it. Blech.
NEXT update'll probably be the missions one. Who knows?

Also, the map count is now...

9 Ported levels
3 Original levels
16 Riders/Sonic R Ported levels
28 maps TOTAL!

This combined with the preinstalled 10 maps, and that's 38, more than the DS and Wii Mario Kart titles!

This is obviously not counting the unfinished maps, the Bleeding Green placeholder map, and Block Fort (which was made in preparation for Battle mode, if it comes up). That's quite the amount of maps! A far cry from what we had in 1.09, eh?
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This pack is great fun when you've got about ten people all playing. Have some quotes from our netgame;

Map is now "MAPD0: CLOUD CRADLE K"
<Blade> D:
<~Scootaloo> oh yesssssssss
<Iceman404> :DDD
<Awesome> oh go
<Metal-Rawr> oh god no
<Metal-Rawr> fuu
<Monster Iestyn> ...
<Kim Belacqua the Fox> Naaaa
Metal-Rawr left the game
<D00D64> thx
<Zipper> Seriously D00D what the fuck is this?
<Zipper> PILLAR
<D00D64> the best course
<Kim Belacqua the Fox> It could only be D00D`s.
<Monster Iestyn> great
<Monster Iestyn> losing again
<Kim Belacqua the Fox> I`m not drunk
<Kim Belacqua the Fox> I can drive carefully
<~Scootaloo> now let's find derpy! <3
<~Scootaloo> in ten.
<~Scootaloo> seconds.
<~Scootaloo> flat.
<Pyro> Lol
<Zipper> LOL
<~Scootaloo> this serv neeeds moved to casual
Iceman404 started lap 2
<Monster Iestyn> race
Blade started lap 2
Monster Iestyn started lap 2
<Zipper> Why are we doing this?
<Monster Iestyn> race
<Monster Iestyn> I came here to race
<Monster Iestyn> not to stare at stuff
<Iceman404> me too
Iceman404 started lap 4
<D00D64> oh hai blade
<~Scootaloo> fuck you monster, we're playing Find the Cross-Eyed Pegasus

Some of these probably aren't near as funny without the context of the game, and I apologize for this.

Also, as you can tell, we eventually got bored of racing and started searching out the cameos. ADD MORE OR I WILL SLAUGHTER YOU

Edit: Also, have the full log here if you want.
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This pack is amazing, but some of the ports are very bleh looking, and sometimes too wide open.
Oh yes.


It was quite the game. We had about 8 to 9 guys in here at any given moment. It was awesome.


It also involved swimming. Kinda.


We played for AGES. This is why having tons of maps is awesome.
If only there was an option in the Esc menu...

Something like "Change Map..."...

Maybe it would let you choose a map to play...
...where's my F1 map list?

After thinking about it, not only would the maps be difficult to fit on one f1 image, it'd be annoying to update. SOOOOOOOOOO...


Grab this, and "exec k_DK64L" to use!


Basically, CUPLIST says the cups and the cup aliases say the maps. There were wayyyyy too many maps for a single list, so I had to split it up. Also, in this latest version, all Kart mas are now compatible in single player, so no need for "-force"! Future versions of the pack will have this file included in the ZIP, and the wad will execute the txt file on startup, ensuring you get your list at the ready right away!
So, I was playing SRB2PlayerFan/SuperChris/BlackStarChris's alleged casino levels, and not only are they not very good, but they're almost nothing like casinos! Something had to be done! So I dug up my Cosmic Casino textures, strangled Blade for his textures, gave my textures a bit of polish, aaaaaand...


I got an early beta for stuff! and before you ask, yes those pillars are animated, no Sonic is not a ghost and is just on invincibility frame blink, and no, we wont be using Sonja art as a placeholder for anything and accidentally leave it in.


Also contains those slot machines that spin around! (The red block texture has got to go, I know.)

And I'll make sure I use those new sideways springs in a way that'll hopefully not bug the fuck out like pretty much every SOCced sideways spring ever. As for mission mode, that's going along pretty slowly, but thanks to CZ64, the puddles in Luigi Circuit (GBA) now cause spinouts! There's a bug involving stars that gets you stuck until star power runs out though. I'll fix it eventually. But next update will still have plenty of other things for you guys, so keep holding on!
Thank god, an actual casino level. Great job, I can't wait to drift--I mean play it out!

I wasted my time adding these.


and this is a different room than the last pic and its about halfway in i actually did stuff honest

Oh boy, here we go. First off, something minor:


Along with bugfixes, I went ahead and not only fixed more zoomtube alternate wiewpoint cams in the Riders tracks, but added some to other zoomtubes to make them less boring.


The Guest Cup has begun. Only one map so far, but it's Simsmagic's Darkvile Castle! There will be a few more Guest Cup levels on the way, you can be soon of that. My dominence over all Kart mods will soon begin!

...okay, it already did, but whatever.


And finally, Lovely Night is complete! And I... am not entirely sure I like the result. I dunno. Least its better than those other alleged casino maps.

No missions yet, but they'll come eventually! Possibly!

Also, sadly, I had to remove the spinout pads I just added to Luigi Circuit GBA, as gaining a star and running over them caused you to be stuck in invincibility listening to the same few miliseconds of the spinout noise untill the star power runs out and you THEN spin out. Untill this is sorted out, puddles are back to non-functionality. I did learn a new gimmick for Lovely Night out of it though, so that's something!

...What on earth is that Diddy Kong Racing Balloon doing there?

Same Reason the Crash Team Racing crate, the Super Circuit box and the Pocket Adventure Big RANG are doing there.

EDIT: Oh crap, the texture2 is incorrect, since CRASHC1 isn't in there. Can't I have ONE update without at least one dumb error? Well, it has been patched for all downloads just now (both MB and Dropbox), since the update has only been up for about 40 minutes anyway. Filename is the same, so just grab the levels wad if you downloaded the ZIP already.
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Okay, I've gonna say something you won't like to hear.

Lovely Night is terrible. Absolutely terrible.

I mean, yeah, visually it is stunning. I'd love to see those textures used for a straight-up Single Player level. But gameplay is just awful. It suffers from the same problems as Cloud Cradle K and Monochrome Road: you are operating under the assumption that the player knows exactly where to go and what to do. And that is not going to be the case for beginners. You can't see those arrows on the floor until you are right on top of them (you should have used wall arrows instead). There are a crazy number of 90-degree turns, including ones that occur right before jumps. And besides that, the level is really too long as well; It's really all just jumping and drifting, and while the visuals are nice and shiny, they are homogeneous, so you have no idea where you are on the stage.

The real problem is that the level is so gorgeous that it is terribly distracting. And also, there is no real way to tell the track from just-for-show areas, either. Just using a special floor texture to outline the track would have made this stage much better.
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Okay, I've gonna say something you won't like to hear.

Lovely Night is terrible. Absolutely terrible.

Can't help but think Lovely Night isn't great either, but let's see here...

I mean, yeah, visually it is stunning. I'd love to see those textures used for a straight-up Single Player level.

Like I (think) I mentioned earlier, Blade made most of these textures and the other textures are from my canned Pocket Adventure styled mod, and the primary reason neither of these levels got anywhere is that SRB2 lacks the pinball physics needed for a casino. As a result, the idea well starts low.

But gameplay is just awful. It suffers from the same problems as Cloud Cradle K and Monochrome Road: you are operating under the assumption that the player knows exactly where to go and what to do. And that is not going to be the case for beginners. You can't see those arrows on the floor until you are right on top of them (you should have used wall arrows instead). There are a crazy number of 90-degree turns, including ones that occur right before jumps. And besides that, the level is really too long as well; It's really all just jumping and drifting, and while the visuals are nice and shiny, they are homogeneous, so you have no idea where you are on the stage.

The biggest issue with this is something I noticed only as I was making it: SRB2 and Casino levels do NOT cooperate. Casino levels love to use all kinds of pinball gimmicks and so-on, but SRB2 (even moreso with Riders' Kart mode) doesn't use most of the pinball physics elements as the classics, so all I had was bouncy walls and OOH SHINY things.

The only saving grace of the level being that many of the items are placed in a Risk vs Reward way; using the pink pad (called the Max Pad) instead of taking items, items being placed in a way where it would be quicker to skip them, items in tight places... There are a quite a few items, but its too risky to get them all... Unless you feel lucky. Which you should be if you're going to a casino.

As for wall arrows, I never did like those very much, but since sector arrows don't work, I think I know what else to use...

The real problem is that the level is so gorgeous that it is terribly distracting. And also, there is no real way to tell the track from just-for-show areas, either. Just using a special floor texture to outline the track would have made this stage much better.

It actually does. Most of the drivable parts of the level are red, and that texture as well as the texture for inside buildings is used nowhere else. the only exceptions are the red tiles recolored from Cosmic Casino tiles, but those are usually level to the floors around it. The only "just for show" area is when you jump twards the second check and see a road to the right. That's mainly to keep the design of that area consistent and possibly something for Mission Mode later on. As for the visuals... well, it aint exactly a Casino level without tons of Scenery Porn now is it? Most of the visuals are too vertically high to get up to most of the time anyway.
I've had time to think about it, and I think I have a more specific explanation of the problem. Any decent Mario Kart track uses its own design to direct the player along the path quite naturally, without a need for too many arrows or other artificial cues. Your levels don't really do that too much; the actual route is not made obvious by the general design of the track.

Also, Darkvile Castle Kart was pretty good, but I wasn't big on the spring section. It's pretty awkward. And while we're on the subject of the Guest Cup, I'd love to see Tortured Planet represented...that is, if you can look past your personal dislike of it. ;)
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I hosted another netgame. QUICK, MATCH THE NAME TO THE PLAYER;


As you can tell, we never have the attention span to play a whole netgame with actual racing. We also played a bit of Lovely Night, and once you figure out the course, it isn't too bad. Not my first choice for a course to time attack though. This one was also quite short, so we didn't do much in the way of funny business. I set the items to Lightning Only on a few rounds, though. Great fun.

I swear, I'll stop posting these so often. I just like documenting fun netgames.
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