[Open Assets] [SRB2 Riders] D00D Kart 64 - Mario Kart Level Pack!

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So, I was reading the forums when I realized something: I have way too many topics for submissions! Seriously, I had tons of them! Too many, infact, for them to be split apart and such, so here's a level pack with all of my pre-released stuff! The prequel to Dr. Robotnik's Ring Racers!* However, in addition to them all being in a pack, some courses received adjustments and will continue to be updated within this pack! ...Least, this is what I said when I first made it. But now it has grown into a HUGE pack with tons of courses! Ports, new courses, and courses made by other members! There's tons of track to tear up, so get on it!

*This is a semi-lie


NOTE: Picture updating in process!

Ported Maps

Shell Cup

Luigi Circuit GBA
Ribbon Road (GBA)
Delfino Square (DS)
Ghost Valley 2 (SNES)

Banana Cup
Donut Plains 3 (SNES)
Mario Speedway (N64)
Riverside Park (GBA)
Shroom Ridge (DS)

Lightning Cup
Sky Garden (GBA)
Desert Hills (DS) [Thanks to Blade for this one!]
Retro Maze (Pac-Man World Rally)




Custom Maps

Lovely Cup (WIP)

A series of tracks set on the island of Lovely, where all four seasons run simultaneously in different places. How? Who cares?

Lovely Sunset (Coming Soon!)
Lovely Afternoon
Lovely Night
Lovely Day (Possibly also coming soon!)


Eagle Cup(WIP)

The hardest of the hard, the stages are just as aggressive as the most hardened of opponents!

Black Bliss (May be moved)
??? (Coming Somewhat less soon!)
Cloud Cradle K
Monochrome Road


Guest Cup

The next step in this Kart pack's dominance over SRB2 Riders, this pack is almost literally devowering other maps! Is there no end in sight?!

Darkvile Castle (Simsmagic)
Forgotten Ruins (Blade)
Blue Mountain (Chrome) [NOTE: This map replaces DK Cavern, and is not technically part of this cup]
Thunder Piston (ZarroTsu)



Block Fort (N64)
Peach's Castle (Battle version)



What's that? STILL not enough Kart action? Well, those Riders and Sonic R stages were gathering dust, so I converted some of them to Karts mode! They can be found starting from "MAPRA".

Oh yes, quite a bit of Kart Kontent there.



NOTE: Both music wads are required, as the music is split among them. HOPEFULLY, this will mean I only need to update one or the other if I really need to. M1 is for the ports, and M2 is for custom maps.

If you're going from 2.1.1 to 2.2, be sure to grab Music WAD 2! Both text files were updated as well.

Also, if you have both music wads, but enter a server, the music wads wont load themselves in, but just type "loadup" in the console, and the game will do the rest!

Levels WAD: http://dl.dropbox.com/u/7986587/k_DKart64_v2_2_2.zip
Music WAD 1: http://dl.dropbox.com/u/7986587/k_DK64M1.zip
Music WAD 2: http://dl.dropbox.com/u/7986587/k_DK64M2.zip
Cup Listing: http://dl.dropbox.com/u/7986587/k_DK64L.txt
Cheats: http://dl.dropbox.com/u/7986587/k_dk64c.txt
(type exec [filename] to use .txt files)

...Huh? What's this about "Dr. Robotnik's Ring Racers?" Oh, its this name that'll make a lot more sense about... 11 years from now. I didn't totally revisit this post all those years later to shoehorn the name Dr. Robotnik's Ring Racers onto my post in the hopes this will turn up in search results and cause Google Image Search to load up the cursed-as-heck D00D Kart 64 title screen(s)! Nawwwww~
And even if this was the plan, there is no guarantee this will work.



  • k_DKart64_v2_2_2.zip
    8.5 MB · Views: 5,890
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Ghost Valley better have parts of the track fall off when you hit the walls.
Excellent...I'm glad to see them all bundled up, and I'm certainly eager to see the changes and additions.

By the way, Cloud Cradle K needs to go much more desperately than Monochrome Road. I died maybe 20 times on the first lap and ragequitted.
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Ghost Valley better have parts of the track fall off when you hit the walls.

It can't, but I was thinking parts of the wall would fall down over time ala Grumble Volcano, in at least some way to compensate for not being able to do collapsible walls. I can't make it a destructible wall because the player would fly THROUGH the wall, making it pointless, not to mention incredibly laggy given I'd need hundreds of FOFs to make EVERY SINGLE BLOCK destructible.

By the way, Cloud Cradle K needs to go much more desperately than Monochrome Road. I died maybe 20 times on the first lap and ragequitted.


All you need is love skill. I am definetly satisfied with how Cloud Cradle K turned out, and shall not be cutting it. I may make a tweak or two if anything at all, but for right now, I am satisfied with Cloud Cradle K completely.
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For Ghost Valley, maybe add a thin sector around the walls that trigger the falling FOFs? I've never touched those Crumbling FOFs, so I don't know how they work.
I feel like showing off, so I'm going to post videos of both Cloud Cradle K and Monochrome Road that I did a few days ago. Strangely enough, it's a lot easier for me to play these both stages using the mouse since my drifting skills aren't up to par with RedEchidna's drifting skills. It took several tries for Monochrome Road since Fraps slows the frame rate when running in OpenGL mode, but not as much in Software mode. As well as dodging those obstacles that were pretty distracting.

Other than that, I did play the ports of these tracks and I gotta say that you did a good job! It's about almost the same size and length as the real Mario Kart tracks. It's too bad that SRB2Riders has so many limits on track creation, but it's as good as it will ever get. Do you plan on porting the other tracks from the Mario Kart games?
For Ghost Valley, maybe add a thin sector around the walls that trigger the falling FOFs? I've never touched those Crumbling FOFs, so I don't know how they work.

JEV3 suggested this too, but the issue here is that a player can drive alongside the wall and lower ALL of the walls without even hitting them. I still have yet to make a decision.





Beta shots of the 3DS Battle map! CZ64 hasn't implemented battle mode yet, but when he does, this pack will be ready! The bottom screen is more or less done (the actual touch screen needs a custom texture, and I think I have an idea on what). As for the top screen, it won't be out like the DS stage in Mario Kart DS, but instead will stand up 90 degrees, with players being able to enter the top screen, which will have a room inside. Nothing much yet, but I'm sure it'll be an awesome map when Battle mode is made! (If it is!)
I ran into some bugs playing this. Let me list them.

*In Delfino Square, after players fall off the course and respawn, I get sigsegv'd.
*After I finished lap 1 on Monochrome Road, I got sigsev'd again because there was an area with flamethrowers burning at once.

My suggestion: Test your levels before submitting them.
I ran into some bugs playing this. Let me list them.

*In Delfino Square, after players fall off the course and respawn, I get sigsegv'd.
*After I finished lap 1 on Monochrome Road, I got sigsev'd again because there was an area with flamethrowers burning at once.

My suggestion: Test your levels before submitting them.

This is all you, since not only did I test them, THEY tested them (other players AND mods that NEED to test them to accept them, thus you're implying that mods/judges arn't doing their job either) and got it running fine, with neither of these bugs happening. I run through these courses several times each, even running through them for the sake of time trial, and it never happens. This is something on your end, not mine. Either that, or you're holding an item out behind you as you die, which instantly crashes, and you're misinterpreting this as a sigsegv. This happens on EVERY Mario Kart course in SRB2 Riders, so this is not my doing.
More background on Ghost Valley and I will be happy. :3
*gum flapping*
>showing off
>uses mouse

I feel terrible making an essentially contentless post, so I guess I'll give this one a reason to exist by... saying I'll download it? That should work, right?

Also, it's probably because I never played SMK, but I don't see the point on dropping the rails in Ghost Valley. Might be different after I play it, though, so I dunno.
Also, it's probably because I never played SMK, but I don't see the point on dropping the rails in Ghost Valley. Might be different after I play it, though, so I dunno.

If you ran into the blocks in the Ghost levels in Super Mario Kart and Mario Kart Super circuit, they'd fall off. Now, due to the way I set the course up, not only would I have to redraw every single wall into a billion pieces, but each one would need its own tag to be destroyed. Amongst other issues.



I gotta stop working on so many things at once.
>showing off
>uses mouse

Yeah, I'm guilty for using the mouse. =P Just gotten used to using it after a short while... But, I do miss the mini-boost since using the mouse sacrifices drifting. >.< Still, your first lap of Cloud Cradle K was awesome.

And the 3DS battle stage looks interesting... Perhaps you could probably use the SRB2Riders logo as a custom texture since this is SRB2Riders. Or use a screen shot of the home screen for both screens to make it look like we are battling on a real 3DS.

Ah, while this is still fresh on the mind: Ghost Valley 2 doesn't show up in the level selection screen. So, I have to put in the map number in order to access it.
Ah, while this is still fresh on the mind: Ghost Valley 2 doesn't show up in the level selection screen. So, I have to put in the map number in order to access it.

Oh, whoops, forgot to mark it as hidden = 0. Fixed for the next version.
By the way, Cloud Cradle K needs to go much more desperately than Monochrome Road. I died maybe 20 times on the first lap and ragequitted.
I'd say Cloud Cradle K is the best level in the pack. Why do people complain so much about it? Just learn to goddamn drift better! I find it very fun, compact, visually pleasing (scenery wise), original, and like the fact that it has the least render errors. It's pretty easy to beat it without dying no less than 3 times, and that's just because the luck jump at the start.
Maybe the puddles could just behave like ice floors? Just an idea I thought of.

I tried this idea before, but it didn't work out. It doesn't work because the puddles are far too small to make much of an impact at all, and drifting nullifies anything they try to do. CZ64 will fix the latter eventually, but I can't do much about the former without changing things too much. I suppose I can put it back in for now though. At least it's SOMETHING.

EDIT: Never mind, it does almost literally nothing. The lowered friction doesn't make steering any harder, AND I've seen it make even WORSE graphical glitches than the course already has. No go.

EDIT2: No, it's even WORSE. turns out I forgot to give it the proper tag, but when I did, the puddles not only didn't make sterring much harder, IT SPED UP ALL CHARACTERS TO THE MAXIMUM SPEED OF SPEED TYPES ALMOST INSTANTANIOUSLY.


...However, I managed to cut the visual bugs a bit, so the puddles will still appear. They'll just be non-functional unless CZ64 makes a spinout sector effect, which I doubt.
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