[Open Assets] SRB2 - Community Build! - Full color Edition! (PNG)

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So, Kalaron, how long did it take you to do all these things? Or for that matter, simply implement slopes? Whatever the case, it seems to me that it's not a matter of these things being impossible, like everyone (including the dev team) says, but rather a lack of motivation on their part. All the same, I can't really blame them though, as I know how it is to work on a project for a long time, and how you begin to grow bored of it.

Anyways, I plan on making a nice test map including slopes, skyboxes, and balloons, and many other things while I'm on my coming roadtrip. Lots of time to do it then, and it will provide me with a nice break from making Jell-O factory. ;)
Oh, just found another glitch. Nothing beyond the tops of Thok Barriers will render. At all. Ever.

Makes Drowned Downtown look ugly as hell. And while I'm at it, the skybox is drawn too high up, just like it is in vanilla OpenGL.

Oh, and stacking middle textures is still broken.

EDIT: One last thing--why the hell does it switch you to Coop if you type "MAP MAPXX"? And consfail the first time you try it?
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Also, I cannot for the life of me get the character md2s to work. I've renamed PLAY.md2 to SONIC.md2 and changed the md2.dat to SONIC SONIC.md2 3.0 0.0, yet sonic remains the same, am I doing something wrong?

You listed that you renamed the .md2 file to "sonic". You also have to rename the skin that's in your MD2 folder to "sonic" as well Chrome.
Fawfulman, calm down a little bit :P Your bug reports are noted and are on my tofix list. SRB2CB is still in beta stage and a lot has been changed around that still needs fixing.

Why does the camera flip automatically when Knuckles glides backwards?

Oh, and the player takes damage whenever the skin gets changed.

I think that might be because SRB2CB is a cross-merge between different versions of SRB2 - and that's actually a good thing by the way, some stuff that's leftover just needs to be taken out and stabilized.

and what OS are you on by the way, Fawfulman?


The sky wall issue has been fixed for the next version.

Also, Drowned Downtown, I've never seen that map, it looks pretty good, where's it from?

{EzerArch} are you going to remove it?
{Kalaron} Yeah, it has to be removed
{EzerArch} *screenshot*
{EzerArch} So... no more break-dancing Sonic?
{Kalaron} :P
{EzerArch} D:
{Kalaron} It doesn't work anymore anyway
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So, Kalaron, how long did it take you to do all these things? Or for that matter, simply implement slopes? Whatever the case, it seems to me that it's not a matter of these things being impossible, like everyone (including the dev team) says, but rather a lack of motivation on their part.

The dev team never said that slopes weren't impossible, but rather they are impossible in software mode. The highest priority is getting something to work in software mode for the dev team. I don't think srb2 is going to become a OGL exclusive mod (sadly) so we won't see stuff like slopes in the official levels.
Whoah !
Already when I look at the screens, I get the mouth watering. It's a mega programmation ! I refer specifically to the stairs which will become fully diagonal and shields of S3 / S&K.
I can not wait. I'll test it and tell my notes.

EDIT : Can I use your work for my wad ? I'll credite you.
EDIT 2 : I do not know how to implement these changes in SRB2DB ... I have to configure anything ?
EDIT 3 : And how to play in Fullscreen.
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Internet Explorer,go to Tools,click on configuration and to files.
NOTE:Put the config in the SRB2 doom builder before!
You're right. Thanks.
EDIT : And reThanks for the fullscreen.
Oh, yes. I've noticed "Bubble Sheild" and not "Bubble Shield" in the editor. You must rename it.
[Make a simple level...]
Ok. People must execute SRB2CB.exe and put "add xxxxx.wad" in the console to play wads made by this configuration.
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Oh, hey, can you give us a download link to that test level with the balloon fountain? It looks pretty cool.

One other bug report: PolyObject flats don't work exactly right in all situations. Whenever there is a concave PolyObject, it fills in the space in between.
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I definitely like the beta version, but there are some things you need to fix for the final:

*The bots (like Sonic & Tails) don't work in Single Player. The CPU-controlled character doesn't appear.

*The fog should be nonexistent by default, it looks very strange in some levels.

*The spintrail is off-center vertically.

*And most important, 2D. Did you slow Sonic down on purpose in 2D mode here, not just SRB1 mode? I tested it on a 2D level that I made, a level that you would only lose 0-1 lives on under normal circumstances, and I lost EIGHT lives on it because Sonic was so slow. Please speed Sonic up for normal 2D mode. If we want Sonic to be slow, we'll use SRB1 Mode.
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And most important, 2D. Did you slow Sonic down on purpose in 2D mode here, not just SRB1 mode? I tested it on a 2D level that I made, a level that you would only lose 0-1 lives on under normal circumstances, and I lost EIGHT lives on it because Sonic was so slow. Please speed Sonic up for normal 2D mode. If we want Sonic to be slow, we'll use SRB1 Mode.
SRB1 Mode will be merged with 2D Mode in 2.1, so you better get used to slow Sonic, because he'll be the only option you have.
Well, that sucks. Looks like all my 2D levels are going to need to be changed a whole lot.
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