
TAUNTLIMIT. A server-set limit on taunts, based on seconds per taunt. E.G. TAUNTLIMIT 60 would only allow each player to taunt once every 60 seconds.

Increase the limit on character WAD taunt/death/victory/ouch from 4 to 10. (Instead of DSTAUNT1 to DSTAUNT4, make it DSTAUNT0 to DSTAUNT9)
Stopping in 2D - You know how in the old Sonic games you could press the opposite joypad button while running in order to come to a sudden halt? In Mario Mode, it's hard to stop when you're running at full speed, and rather inconvenient when you only have a small field of view default on the screen. Perhaps you can make the player be able to break if he's reached runspeed.

Increased default cam_dist in Mario Mode - As I said above, the current view doesn't cover as much distance as in official games.
Special stage mode!

In Sonic Advance 3, once you collect all the emeralds (which is a fairly wearisome task in that game, but I digress) you unlock "special stage mode", allowing you to run through all the special stages sequentially right from the main menu screen. It would be cool if special stage mode were available as an unlockable in SRB2.
Either a script or a sprite that turns on in circuit. When you're on the final lap, a sprite could come up saying, "Final Lap!" The script could be used to play a sound, either for the "3, 2, 1, GO!" sprites, or the "Final Lap!" sprite.
  • Linedef Exec Trigger (Each time; Reset)
  • Linedef Exec Trigger (Once; Reset)
  • Linedef Exec Trigger (Each time; Reset on exit)
  • Linedef Exec Trigger (Once; Reset on exit)
When the player enters the triggering sector, the exec is triggered as normal.
The execs will revert all back to how it was before the player entered the sector.
  • Each time: Revert back after X tics (Set by linedef length). Will not trigger again unless the player exits and re-enters the sector.
  • Once: Same as above, only it will revert back, and never be triggerable again.
  • Reset on exit: Will not start the reset timer untill the player exits the sector.
A_TargetMe - Sets the target of the target to the calling thing.

A_FindTargetExcept - Kinda like A_FindTarget, only search for any object excluding the type specified by var1.
A sector that changes the animation frame only when you pass through it inside the zoom tuve. Let the linedef lenght determine which animation to change.
Camera control in 2D mode. If you hold the up key, the camera will move up a bit. Hold it down to make the camera move down. And when going faster then 25, make the camera move in the direction you're facing. There should really be better camera in 2D mode.
Chaos said:
When you get kicked by consistency failures, make it say this:

You have been kicked (consistency failure)
Attempt to rejoin? Y/N

Oh, great. Then it'll be just as fun as the guy with the auto-join script that gets AKICKed from a channel in IRC.
Then add a "moderated mode" for servers that prompts the host to allow or deny player joins when these are requested. If the host denies permission, the joiner is automatically banned from the server.

This would be a good bulwark against the guy with the auto-rejoin script. (Which doesn't necessarily exist, but often enough the situation where a certain joiner keeps joining and consistency failing out of a game time and time again happens, and you can't nab and ban him without pausing the game.)
On Neo's Moderated Mode idea, I think you should be able to choose on whether to ban-sometimes a host is just getting full and is waiting for a certain player.

Make gargoyles and other objects be able to float. Maybe a special Thing tag? It'd be cool to have rings floating down a river and such.
3 S_SKIN options.

NEEDEDRINGS = how many rings it'll take to turn into the super/hyper form.

SUPERAURA = the trail of stars left behind when Super, replaced by something else. 0 means nothing will spawn.

AURATIME = how many tics it'll take to spawn a star when super. 0 means it'll never spawn.
Perhaps some kind of system to draw things the same way we draw FOFs. This could mean stuff like not-sucking pushable blocks, and maybe some nice floating cans that move with current.
I got an idea.

Single Player high scores for:

Number of robots destroyed.
Times played in a stage,
Rings collected total *even ones dropped*,
Most used characters,
Fastest times clearing an emerald stage * It would show the number emerald stage and time taken to complete*,
The characters that beat the whole game the most and last.

And that is, my idea.
I have some ideas:

GFZ1-GFZ2, the player could tunnel through walls or something.

GFZ2-GFZ3, there could be a hole you fall through.

GFZ3-THZ1, it could be something like in the original SRB2.

THZ1-THZ2, there could be an elevator to take you to Act 2.

THZ3-CEZ1, the idea HSEW said.

CEZ1-CEZ2, a trap door or something?

CEZ2-CEZ3, a platform that shoots you up?
There may need modifications because of the other Zones.

I know, these ideas may suck. >_>

Oh yeah, with the lava-shooting-platform-up ending, make it so the lava won't come too high and kill you.
How about when you pass the signpost, you are able to control your character until it stops spinning, and then you are forced to move forward along some stretch of land while the camera remains stationary, pointed at your character as he runs off? It's trivial, I think that would look better than what we have right now, and it would be more true to the Genesis games.

Also, I must have said this about three times, but do something about that death sequence. Sonic flies way too high kthxbai.
When a player uses startrings it modifies the game so they can't unlock stuff,
And if a joiner get CF they can't rejoin net games.

But if you added playercheated like modifiedgame

if (nextmap == 1102-1) // end game with credits
if (( (!modifiedgame && !playercheated)
&& gameskill == sk_nightmare) // Very Hard cleared!
grade |= 128;
Because sometimes it not "modifiedgame".
static void Startrings_OnChange(void)
if (!modifiedgame || savemoddata)
playercheated = true; // It not Modified, Just cheated.
savemoddata = false;
if (!(netgame || multiplayer))
CONS_Printf("WARNING: Game must be restarted to record statistics.\n");

Its not "modified" just cheating. So they should beable to rejoin netgames.
Ability to choose WADs from a list in-game. Basically, the ability to just call up a menu in the game, choose the WADs you wish to use, and have a separate option to unload them all from memory. That would make loading/unloading levels easier without having to memorize all their filenames!
Fan sectors should only kick in once the player starts falling.

Why? If a player springs into a fan sector, they instantly start to rise at a slower rate. That shouldn't happen.
I just realized something, that should of been done long before.

Any shattering block sector, should be destroyable by an armageddon shield.

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