SRB2JTE.exe: The official SRB to JTE conversion utility

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Dash the Hedgehog said:
Sometimes. When you load the game up. The game starts to static, That Avatar Jason has shows fullscreen, the words "Beware the power of the supervirus!" is heard in slow motion. Then the supervirus music is heard at the title screen with it saying Supervirus Blast 2 and Jason Avatar changes to a pic of Eggman from the intro colored in a red Shadow. I think you can activate the supervirus when that happens. Does the special Supervirus title screen happen often? When does it occur. It happened twice to me.
The fog completely blinds you in OpenGl mode. Why is there anyway. I barely can see a darn thing even in software mode.
i've just had that for the first time, NOW, good thing my sound went off :P
(almost evreyone on the fourms: YOU WUSSY
You aren't supposed to "upload" SRB2JTE into the console, you're supposed to run using the EXE.
Also, you don't play SACity, you run in circles. There's nothing to DO.
Yes. Currently, it's only useful as a hangout server, unless you turn ringslinger on and start shooting each other. Otherwise, it has yet to serve its purpose, as it is incomplete.
Ok In both OpenGL and Software it crashes with the send/don't send when I add bots into race and capture the flag modes. :|
In Soviet Russia mode I get kidnapped by every ring I tough!

Player turns into ring when ring touches, randomly moves about (usually into a wall) then turns back to normal!

This makes the game ultra hard especially if presion movement is needed!
Soviet Russia Blast 2 is supposed to be a weird altercation in which everything you would normally do to something else is mirrored so the object does it to you.

So, what you're experiecing is the ring "collecting" you, then throwing you as if you were a weapon ring.
The Rings only shoot me at walls :P so I don't know what happens when I hit one at such speed.

If its the opposite, why do I still take damage from Badniks/Crawlers?? :roll:
It's not the opposite, it's just that everything ____s YOU.
Gravity pulls down YOU
Crawlas damage YOU

Those are just the same in Soviet Russia
Does this mean you make springs shoot up in the air?
And when you thok, the thok keeps moving but you stop?
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