SRB2 Doom Builder

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Nice job, so far. Good luck with 3D mode. If you could add those features in, it'd help with my6 Sonic 2 mod, like, a LOT. Seeing as how there's 500 FOFs per level involved, not including special effects. >_<
Oogaland said:
+ Z Offset feature added; no more messing with flags.


Roboashura said:
Nice job, so far. Good luck with 3D mode. If you could add those features in, it'd help with my6 Sonic 2 mod, like, a LOT. Seeing as how there's 500 FOFs per level involved, not including special effects. >_<

500? That would cause slow downs so bad, a snail race would finish before you even went one second in frames. >_>
Not necessarily JJames-He could have some hidden behind a part of the thok barrier or something.
How far up in the air you are. Frequently the Y-Axis is used to such an effect, but DOOM is special like that.
Oogaland said:
+ Z Offset feature added; no more messing with flags.
So, does that mean that we, like, don't need to mess with bitsets for object heights now?

I love you.

A nodesbuilder *better* than zennode for it, zennode has still got problems, and it keeps crashing on my computer.

i'm only saying this because i found the source code for it.
I tried every nodebuilder,and it kept saying that it couldn't build the nodes. In 3D mode,everything works great. When it goes over to SRB2,it looks strange. I have like 6 levels that are unfinished,because i can't get the nodebuilder to work.
Just wondering...have there been any changes to this at all since your last post Oogaland? Also, I would love to download this as it is now if only for the things having a Z offset. I would fecking pay money for that, honestly.
Oh, I remember this thread. I kind of got sidetracked a little when assignments started being set, but I'll likely pick it up again at the end of the semester. Anyway, when I get back (in the labs just now; Fedora Core 3, nice) I'll build what I've done and release it.

This is just a snapshot of the current state. It's not exactly polished: no version number changes, for example. In fact, the changes are exactly those that I mentioned about a month ago.

Extract it into the directory where DB is currently installed. The executable has a different name, but the config file doesn't, as it should be compatible with the unadulterated binary, and nasty things might happen if you try to use the old config with the new binary (I had to add some fields to take account of certain things having different Z behaviours w.r.t. their flags). Also, don't bother trying to create anything other than SRB2 maps with this; it probably won't work.

Suggestions, criticisms etc. should be sent to /dev/null. Um, I mean, are welcome.
Your penis size overwhelms me, Ooga. The Z-Offset feature alone makes DoomBuilder 43% more useful to me. One thing I noticed, though; it doesn't work on custom things. Results in a 'Runtime error 424: Object required' error. Any way around this?
Many thanks. Also, a suggestion: a custom things tab that automatically detects and lists all custom things in the wad. Though it wouldn't be able to give a name or an example image, it could at the very least list the thing number.
EDIT: Upon yet FURTHER investigation, I recalled that I downgraded by one version to avoid the texture browser crash. Obviously the SRB2 DB variant was incompatible with the previous version's configuration files, or something. I apologize for the flawed bug report, it works nicely now.
Majorly less than three to the Z-offset, but one question. Would it be possible to mirror it in 3D mode-ie showing the thing and being able to move it upward?
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