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  1. maxlwin536

    What video games would you recommend?

    Is it too late to post recommended games? I wanna say this one game, it's an RTS Game and you have to play it on a very fast computer(or gaming computer, whatever you wanna call it) League Of Legends Now yes, the name sounds derpy, but it's a good game for all you real time strategy fans. It...
  2. maxlwin536

    iPhone port...?

    No.... I don't think this should be done simply because: 1. It's an iPhone. 2. Were talking about putting a good game on the now very very crappy iPhone. EDIT: I removed what i said after this because Logan seems to hate me >.< Oh and BTW, I do know how to add repos Logan, I just couldn't...
  3. maxlwin536

    SRB2 Port Problems

    Just recently, I've decided to install Ubuntu 11.04(Natty) on my Windows 7 Computer as a 2nd Operating system. I've deleted my "RECOVERY" Partition, copied all those files before doing so to my external hard drive(500 gigabytes!), and Installed on ubuntu with 40 gigabytes of space. As I fiddle...
  4. maxlwin536

    Which level do you like/hate the most in SRB2?

    I like: Deep Sea Zone Why: It's so hard to beat and I've played the level over and over xD I Hate: Egg Rock Zone 3 Why: I haven't beaten the game yet, but everytime I go to that level via making a coop server, I can't hit eggman at all. IDK what to do. That's just me. With the different game...
  5. maxlwin536

    Dedicated Server Help

    When you say "command line parameter", do you mean make a batch file or run SRB2 then use the console and type -clientport 5030 ?
  6. maxlwin536

    Dedicated Server Help

    I know how to run a dedicated server. The problem I have is everytime I run it, I have no clue how to join it. Can someone explain to me how to run it and join it too? Someone else said you use one computer to run it and another to join it. Is this true? And another question, to make my server...
  7. maxlwin536

    When are you gonna upgrade your Master Server?

    Oh. Can you send it to ME!?!?!? :D Im your friend XD.
  8. maxlwin536

    When are you gonna upgrade your Master Server?

    When are you gonna upgrade your Master Server? Plus, Are you gonna make another server for us to host SRB2 on? Btw is there a way for us to make a server(like master server) on another IP address? Preferably one we have to OWN? I cam make and host one, but it wont work with SRB2. Can someone...
  9. maxlwin536

    "SRB2 Power Play"

    LOL! Although this comment is about 2 months old O_o ____ (>-.-)> A penguin wanting a hug XD
  10. maxlwin536

    Who plays DFO?

    I know one person who does! :D TailsAran does O_o I saw him online one time. Level 21 Launcher. Said he screwed up his Goblin pad and his launcher. Lol XD
  11. maxlwin536

    How did you come across SRB2?

    I found out about SRB2 when my cousins were playing it about 3 years ago. I decided to play it when I got bored on my laptop and spontaineously remembered the game. At first, I was looking up a list of PC versions of sonic games. Then I came across SRB2 as a fan made game. So I started playing...