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  1. junioX

    What instrument do you play?

    I play the Saxophone. I also have a guitar that belonged to my dad, but I don't see myself learning how to play that anytime soon.
  2. junioX

    Why does everyone hate Sonic Lost World?

    I didn't mean anything bad when writing that. I just wanted to talk about why the game was "underrated."
  3. junioX

    Why does everyone hate Sonic Lost World?

    The thing with Sonic Forces is that we waited for 4 years for another mainline Sonic game just to get something that did nothing new, was short as hell, felt bad to play, had tons of automation, had a bad story and retconned Classic Sonic. On top of that, it also had mountains of hype on it's...
  4. junioX

    Why does everyone hate Sonic Lost World?

    The thing is, it's not in character for Miles to get pissed because Sonic wanted to work with Eggman. Number 1, Sonic has worked with Eggman more than once before and back then, tails didn't have a problem with it. Number 2, Tails has literally watched his friend get shot out in a pod and...
  5. junioX

    Name your Top 5 favorite Sonic Characters- 1, 2, 3 GO!

    1st: Sonic The Hedgehog (1991 - 2008): I'm a firm believer that his character took a straight nose-dive after the 2000s 2nd: Shadow The Hedgehog (2001 - 2006): Again, took a nose-dive after the 2000s. Shadow 05 wrote him the best, you guys just didn't play the game in Japanese. In fact, I'm 90%...
  6. junioX

    Adventure Sonic (v1.8b)

    It's not finished and probably won't ever be. But I think the name of the zone was "Chao City" And man, I hope it releases in some capacity because it looks sick.
  7. junioX

    send your funny vids here

    idk, it doesn't go through. For whatever reason, whenever I post anything that has to do with a link of file or any kind of attachment, it either tells me that it needs to be approved by moderators (and never gets approved) or just doesn't work entirely.
  8. junioX

    Anyone remember how to activate the "devmode2" command in the console?

    I used to remember how to do it but now, after multiple attempts spamming "devmode2" in the console, I'm stumped..
  9. junioX

    Why does everyone hate Sonic Lost World?

    The difference isn't as simple as their canonical speeds being incomparable, it's that their gameplay styles and the direct objective in their respective games are fundamentally different from one another.
  10. junioX

    Why does everyone hate Sonic Lost World?

    "Sonic fans hate trying different things and that's why people hate the game.... BUT NOT ME! I LIKE THE GAME, I'M NOT LIKE THOSE SONIC FANS." Is the impression I got from reading that (albeit, I might be wrong, that's just the impression I got). I think why most people don't like it is because...
  11. junioX

    what is better

    Strange, I posted a thread containing 2 links not too long ago, and it still hasn't gotten approval from moderators.
  12. junioX

    what is your opinion on sonic prime season 3

    Sonic X is one of the best pieces of Sonic media that encapsulates the original characterizations for all the characters. Sonic The Hedgehog was created by Japan but was made for the West, and despite that Sonic the franchise still retains the Japanese influence. For example, Amy being...
  13. junioX

    what level do you think should be in sonic generations of the every game and not in the original game

    I had a stroke reading that title, but I think Marble Garden from S3&K would be an intresting pick, especially for the Modern Sonic stages. For SA1, Red Mountain. SA2, Green Forest/ White Jungle. Heroes, definitely Grand Metropolis. 06, Wave Ocean I guess. Unleashed, Cool Edge. And Colors...
  14. junioX

    What do you think is Sonic's true characterization? Or in other words, how should he be written?

    I didn't really like the Story of Frontiers, but the Story of a game doesn't really affect my ability to like other parts of it. There are parts of Frontiers that I like, like the music. While I don't really like Ian's writing, I still really enjoy the IDW Comics. Because... well because it's...
  15. junioX

    What do you think is Sonic's true characterization? Or in other words, how should he be written?

    Tbh I think Frontiers has a pretty bad story, and the fact that the characterization is bad too doesn't help it at all. I don't like how Frontiers does any of the characters. But the way Sonic is handled in the adventure games is a pretty clean blend of the American and Japan characterization...
  16. junioX

    what is better

    how did your reply get approved so quickly? Well I assume that you need moderators' approval when you have a link or a image in your message
  17. junioX

    What do you think is Sonic's true characterization? Or in other words, how should he be written?

    Sonic, truly, is not a character, but a metaphor, for all that is good. Sonic is a being that does whatever he wants. He doesn't have morals, he doesn't do things because it's socially considered to be "good". He just does whatever he wants, and it just so happens that what he wants to do IS...
  18. junioX

    what is better

    I already replied to you. It's just invincible and awaiting approval from moderators, I think because I had a link attached to it