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  1. ghostintheshell0225

    Tell us something odd about yourself.

    I do four things in my life. 1.Play Futbol semi-pro 2.Eat 3.Sleep 4.Play SRB2 Almost in that order. Futbol comes first though. Always.
  2. ghostintheshell0225

    Lift Bridge Zone - new version (f_liftbridge2.wad)

    I love this map so much that sometimes, when no decent netgames are available, I play CTF against myself in this map. There is alot of CHANGETEAM RED/BLUE commands, but its worth it:)
  3. ghostintheshell0225


    Just one thing, I would make the bridge FOF's ceiling height match the floor height of the upper field. It would make it look like it belongs there. It was very generic, as said before, but I liked the hidden stuff and the z range that many match maps lack. I'd give it a 7/10.
  4. ghostintheshell0225


    This is why you find yourself extremely lacking when it comes to friends, and just maybe, maybe if you had come across as a bit more subtle and hurt by my not including you in the credits, you might have found just a smidgen (that's right, I said smidgen) of sympathy. However since you came...
  5. ghostintheshell0225


    Ok, first of all Jacky, you couldn't make a level to save your life, and if you did you would include as many horrible things as possible to make others enjoyment impossible. You did not look over my shoulder the whole time, you merely showed me how to do water. Showing somebody how to tag a...
  6. ghostintheshell0225


    An interesting wad. And I enjoyed playing it. However, you might consider tying each boat to a floating, bobbing control sector. They seem sort of static compared to the rest of the level. Also, the scenery lagged a bit, but all in all I enjoyed it.
  7. ghostintheshell0225


    This is my first wad. Thanks to those that helped me edit this level further. I fixed the platform problem by tagging each one to a different control sector... I also halved the number of rings on the bobbing platforms and rounded the waterfall. Hope you enjoy it;) Here is the download link...
  8. ghostintheshell0225

    Sonic Adventure Style Level Problem

    Try looking at what your level header says for NextLevel =
  9. ghostintheshell0225

    my first wad:/

    Hello all. This is my first wad and I would really appreciate if you would let me know just how shortsighted an amateur editor can be when it comes to his own creation. Basically, if its trash, then tell me its trash. I actually just figured out water a few days ago:) So here are a few...