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  1. cyclone214

    Linux port

    Glad I could help, and whats this SRB2lin you speek of?
  2. cyclone214

    Linux port

    OK here it is (and this one actually has a name) BTW if you don't already know how to, at the bottom is a link that should help to get lsrb2sdl to work ( I think, I haven't actually tried it yet) Just copy this, save it to a text file, name it: SRB2LinLauncherv2.9b EDIT: and don't forget to...
  3. cyclone214

    Linux port

    As it happens, I'm working on a script that works with lsrb2sdl Im just running into a few problems (use this one for now, just throw lsrb2sdl in your srb2 directory and it should work) #!/bin/bash # srb2live Shell Execution script # Directory echo "What directory is lsrb2sdl located in?"...
  4. cyclone214

    Linux port

    ...and by minutes I mean seconds! but here it is the final (because I have no incentive to continue) #!/bin/bash # Srb2 Shell Launcher script v1.1 echo " SRB2 Linux Launcher Script " echo " Version 1.4b " echo " Scripted by...
  5. cyclone214

    Linux port

    thanks for the tip (Ill have to remember that), although you forgot to place a quotation mark here cd $WINEPREFIX/drive_c/SRB2" and, yes I did mean -fmod3d and i didn't know they stopped using direct3d Unfortunately (for me anyway) I'm still relatively new to Linux. But anyway heres the...
  6. cyclone214

    Linux port

    Actually, i just found an even easier way to do it, take the stuff below copy it into a text file, save it (for a name use something like SRB2Launcher) and change the properties so you can execute it and you're done (just remember to throw the srb2 files in the directory at the bottom)...
  7. cyclone214

    Linux port

    Its saying that because it thinks the file is going to be on your desktop 1) to fix it open a terminal and type (or copy) this in: cd "/home/$USER/.wine/drive_c/windows/system32" 2) now this wine "cmd.exe" 3) something like this should show up: CMD Version 1.1.12 C:\windows\system32> 4)...