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  1. Someone

    Fred The Movie

    Naturally. This, while filling me with the hatred that is only reserved for describing Hannah Montana and Twilight fangirls, is not to be unexpected. It's a simple formula: if (isMarketable && makesProfit && isMassProduced) if(isQuality) throw new ImpossibilityException("This can't...
  2. Someone

    Who owns a HD TV?

    I do, it's called my PC monitor. I'm not actually kidding, my 30" screen has an effective resolution of 1360x768
  3. Someone


    I have a somewhat close idea that'd work; a linedef executor that caused a level-wide brightness adjustment. (Say, 255 was the light level; said executor could lower brightness globally to 190 and change the SkyNum)
  4. Someone

    Problem Not Showing

    FRAPS is also very useful; gives you an FPS counter and recording, which is awesome.
  5. Someone

    Im Having Problems.

    The config file for SRB2 Doom Builder... it should be in the editing forum, if I recall correctly. As for the WAD locations, it needs to be in the same folder as srb2win.exe.
  6. Someone

    Fixed Shield not reappearing.

    Oh, and for the record:
  7. Someone

    Fixed Shield not reappearing.

    Forgot to mention, this is in 2.0.6. (Tested: OpenGL & Software Renderer) If you have a shield (any kind) while on a rope pulley (the style in Arid Canyon) and you remain on it while an invincibility powerup expires, the shield will not reappear (but the effects will remain) and the normal...
  8. Someone

    DUDE, It's the best idea since underwear!!!!

    As for the Xbox, IIRC XNA is required, and while that might work with C/C++, the "Sonic" part of SRB2 may cause a few problems with Sega. "Yeah, we'll let you publish it, but we want a chippy talking sidekick and Amy to follow Sonic and eventually have them fall in love!" Yeah, no.
  9. Someone

    Where Can I get a Sonic the Hedgehog Font?

    Or, if Google frightens you, a link to all the Sonic/Sega fonts you'll ever need.
  10. Someone

    What Browser Do You Use?

    I use Minefield, if only because it's the most stable on my system. Chrome had a habit of locking up completely, which is ironic given it's claim to fame is that "one tab crashing will not bring down the others." Ah, 64-bit, how you astound me.
  11. Someone

    [Open Assets] Dimensional (s_dimensional_b05) - Beta 5 Released

    2D segment looks boring. No offence meant, but you may have added background scenery, but it needs levels! Vary the heights a bit more. Make a river flowing from the back, and have a bridge crossing over it, or something. I mean, if you make it two 64px stairs, it'd also allievate the...
  12. Someone

    Dedicated server help

    Sonei, either use the SRB2Net launcher, and in manual parameters use -clientport xxxx (xxxx being said port you want to use) or change the target of SRB2 to -clientport xxxx (same as above)
  13. Someone

    What's with hosting?

    Try either: -clientport xxxx, xxxx being said port or when joining via ip, do xxx.xx.xx.xx:yyyy, yyyy being the port you want to join on. (If needed, combine both.)
  14. Someone

    SRB2 Doom Builder

    I think I know why the things mode slows down - it has to check the refrence for the thing, and imagine how many more things are in 2.0.x than 1.09.4
  15. Someone

    Introduce Yourself

    BEST. REPLY. EVER. And for the record, XSRB2 and SRB2Riders
  16. Someone

    Sega Expects Sonic's Quality to improve over time

    Sonic WAS good in the previous times, and I have to say I've enjoyed the gameplay of the new games. Note gameplay. I reckon they should return to the classic forumla, update it (but not like they have done... :/), and drop the stupid storylines. also, if I see one more AmyxSonic fanfiction I'm...
  17. Someone


    In short; hell yeah; and anything that's missing can be added in
  18. Someone


    Apart from the fact, OpenGL doesnt work ofc. Testing now...
  19. Someone

    What level editor do YOU recommend?

    Get on IRC, you'll find it.
  20. Someone

    Special Stages V2.

    So, right now, I've made a few tweaks to the GFZ-Stage, and got a design for the THZ stage. Problem is I'm going to run out of ideas fast; brb finding out how to make 2.0 gimmiks ALSO: Every single ring has been made to float, although the fact that they arent might be a problem of SRB2DB...