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  1. _Astral

    How do you feel about the thok being replaced?

    My bad, should've read your other post more thoroughly.
  2. _Astral

    Introduce Yourself!

    (literally just realized this thread exists lol) Some of you might already know me, but my full username is AstralDev, I'm black and go by he/they. I discovered SRB2 in its 2.1 era, I tried it out for a bit before I stopped playing since I didn't like it. I picked it back up in 2022, being...
  3. _Astral

    How do you feel about the thok being replaced?

    It's not that I want the level design to change like in the way you're suggesting, I just want the thok to be taught in a better way if it's not going to leave. While I still don't mind it staying for a little while longer, it specifically isn't needed to make Sonic a unique character that...
  4. _Astral

    Post your Desktop

  5. _Astral

    How do you feel about the thok being replaced?

    I don't believe in making tails or knuckles unlockables because it removes the freedom of choice you're usually given when you first start playing, forcing you to play as only one character with no other options until later on in the game.
  6. _Astral

    How do you feel about the thok being replaced?

    atp That's just gatekeeping an ability (which is Sonic's main one - that's basically the appeal of him). Not only would you not be teaching the player anything, that idea would also just make the experience more boring; the only other ability he has is spindashing and you have to stop completely...
  7. _Astral

    How do you feel about the thok being replaced?

    Do you expect new players to immediately get the hang of the thok? The main critique is that it's too punishing and not beginner-friendly, which doesn't make the move reliable for newcomers - while it depends on the player, it generally takes too long to get the hang of thokking because the game...
  8. _Astral

    How do you feel about the thok being replaced?

    We can't just call every Sonic air dash ability the thok. The rebound dash is simple, easy to pick up, and benefits both platforming and speedrunning because it rewards the player for their knowledge of the map design and their skill of using the ability in general - it could be a pretty decent...
  9. _Astral

    How do you feel about the thok being replaced?

    I think the rebound dash is one of the best Sonic moves that closely replicates the utility of the thok, making it an extremely fitting platforming tool for Sonic. If we let go of the "sonic is a purely no-height character" mentality, it'll open up a ton of opportunities for better-designed...
  10. _Astral

    How do you feel about the thok being replaced?

    Even then it's not going to mesh with the (hopefully new) level design and physics in the future. Despite me being pretty much indifferent to the whole thing in general, I believe that if the devs are going to take the thok away from Sonic, it should just be gone from the game in general. I felt...
  11. _Astral

    How do you feel about the thok being replaced?

    I don't see why we need an entirely new character that only exists to preserve an ability people have already been complaining about.
  12. _Astral

    Post your Desktop

    changed my desktop to be more organized, dbbq has pretty good wallpapers tbh
  13. _Astral

    How do you feel about the thok being replaced?

    I appreciate the thok for its high skill ceiling, but the move not being beginner-friendly is definitely a valid criticism. If it does get replaced someday, I think it would be best if the core nature of the thok is preserved (to an extent) but tweaked/edited so that new players can pick it up...
  14. _Astral

    Post your Desktop

    pretty empty tbh