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  1. Dreamcaster

    How old are you?

    As of a couple weeks ago, I'm 17. Too bad my birthday sucked >.>.
  2. Dreamcaster

    who likes dbz

    Edit: God why did my 200th post have to be here D:
  3. Dreamcaster

    I... am done... till later.

    Agree. These kinds of topics are blatant "give me attention" topics.
  4. Dreamcaster

    I... am done... till later.

    Guess who doesn't care?
  5. Dreamcaster

    I can't install things anymore.

    Then be more specific, like "you can't download from sites anymore" and not just "I can't" in general? Windows Installer is still an installer.
  6. Dreamcaster

    Old Rules Topic

    Why not n00bs get a brain and just not say it?
  7. Dreamcaster

    1.09.4 Released

    Epic fail.
  8. Dreamcaster

    Worst type of music?

    I mostly agree with this, as new-skool rap sucks, and is shallow crap, BUT, old-skool rap is Very, VERY good. That was back in the time Rap wasn't all sex, drugs, money, violence, and "being a gangsta".
  9. Dreamcaster

    I can't install things anymore.

    EPIC FAIL. How can you download an update if "I can't install things anymore"
  10. Dreamcaster

    SonicGL Leaked? Seriously guys, how gullible are you?

    I didn't believe you, cueball! D: I said if you gave me PROOF, I would. I did assume it was a joke, but I thought at the time I assume too much, so I asked for proof.
  11. Dreamcaster

    Worst type of music?

    I wonder who voted they were deaf.... XD I might add a "None" option, Mint.
  12. Dreamcaster

    Whats the most scared youve ever been?

    I had a tree split at my summer camp because of lightning..... Offtopic: What county? *shot* I really wonder if I live close to you....
  13. Dreamcaster

    Favorite old cartoon

    Tom & Jerry FTW.
  14. Dreamcaster


    I'm going to laugh so hard when someone complains about the naruto part
  15. Dreamcaster

    Worst type of music?

    My choice is rap. You can't spell crap without rap!
  16. Dreamcaster

    an odd bug in pretty srb2

    Water can be any color, really. Put yellow food coloring in it. Yellow. I've seen Natural Green water. Brown water. Red water.
  17. Dreamcaster

    an odd bug in pretty srb2

    It ain't gray, bro. Ever look into the ocean? It's Blue.
  18. Dreamcaster


    No, MAIZE is the color of a crayon. and Maize is thy old indian word for corn. KORN > CORN KORN FREEDOM
  19. Dreamcaster


  20. Dreamcaster

    Overhead Camera (Script)

    Sweeeeeeeet. This'll be fun.