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  1. joe123

    srb2: tbe glitch

    i found a glitch in the tbe i took a screen but i dont know how to post it.[/i]
  2. joe123


    hello!!!!!!!!!!! sorry to double post
  3. joe123


    Chek out this topic(XWE spriting problem) [url] copy and paste.
  4. joe123


    You spelt "console" wrong. You spelt it like "caonsole."
  5. joe123


    your being sarcastic. man what the hell. i use to have a screenshot of it but my dad deleted it... I HATE HIM!!!!!!!!!!!!! just kiding.[/code]
  6. joe123


    I use software. but you cant do 3D card options in software mode.
  7. joe123

    XWE problem

    when i try to load sprites into XWE they show up as a black square.
  8. joe123


    yes, thats the supervirus. to fix it start a game and end it, and quit. next time you start it up it will be normal srb2jte.
  9. joe123


    when i make sprites they show up a black square. whats wrong?
  10. joe123

    Introduce Yourself

    im joe123
  11. joe123

    im newest...

    im newest... ithink :| :| :| :| :| so please dont yell
  12. joe123


    yah realy should... your good at explaining... :D :D :D :D :D
  13. joe123

    Problem with the SRB2 DOOM builder.

    same but for me thats on regular doom, srb2 doom just wont let me test...
  14. joe123


    good good. or is it... nup its good ill try it later *walks away* Oh... yah im new... dont tell my dad...