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  1. Classic Team

    SRB2 Ports list (outdated)

    Okay than. I don't know why you have to be such a jerk about it.... Ignore my existence please.
  2. Classic Team

    SRB2 Ports list (outdated)

    It wasn't released until a week or two ago, and no one seemed to be aware of it. (Search Pandora on the forums - There hasn't been any discussion of it for a very long time now.) The point of posting it here was to see if it could be added to the posts list on the first post.
  3. Classic Team

    SRB2 Ports list (outdated)

    Hey guys, Just letting you know that SRB2 has been ported to the OpenPandora Handheld. Here's some Youtube Video Proof: The one thing I noticed is the music didn't repeat, but some bugs are expected, this is the first release of the port. I can't...
  4. Classic Team

    The Pandora topic, and porting SRB2 to it?

    Hey guys, felt the need to bump the topic because of this: Pickle has released a port of SRB2 to the Pandora! It's been reported that it does work, with frameskip at 500 MHz. It has been...
  5. Classic Team

    The Pandora topic, and porting SRB2 to it?

    O, hey guys. Sorry for bumping an old topic, but I have a good excuse.... Behold, Pandora's Box has been opened! So, yes, the Pandora has FINALLY ARRIVED! Further proof can be found here, here and here. So, what are your thoughts on the Pandora, now that it's been released? Also, who'll be...
  6. Classic Team

    How did you come across SRB2?

    I was just discovering Fangames in general and came across Acid-Play. I remember the game had recently been added when I first went to the site. Oh, the days....
  7. Classic Team

    SRB2 Linux Packages/Repos for RPM-based and DEB-based

    Thanks a lot for your hard work. :) I've been playing SRB2 on my Kubuntu computer since I first discovered the OS and I've now beaten the game %100 with Tails and I've got 26 of 40 emblems. However, I've found a few bugs that I reported to the Bug Report thread ( a mod has since relocated them...
  8. Classic Team

    SRB2 Ports list (outdated)

    Okay, here's another bug I found using the Linux distro, same version of Kubuntu (9.04). I tried to see if anyone else had reported it yet, and it doesn't seem like it, so here it is: This happens in the SRB1 remake. KBZ1&2 work fine, but when you get to GFoZ1 the music doesin't load. *SNIP*...
  9. Classic Team

    SRB2 Ports list (outdated)

    This is in regards to the Ubuntu Repo, run on Kubuntu 9.94: After gaining my 20th emblem, I immediately went to the secrets menu to play "Mario's Koopa Blast". However, after you select the character the game shuts down. I re-tried this with the terminal open, apparently it thinks I haven't...
  10. Classic Team

    SRB2 for Linux?

    Can you give me there contacts? when I did A search and I couldin't find eather of them. -Thanks. :D
  11. Classic Team

    SRB2 for Linux?

    Ive done some Yahoo and Google searches, however I cant find SRB2 for my Linux laptop. can anyone provide a link? Because I asked a question a little while ago as to weather SRB2 for the GP2X existed and the reply was yes. And since the GP2X also runs on Linux, I don't understand who there...
  12. Classic Team

    SRB2 - GP2x Port, Is it possable?

    Im glad to know there is one in the works, now I just need to earn the money to buy the unit. Note: Couldint you overclock the GP2X to run it at a more disent speed?
  13. Classic Team

    SRB2 - GP2x Port, Is it possable?

    I have searched the internet for a copy of SRB2 ported to the GP2x ( However, instead of running into one, I ran into (only afew) Topics asking for ports. Apparently, One person actully atteemted this, hoever he gave up before much was even acomplished. And so, Im asking the number...