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  1. Felicia.iso

    Felicia the psychic Catgirl

    As usual by now, this is taking longer than expected, so here's 2 sneak peeks while waiting...
  2. Felicia.iso

    Felicia the psychic Catgirl

    So...after some beta testing & more with friends...this character needs a bit of a rework. Many abilities are just too unused and using so many buttons (+ even combinations!) is not fun. Can't show anything yet, but I will say some stuff will be removed, but some stuff will also be added. 2...
  3. Felicia.iso

    Felicia the psychic Catgirl

    Time to show something completely new! Being a human, Felicia cannot her spin ability was replaced by the Sugarcoat! (Yes that's the actual name.) While the Psycho Dash is a long top-speed dash that can be spammed, the Sugarcoat is a brief but instant dash with a ~1s cooldown (changes...
  4. Felicia.iso

    Felicia the psychic Catgirl

    It's been a while...again. This time though, I do have many things to show! What I will show today is the new improvements to the Counter! Previously if you managed to die while having the counter active (crushed, drowned, ecc...) you would just lose your you will instead be able...
  5. Felicia.iso

    Felicia the psychic Catgirl

    Wanted to show off a lot more sprites next update...but it's taking so long so I will do a quick update to show that I am still working on this. Here's a little thing for now, I'll hopefully show off more sprites next update.
  6. Felicia.iso

    SRB2 Cursed Images

  7. Felicia.iso

    Felicia the psychic Catgirl

    Thank you! I'm trying my best...sadly my best is slower than I'd like
  8. Felicia.iso

    Felicia the psychic Catgirl

    I have been silent for almost 2 months by now...I'm sorry about that. School and illnesses have slowed me down a lot, but I am still planning to finish this and am working on it...when I can. I did some progress on the code, but the main thing I wanted to show is not ready yet, mostly because I...
  9. Felicia.iso

    Felicia the psychic Catgirl

  10. Felicia.iso

    Felicia the psychic Catgirl

    what does that have to do with this mod..?
  11. Felicia.iso

    Felicia the psychic Catgirl

    I won't be adding PK Starstorm, I chose to use another Psionic instead of it, and having both would be kinda..redundant If you're wondering which one, I haven't properly introduced it yet, but you can see it in one of the first gifs
  12. Felicia.iso

    Felicia the psychic Catgirl

    Haven't showed updates for a while...I have been busy with other stuff, but I definitively don't plan to just abandon this, time to show the strongest ability Felicia has, the Ultimate Psionic. Triggering the Ultimate Psionic requires a full 100PP but it will allow you bypass the...
  13. Felicia.iso

    Felicia the psychic Catgirl

    It's alright, guess now I know what's the next ability that I'll show...eventually
  14. Felicia.iso

    Felicia the psychic Catgirl

    Haven't showed that publicly yet, so I can't reply...yet. The controls are technically the same, the psionics are just casted when the buttons are released rather than pressed.
  15. Felicia.iso

    Felicia the psychic Catgirl

    Added little dots in the HUD that tell you how many dashes you have left, they look cool..I think (bottom left)
  16. Felicia.iso

    Felicia the psychic Catgirl

    heh, I'll focus on not burning myself out first
  17. Felicia.iso

    Felicia the psychic Catgirl

    Finished another sprite for Felicia, this one was easy to do luckily.
  18. Felicia.iso

    Felicia the psychic Catgirl

    Most of the code is already done and working...meanwhile I finished the first sprite...this is gonna take a while But at least I'm glad with how it turned out considering my lack of experience in spriting, here it is!
  19. Felicia.iso

    Sonic Tetris Blast

    I don't remember, sorry also, thought about it, and if I had left the mod in a stable enough state, I might release it as is