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  1. DylanDude

    Modern Sonic V5.12

    I don't know but I don't think it matters. There could be a lot they're putting into the mod that they haven't told you about yet. We are outsiders and we don't know what appears to be going on inside, so we shouldn't act like we have any clue if it's close to releasing or not. I understand you...
  2. DylanDude

    Modern Sonic V5.12

    I'm not part of the Modern Sonic team, but as a modder I am begging you all to stop speculating about mod release dates. It just creates undue expectations and places unnecessary pressure upon the modding team, while also setting you up for disappointment. The mod will release when it's done...
  3. DylanDude

    Controls not working in multiplayer

    Okay, and this happens in any server regardless of mods?
  4. DylanDude

    Controls not working in multiplayer

    Are you saying your inputs are delayed or they simply never register?
  5. DylanDude

    LAN Hosting for SRB2 v2.2.13

    First off, you're on the same Wi-Fi connection right? That's the first required step. Second, have you tried giving your brother both your local IP and your public IP to try separately? Your local IP can be found by running the "ipconfig" command in Command Prompt, while your public IP can be...
  6. DylanDude

    What code do I change to make it a custom button

    Please post the raw script instead of a picture of the code at a weird angle.
  7. DylanDude

    how do i play multiplayer with my friend

    In order to host a server, you first need to portforward. This is a process by which you access your router settings to create a config to forward UDP port 5029 to your device's local IPv4 address. If you don't portforward, your friend won't be able to join your server. Here is a guide on...
  8. DylanDude

    Are mod builds allowed

    That depends. According to the Submissions Guidelines, your mod build must: 1. Be comprised of a decent amount of original content you made yourself. 2. Only use content you have permission to use. This means that anything you use from another mod, you MUST have permission to use. Each mod's...
  9. DylanDude

    I cant use cd sonic.

    That is not the latest version, that is incredibly outdated. Please go download the latest version from the MB thread.
  10. DylanDude

    I cant use cd sonic.

    What’s the file name of that version of the mod you’re using?
  11. DylanDude

    Game keeps crashing when adding like maybe 15 addons?

    That is not the addon limit, that is the skin limit. The addon limit was already removed. I already described the skin limit in an earlier post here.
  12. DylanDude

    I cant use cd sonic.

    There are 2.2 versions, hence why I asked.
  13. DylanDude

    Possibility of creating a RPG with an Active Battle System in SRB2.

    Firstly, I would take a look at the popular SRB2 Persona mod and see what's possible from that. Secondly, while this is possible, you're almost definitely going to need to modify the source code, meaning you'll need to know how to program and compile in C. SRB2 on its own was not designed for...
  14. DylanDude

    I cant use cd sonic.

    Does this happen without those other mods loaded?
  15. DylanDude

    how to find skin color data
  16. DylanDude

    Does anybody get a little annoyed by this?

    They said "modders" so I'm not sure about that. Although people not crediting what mods they used in videos is a bit scummy, yeah.
  17. DylanDude

    Does anybody get a little annoyed by this?

    Yeah, I’m not gonna lie, it feels like communication is the solution to this problem rather than just getting mad.
  18. DylanDude

    I cant use cd sonic.

    What version of SRB2 are you on? What version of CD Sonic are you using? How many other mods do you have loaded?
  19. DylanDude

    Kartmaker is not working for me (Ring Racers)

    You are missing PLAYPAL.lmp. Not sure if you moved or deleted it, but that's why it's broken. Please get a fresh copy from a fresh install of the game.