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  1. Diskette Projector

    Peace Out

    Godspeed to you and all 6 other of your fellow Sentinels! o7 Thanks for being an ultra cool dude! :wonderful:
  2. Diskette Projector

    Veph the Dolphin-Fox

    As a big fan of Dr. Stephen's work, seeing he has helped with the sprite artwork, and the sheer cuteness of the character itself (which then somehow made me like a dolphin of all species, similar to how IDW suddenly made me like lemurs) made me immediately download the addon, even though i still...
  3. Diskette Projector

    Subsonic Cup

    I'd rather wait for BladeDash's answer, asking if this is a completed full experience, or if they're planning a few more maps to be added to the cup, or if they'll do the new maps on a different cups, making the current cup officially complete.
  4. Diskette Projector

    Subsonic Cup

    So is this a full cup now, and can be played in Single Player Grand Prix, or should i wait a bit more before playing it on GP?
  5. Diskette Projector

    [Open Assets] Desert Bus

    Thank you for the info. So if i roughly halve the lap count to uhh.....letsay...35 laps...i should (theoratically) have a 3-4 minute session of a normal 8 player Gear 3 session, right? Does the track's lua break if i set the lap count as such, or is it negligible for gameplay purposes?
  6. Diskette Projector

    [Open Assets] Desert Bus

    Before trying this out, can someone please tell me an estimate on how long this map lasts on either Gear 2 or Gear 3 with the original 75 laps, so i can change it to be more compatible with general netplay usage.
  7. Diskette Projector

    Gemma the Tarsier-Cat for Ring Racers

    Hello there~ When loading the mod, the game will warn me for "loading a gameplay-modifying addon", and i was unable to get a clear answer from the KKD Discord on what this means from single player experience. Other non-lua character addons doesn't give me this warning screen. Incase if the...
  8. Diskette Projector

    [Character] StephChars [Kart Edition] - Kou Drifts Past!

    Reviving this thread for asking if there's any plans to port or update this addon for Dr. Robotnik's Ring Racers?
  9. Diskette Projector

    We're in danger!

    My bro thinks Denuvo is a contagious parasite, that infects beloved open-sourced free games with the dreaded anti-tamper and always-online DRM, lol :wow: For real, though, like others above me said, you have absolutely zero reasons to worry about SRB2. The game is managed and developed by a...
  10. Diskette Projector

    Mega Man DOS Character Pack!

    "MEGAMAN! ON DAWS! This will make you quit!" ~ Some angery nerd as he proceeds to insert the CD-ROM into SRB2Konsole
  11. Diskette Projector

    I'm leaving srb2 mb!

    👋 Bye~ Have fun on the grass outside! I heard it's (relatively) warm today, announcing the beginning of spring! Just be careful with any pollens you might encounter, or any other allergen dangers! Stay safe! :emberhug:
  12. Diskette Projector

    StephChars v3 - Bold & Brash Update

    Aww, i missed out on a cute fennec boi doxxing my address to invade my private vulnerable home :dramahog: Ohwell, maybe next time i can finally get my hands on getting my very own Skipperison~
  13. Diskette Projector

    Questions about alternate netgame hosting methods (that is different from port forwarding)

    Hello there! First off, apologies if this is the 316th netgame related help thread you see in a row, but I assure you, mine's a specific one. So one day, ever since a decline of servers in a specific gametype (and in my region) began, I wanted to try again hosting SRB2 netgames like I did back...
  14. Diskette Projector

    StephChars v3 - Bold & Brash Update

    Hi there~ When updates for this returns eventually, a small QoL feature request i would like to request, is to have a console command disable Jana's electric guitar music when within proximity of a Jana player playing it. (obviously shouldn't apply if you're the Jana player playing it) Thanks~...
  15. Diskette Projector

    Sonic 1 Spike Bug

    1. Get a Force Shield 2. Find a good approach angle on a row of spikes 3. Get hit at just the right angle 4. ??? 5. funny bouncy hedgehog lol
  16. Diskette Projector

    Extra Monitors! - MonitorsPlus

    I have a few questions regarding this mod. First of, before i reveal my main concern, i first would like to ask if this mod can be played on a single player campaign? As a lot of the monitors in the list seem to be centered around multiplayer (coop or match, though looks to be leaning on the...
  17. Diskette Projector

    What control method do YOU guys typically use?

    Standard FPS-like controls here. WASD for move, mouse for looking, Space is jump, Ctrl is spin, Customs are Z, X, C Q and E are prev/next respectively, and number keys (top of the keyboard, not the numpad ones) are weapon select. Addition controls are V for quick toggling Chasecam, F is Toss...
  18. Diskette Projector

    [DISCONTINUED] Gabriel's Unlabeled Modelpack.

    Looking at the (smol) screenshots alone from the update, it honestly looks pretty good, especially for a first-time modeller, dunno why you're being harsh with yourself. Will definetily download and try it out, as Gemma is on my list of regular characters i always load up on multi-char runs, or...
  19. Diskette Projector

    Terra the Pangolin

    I find it funny how this character breaks the "Clothed female, Nude male" trope we know from the Sonicverse, and as far as I'm aware, this is a first within the list of SRB2 OCs, and Sally Acorn being the only canon female character to also be (mostly) nude. (do please correct me if i missed any...
  20. Diskette Projector

    Manuel's Models v1.082

    Hello there~ Really love your models, and also love the fact you made models out of my favorite characters! Unfortunately, due to StephChars receiving a massive sprite overhaul for Skip, it broke the model animation lineup for him. Can i request the animations to be updated to support the new...