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  1. Zipper

    hey, I'm trying to make a lua character because my incredibly lazy "mossysauce" beta character got rejected (deservedly so.) my script ain't working!

    Did it work when the skin name was still Sonic? If it didn't: -if you're using a PK3, make sure make a folder called Lua in the root of the PK3, then put the script inside that. -If you're using a WAD, make sure the file is named LUA_XXXX where the X can be anything you want.. If it did work...
  2. Zipper

    hey, I'm trying to make a lua character because my incredibly lazy "mossysauce" beta character got rejected (deservedly so.) my script ain't working!

    ...scenarios where there are no players, like the menu. You can check for an existing player's button inputs with p.cmd. I also added a "shrinkheld" variable. This is mainly so that if *something else* shrinks your y scale, the code doesn't automatically interrupt it unless you press Spin...
  3. Zipper

    Ring Racers Custom Characters Sprite Sheet Confusion

    From what I've seen, yes. DRRR shares the same palette with SRB2 2.2. You can use the green colors in that palette to make your character.
  4. Zipper

    Is it posible to Change Character in at a part of the level?

    You can use a custom LinedefExecutor code that changes your skin, yes. Though I don't know if the change will affect the save file or not, so proceed with caution.
  5. Zipper

    How to make a pushable button (linedef 403) open a moving door (linedef 404).

    You can put multiple linedef executors in the same sector. Try putting the ceiling movement in the same sector as the button lowering one.
  6. Zipper

    THINGS lump not found (even if it's clearly there)

    I suppose if you renamed the maps manually instead of saving them as different maps in UZB, that MIGHT have broken something? Though I tried that same thing with a UDMF map and it did not crash, so I'm not putting much stock in it. You could try changing the level number in UZB, and exporting...
  7. Zipper

    THINGS lump not found (even if it's clearly there)

    Can you load the maps individually, as their own files? Additionally, are both of them in Binary or UDMF format?
  8. Zipper

    how to make a hit box constantly active on a character

    Characters already have a hitbox, so you can just override their collision behaviour using the MobjCollide/MobjMoveCollide hooks to behave differently when going past a certain speed. Alternatively, you can create an invisible object with a large radius and make it constantly teleport in front...
  9. Zipper

    How do i remove rings when player uses custom ability?

    You need to set player.rings, doesn't exist, and is unused. Well, it's not used for rings at least. (I swear I've said this somewhere else before) Also, just write "20", "$20" means "the 20th variable at the left of the expression". Lua isn't very Assembly-pilled.
  10. Zipper

    Ring Racers Custom Characters Sprite Sheet Confusion

    The answer's "yes" to both of those.
  11. Zipper

    Ring Racers Custom Characters Sprite Sheet Confusion

    Here's a better reference. Was sent to me by MotorRoach, though I don't know who the original creator is.
  12. Zipper

    SRB2 Add-ons, and GPL-compliance.

    The linux kernel has a line that specifically excludes system calls from being part of the GPL license. I don't have any strong opinions on this matter as I don't see GPL mattering outside of genuine legal issues, but it's worth pointing out.
  13. Zipper

    Uninspired mods nowadays?

    Seeing a character mod with a full set of sprites (that is over 170 by the way), alongside unique gameplay mechanics ESPECIALLY in Takis' case, playing them, and then calling it "lazy character making" sure is...a take. I'll try to interpret your message as generously as possible and assume you...
  14. Zipper

    How does "end" work in lua?

    There is no end with the bracket. You might be thinking of the time when you put an entire function in an addHook. addHook("ThinkFrame", function() print("test") end) This is a scenario where a bracket might follow an "end". The bracket is part of the function, not the code block itself...
  15. Zipper

    How does "end" work in lua?

    it's used to "close" every block you start. --end closes "if" blocks if (something) then end --end closes "if-else" blocks if (something2) then else end --end closes function blocks local function test() print("henlo stinky") end --end closes for-loops for val in pairs(sometable) do...
  16. Zipper

    I don't know how to create particles

    ...mobj it creates, so: local spawnedparticle = P_SpawnMobj(,,, MT_CUSTOMPARTICLE) spawnedparticle.momx = P_ReturnThrustX(,, -4*FRACUNIT) spawnedparticle.momy = P_ReturnThrustY(,, -4*FRACUNIT) This spawns a particle and makes it move backwards...
  17. Zipper

    A Lua Glossary For Starters

    Wanted to build a site that focuses on teaching the basics of SRB2 Lua in a concise and accessible manner, while giving examples that could also be used in an actual mod, so that they don't feel superfluous and actually teach the readers something. It's currently sort of barebones due to me...
  18. Zipper

    how to remove rings

    Rings haven't been tied to for a long time. Deduct from player.rings instead.
  19. Zipper

    Official Level Design Collab 2023: Round 2

    Okay I'm geriatric and can't figure out how to add inline media without uploading them to another site first, so I'll just attach all points of interest I could find on a repeat playthrough. Mostly my issue with the decor is "things that seem helpful but aren't" (first two screenshots) or "is...