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  1. ShadowAurion

    Vocaloid Miku Hatsune To Soon Speak English

    "♪39(Thank you) for all of you!!!!!!!♪ Finally there're over 39,390 fans here now! Thanks to all of you for your support. We'll officially inform that "Hatsune Miku sings in English" later. Please wait for a moment!" Straight from the Hatsune Miku page.
  2. ShadowAurion

    Post your Desktop

    Yeah. I like this kind of stuff. I have no idea why, but I just do.
  3. ShadowAurion

    Master Hand is PLAYABLE in Smash Bros: Melee

    I just watched the video before checking this thread out. It's hard to believe that someone was able to find this out in an hour. I never would have thought that Master Hand was the default skin. I'm going to try this out the next time I play Melee with my friends.
  4. ShadowAurion

    Your favourite Videogame character EVAR!

    Mine would be Emil Castagnier from Tales of Symphonia: Knight of Ratatosk, followed by Lloyd Irving from the original Tales of Symphonia. Honestly, I like a lot of people from the Tales of series.
  5. ShadowAurion


    The very first MMORPG I played is Endless online. I really don't like that game at all; it takes forever to level! After trying that, I got into MapleStory. I have to say this is the core of MMORPG's for me. I've been playing that for a long time until I got bored of it. Once I got bored of...
  6. ShadowAurion

    What's your favorite brand of cereal?

    Trix for me; it was my favorite cereal for a long time. I also tried having Cheerios as a snack last night; it tasted very sweet.
  7. ShadowAurion

    How do you pronounce your user name?

    Shadow AWE-ree-un Unless Kratos' last name is pronounced Awe-RI-un
  8. ShadowAurion

    Are You CN This?

    One thing I REALLY miss is Cartoon Cartoon Fridays. When that got replaced with just 'Fridays', I was really ticked off. CN is meant for all ages, not 6-13. Toonami needs to come back, Code: Lyoko needs to come back, and lots of things need to come back. Samurai Jack: It managed to be awesome...
  9. ShadowAurion

    What's your New Year's resolution for 2009?

    Edited to show what I want to do.
  10. ShadowAurion

    SRB2JTE.exe: The official SRB to JTE conversion utility

    You can activate the Supervirus by fighting Eggman in GFZ3. There's a 1/8th of a chance that he'll have some red sprites around him. Just wait 40 seconds and he'll activate the Supervirus. The Supervirus is also activated based on your total play time. The game divides your total play time by...
  11. ShadowAurion

    Your "WTF" moments in Gaming

    ...and the Black Knight: Sonic having a sword. I should've expected this to happen eventually the way things are going, but... Tales of Symphonia: *MASSIVE SPOILER! Do not click until you have spent the night at Flainor on the 2nd disk* [spoiler:d1a9b15279]When I found out Kratos was Lloyd's...
  12. ShadowAurion

    The Worst video game

    Honestly, the worst video game is EASILY Big Rigs. It's so easy to tell it's incomplete. Just look up 'Big Rigs: Over the Road Racing' on YouTube and you'll see what I mean. In fact, check this out. Morgan Webb described Big Rigs as "the worst game ever made," and refused to even rate it as...
  13. ShadowAurion

    For those of you who play an instrument...

    Reach for the Moon - Immortal Smoke Noel O' Little Town of Bethlehem There's also one little part of 'U.N. Owen was Her?' that I can't seem to get. All that on the piano. And no, I really don't have that much interest in non-game music...
  14. ShadowAurion

    Sonic & the Black Knight

  15. ShadowAurion

    Sonic & the Black Knight

    I like where this game is going. It's old news, but if people don't Google, then people won't look at Wiki. Also, my inner love for Sonic took a huge leap for joy when I heard Crush 40 was doing the theme for this game.
  16. ShadowAurion

    A problem with crumbling and regular FOF's

    Sweet, it works now. Thanks.
  17. ShadowAurion

    A problem with crumbling and regular FOF's

    I have one three FOF's combined into one. Two regular shadowcasting FOF's on one side and a crumbling, respawning, bobbing one on the other. The tags are set to the right platforms, but when I step on the crumbling one, the whole thing falls; including the regular FOF's! Any way I can fix this...
  18. ShadowAurion

    What are you getting for christmas?

    MADNE- I'm gonna stop right there before I get shot. Well... I can't think of anything else I might want for Christmas, so I guess I'm done (although a few pairs of sweats would be nice). Oh yes, I would like a DS; heck my parents know they need to get me a DS since they got me the Phantom...
  19. ShadowAurion

    What are you getting for christmas?

    Also, some more stuff: Some speakers for my MP3 Player Mario Plushie (to go with my Luigi one) Olimar Plushie about five pairs of socks (I got too many socks with holes in them) I guess Sonic Unleashed, but I'm seriously considering renting it first.