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  1. Chimera

    Adventure Sonic (v1.8b)

    Stellar work
  2. Chimera

    Adventure Sonic (SA-Sonic) Progress

    so when are you adding jump cancel to invalidate the barrier shield
  3. Chimera

    Sonic X (X-Sonic) Progress

    ヽ༼ຈل͜ຈ༽ノ every powerring makes you blast off or RIOT ヽ༼ຈل͜ຈ༽ノ
  4. Chimera

    (Character) Sonic Adventure in SRB2

    ...but at some point its derivative enough that who cares), but right now that doesn’t seem to be whats happening... especially since these seem to be *OLD* sprites they did years ago and they’ve since sone a lot better work later. You sure there isn’t a better source you could pull from? Heh...
  5. Chimera

    Adventure Sonic (SA-Sonic) Progress have to keep in mind if you want total accuracy, especially with general ground and air movement. Here's a stripped-down example of how to *JUST* get the SA1 style upward thrust to work in SRB2 space, in C pseudocode, just to get an idea of how the logic works. // Character parameters...
  6. Chimera

    Adventure Sonic (SA-Sonic) Progress

    Are you planning on going ham and making this dude have adventure controls, too? Lol I've been thinking of trying to make accurate SA controls in SRB2 so lemme know if you're interested in that and I'll get back to you 👀
  7. Chimera

    Shadow the Hedgehog

    By far the sickest shadow ive ever seen, chaos snap looks like it's right out of the Shadow the Hedgehog opening movie and his trick animations fit his character incredibly well. Excellent stuff man!
  8. Chimera

    [Open Assets] Ecco the Dolphin

    defender of the future, offender of the racetrack. This is the most important feature.
  9. Chimera

    Post your pics/art here!

    A before/after comparison for one of my favorite challenges when working on Season 3 of Castlevania (context: i'm a compositor which means I do this) Before: After:
  10. Chimera

    Mystic removal discussion - The good and the bad

    SSN's talking about JTE's code that they made independently in their own projects (such as SRB2JTE etc), not Ash's code. GPL / General Public License means any code you make under it is up for grabs for other GPU licensed software as long as those projects remain open source--which SRB2 is...
  11. Chimera

    Mystic removal discussion - The good and the bad

    I can't and won't speak for Ash. I will say, I'm gonna give you the benefit of the doubt that you're not backpeddling, and -- because this is a very serious topic that rightfully has everyone on edge-- you legitimately just felt attacked based on a misread of Ash's messaging. Hopefully he gives...
  12. Chimera

    Account deleting

    You can probably ask an admin, especially in the discord server, if they can nuke your account. Usually nuking your own account isnt a thing you can do in old forums, sadly.
  13. Chimera

    SRB2 ported to the Raspberry Pi!

    Yeah it'd be wild seeing a Pi try running either act of Castle Eggman. I'd bet money on that chugging / being impossible lol
  14. Chimera

    Mystic removal discussion - The good and the bad

    Hero worship can be one hell of a drug. A lot of my formative years were involved in this community, playing the game ever since 1.09.4a, and Ive met tons of people i've considered friends, a handful are folks I still talk to today and think very highly of. Some of them are devs on SRB2/Kart...
  15. Chimera

    HMS123311: Remastered Edition

    and on the 3rd 2.X release, he rose again Lol i cant wait for maps that take advantage of his abilities, like long stretches of nothing / alternate routes to take when you noclip over a floor or don't. Would be neat to see
  16. Chimera

    [Open Assets] Cancelable Super Form v2.1

    they probably chose spin because SRB2 is effectively a 2 button game in single player, and going beyond that would kinda make it feel "not the same." That said yeah it'd probably be cleaner to make cancelling super a different button bind altogether. Buut like birbhorse said you can edit that...
  17. Chimera

    [Open Assets] Hammer Jump for Amy Rose

    Yeah this really should be in the base game :V it's so fun!!! Maybe a bit unrefined tho, heh
  18. Chimera

    [Open Assets] Legacy Rosy

    ...Sonic, has a "cross far distance" action, but Amy really doesn't, unless she's hitting a spring. Giving her hammer jump would fix that and just *feel satisfying.* I dunno. One of the worse desicions in 2.2 to be quite honest, because Amy with hammer jump would make her the coolest character...
  19. Chimera

    [Open Assets] Final Demo Zone (vsl_finaldemo_v1_0.pk3)

    These levels feeling so barren/unfinished/ in some ways un-designed compared to the latest release's levels just makes me appreciate 2.2 SOOOO much more. 2.0/2.1 definitely added a ton to the game that, looking back, really didn't exist in 1.09.4, but the sheer POLISH of 2.2 just outclasses...
  20. Chimera

    [Open Assets] Steam Library icons for SRB2 v2.2

    Sweet, more steps to make this game feel more "official." If I get back into using my VR setup to play games in a virtual theater this'll come in handy (I dont usually use steam for much else honestly)