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  1. mikey6018

    Is my port properly forwarded

    Did you make your Ip static? If you did, did you add the Static Ip in private Ip adress?
  2. mikey6018

    Fake slope Problem

    I had this problem once and its quite easy to fix. Here's a picture tutorial to help you :P First of all make the sector you want to make a slope out of and make sure to REMEMBER ITS LENGTH! Then you just add some more detail and done!! And that's the end of my picture tutorial. I hope...
  3. mikey6018

    Srb2 Doom Builder 2 Error

    ...See the end of this message for details on invoking just-in-time (JIT) debugging instead of this dialog box. ************** Exception Text ************** SlimDX.Direct3D9.Direct3D9Exception: D3DERR_INVALIDCALL: Invalid call (-2005530516) at SlimDX.Result.Throw[T](Object dataKey, Object...
  4. mikey6018

    SRB2Colors - SRB2CB mod

    Amazing!!!!!!! It's the impossible made possible!
  5. mikey6018

    Srb2 world with pics

    Just a little more... I am almost done now... wow lots of time has passed but do not fear my friends! This mod will come to all of you (I know I have been saying that ALOT)! Of course because of school being a lot more time consuming than I though, I'll have to cut some levels for the beta so...
  6. mikey6018

    Chasing specific objects possible?

    Since I was experimenting with socs I began to wonder. Is it possible for a specific object to chase a different specific object, (just an example) lets say a bee chasing or going for a Gfz flower? Would it be possible or would it be just one of those things which will end up in the list of...
  7. mikey6018

    Small 2.1 Preview

    Hope this comes out soon! Looks great!
  8. mikey6018

    [Open Assets] SRB2 - Community Build! - Full color Edition! (PNG)

    I love the bots!! @^@ its awesome and it working in my laptop now! The shadows are cool too! One thing, the hand glider doesn’t do anything... other than that it’s great and even more that I can ever believe Oh and the polygons, great job getting those rendering affects to leave!
  9. mikey6018

    SRB2 Doom Builder 2.0

    Cool! Now you can see the slopes! That’s the only reason I never used srb2CB that and it crashed but it works now. :D
  10. mikey6018

    Level Converter problem : SOLVED

    I think it means by the skill level you know easy, medium, hard, and ultimate things like that. 2.0 doesn’t have that option It only has (as far as I know) two Ultimate, and normal. (Plus it’s in French some, not me, will not understand what it says)
  11. mikey6018


    What about being able to change the angle of the player in 2-d mode for eye candy. :D
  12. mikey6018

    Srb2 world with pics

    Well, Looks like I’m going to need to fix all the errors before I release the beta I guess I was in a rush since I only had 10 minutes to actually post it all; still, I will continue and fix all these problems I can't guarantee it will be here soon since I've said that I'll release it in two...
  13. mikey6018

    SOCcing Collectable Objects?

    Lucky for you ! I have the awnser to the problem I used to have which is what you wanted to do. unluckly its not easy to do my gimmick so here we go! First open the soc editor and start a new soc. Next go to the emmys 1-7 that you want to make it activate something. Then save it and go to...
  14. mikey6018

    [Open Assets] [SRB2 Riders] D00D Kart 64 - Mario Kart Level Pack!

    Why is their a pony in metal city just looking at you from that tower I found the passage to get to It and......... I was You!!!!!D00D64 Edit1: ah another! Edit2: you're everywhere! o.o
  15. mikey6018

    Srb2 world with pics

    Then I'll most likely release a small beta soon : D
  16. mikey6018

    Srb2 world with pics

    I'm trying really hard to get a beta finished .wait is it possiable to put a beta and after a month put another beta?or release a beta in releases so it would not close this fourm after a month? am I able to do that?
  17. mikey6018

    Srb2 world with pics

    These are the improvements I have been makeing in srb2world :D this is casino park (already finished) this is the gate to hidden valley This is a weapon the replacement for a grenade Its called an intruder ring It acts as other weapons rings!see that scatter reload? That is the intruder ring...
  18. mikey6018

    Soc editing help

    Thanks (:-3
  19. mikey6018

    Post your crash reports here!

    Did you take out srb2 in order ?Did you make sure that you extracted srb2 2.0 then 2.06 you need both to work if its not that then mabye something else.
  20. mikey6018

    Srb2 world with pics

    Well I was " gone " for a whole week so I began working on my mod.( yay 200 posts :3 )