I do believe we need to celebrate this...

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Chaos Knux

Daww, a mother and her foal
Mad Echidna on Retro said:
FCC chairman Julius Genachowski delivered Monday on President Obama's promise to back “net neutrality.” But he went much further than merely seeking to expand rules that prohibit ISPs from filtering or blocking net traffic — he proposed that they cover all broadband connections, including data connections for smartphones.

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Yes yes yes.

I'm completely for net neutrality. I hate when ISPs try to tell me where I can and can't go, like the time that they blacklisted the WADbase for a few days.
First good internet-related news I've heard in a while...Now if only they could do something about greedy satellite companies...=P
I'm completely for this, because content filters only affect the law abiding in practice.
I'm thankful that my ISP doesn't restrict any of my activities. I just wish they'd provide faster upbound.
My ISP makes me happy too, since there is no bandwidth limit.

But I don't live on the U.S. anyway, so this doesn't affect me on any form or shape. At least not now.
Am I the only one who feels that ISPs should be able to have the right to say "We're providing you a service, and we don't want you abusing it for malicious/illegal purposes"? I don't agree with the idea of net neutrality, simply because I do believe that businesses have that right. Consumer wants don't always trump company rights, and quite frankly, this is one of those points where they don't.
Am I the only one who feels that ISPs should be able to have the right to say "We're providing you a service, and we don't want you abusing it for malicious/illegal purposes"? I don't agree with the idea of net neutrality, simply because I do believe that businesses have that right. Consumer wants don't always trump company rights, and quite frankly, this is one of those points where they don't.

I agree with you completely. I'd say more but you took the words right out of my mouth, and I can not think of any more reasons.
Net Neutrality is not about allowing illegal/malicious use, though, it's about stopping ISPs from blocking sites end of. Sure they're providing us a service, but I can equally say "I'm paying you for a service, you need us more than we need you, because we can go elsewhere, if you lose all your customers you're screwed."
Then actually do that instead of telling the ISPs they're not allowed to restrict their services. The mentality here is so backwards, it's ridiculous.
The big deal about Net Neutrality is that if ISPs had more control, they'd control every form of information you can think of. They can block all kinds of things from you, including those little sites (like SRB2, MFZ, MG, etc. etc.) -- or make them pay so that they can be viewed, such as through affiliation. Guess what, not a lot of us have any money to really do that.
It'd be like Radio, and TV, all over again. Then what are you going to do to get your voice out?
I am for net neutrality, let everyone have their piece of the pie, let everyone have their voice. But that doesn't mean I condone any of those illegal activities like pirating, scamming, etc.
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